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I am pleased to announce the first ever 64 bit pinball front end.

This release of PinballX includes both 32 bit and 64 bit version of the software and components.

Your architecture is automatically detected.

However, the issue with 64 bit applications is that any libraries or plugins that interact with them also need to be the same architecture. Thererfore at this time several plugins and other versions of XDMD will not work with the 64 bit version until the authors update them. You can though force the installer to install the 32 bit mode via the included check box. If you are using the PinDMD2 version of XDMD or are using plugins at the time of writing you should select to force install the 32 bit version. Hopefully, fully x64 versions should be available soon.

Generally 64 bit applications are not that faster but there is benefit with multimedia applications such as PinballX as they process audio, display and video. Also, not that it should be required but the application can now use more memory.

I would like to take the time to mention that PinballX is not all my work. We are supported by a lively and loyal team of contributors and moderators.

In addition several components in PinballX, most notably the Setup Wizard are the work of Ben Baker of Headsoft. The software would not be the same without these additional components and the years of help and support from Ben.

Thank you. Enjoy!

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