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Hello All!  I have a problem I can not seem to fix or find the answer to.  In Game manager I have three tables that I can not update the play field for.  


VP10-Tron Legacy (Stern 2011)-v1.0



The video files are in the C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Videos  folder

I even have the static files in C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Images

But no matter what the playfield does not show in pinballx front end.  

I am running game manager in administrator mode and it has full read / write access.

I am a member of the online gameX so i can download from the internet.

Where can I find the XML or file that contails the links to wheel image, backdrop, playfield ect to try to edit it manually?


Thanks for any help!



Visual Pinball.xml


The online service is not fool proof and also does not have media for every single table. It wont match everything. Or are you saying you are manually selecting a file on your hard disk and it is not recognising it?

The files are taken from the FTP server. There is the a link at the top of the page with the details.

The media is matched by table filename and description and also tries to work thing out a little if you have that option turned on (file matching).

Maybe it does not like the period. Just a thought.


Hello Tom,

  Thanks for the quick reply.  I understand that the online matching is not 100% what I mean is that even when I download a table and try to add it to the game manager it does not save the changes.  

for example...

I have a new tron static image for the play field,

I go into game manager, unchecked import online, choose play-field, find and select the new play-field then save out and quit.  When I go into PinballX the play-field is not there.

I will try changing the names and removing the peroid when I get home.  Didn't notice all three have that in common! 

Ill keep you posted - Thanks!


YES!  That fixed it!!  Thanks!!


Is there a way to sort tables  in alphabetical order on the display?  Does it just pull from the xml order?

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