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Yeah, I felt there was a bit too much narration in the first part of the book. I guess it makes sense, though. Cline has to retell some of the story from RPO for readers who skip the first book or who need a reminder. That's actually a common complaint I have about most sequels, so it's not really something I can get super picky about. However, I do think there is too much narrative in the beginning that makes it harder to get to the more compelling 1st person dialog.

RPO was a good mix of the Narrative and 1st person, but if you remember there was alot of narrative setting up the contest, some of which was told in the 1st person by Halladay himself - which broke up the narration. The difference for me was that each of the first few chapters in RPO ended with a banger of a cliffhanger. They forced me deeper, I couldn't help but keep reading. Mixed in were narrative flashbacks about Halladay, Ogden morrow, or Wade's past. Usually just after a longer narrative section, though, the 1st person story kicked back in and broke up the less compelling, but necessary backstory sections. They didn't dominate or feel overly long. But I did feel there were a few times in RP2 where I did ask myself, "when are we going to get into the action?" That's the mark for an excessively long, or boring, narrative section. I want to re-read the book just to see if they were unnecessarily long (like they felt), if they could have been broken up/shortened, or if they really needed to be there. Or maybe it's one of those books that's better on subsequent reads.

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