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Here is a script to launch Demon's Tilt in tate mode. You will need to compile with autohotkey installed.

(Updated, as old script didnt launch right everytime. Now it does.)

SendMode Input  
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance Force
Run, "DEMON'S TILT.exe"
SplashImage, Splash.png, b
;---- DT config window ----
WinWait, ahk_exe DEMON'S TILT.exe
Sleep, 50
loop, 4
Send, {Tab down}
Sleep, 50
Send {Tab up}
Sleep, 50
Send, {Space}
;---- Splash ----
SplashImage, Splash.png, b
Sleep, 5000
SplashImage, off
; ---- This section uses the mouse to activate tate mode -----
; Please use the Mouse locate script to change the following coordinates 
CoordMode, A_ScreenHeight, A_ScreenWidth
MouseClick, Left, 0, 0
MouseClick, Left, 843, 946 ;To click on options
Sleep, 150
MouseClick, Left, 733, 874 ;To tick Tate mode on
Sleep, 150
MouseClick, Left, 941, 1090 :To click accept
Sleep, 150
MouseClick, Left, 843, 809 ;To click start
Sleep, 50
; ----- Splash to cover DT loading screen ------
SplashImage, Splash.png, b
Sleep, 18000
SplashImage, Off

The script should work as is if you have your playfield monitor set to 1080x1920 (portrait mode)

if not use mouse locate then start the game and write down the values of each click needed in the script then change the coordinates in the script.

include a Splash.png image in the DT folder with the script. make it the same resolution as your playfield screen.

I will be uploading an animated backglass video and Docklet wheel art in the "Rare media" folder on the ftp. be on the look out.

(update: I've added Backglass Image and Video, Table Video and Audio and Wheel art.)

Mouse_Locate.exeFetching info...

  • 5 months later...

Just wondering if there was an update to this? I tried to run this script with the latest version and I’m getting errors. Can anyone share what their settings look like and what they are running? Thanks. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

sorry, what happens when you launch it

is the script ahk file in the same dir as demon tilt's exe

is there a splash.png file in that same dir

and make sure the mouse coordinates are correct


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