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Pinballx wont launch Visual Pinball X Tables [RESOLVED]

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One other thing I noticed is if I repeated hit the START button to initiate a table from  the menu, the system will get really screwy and according to the Task Manager I have more than one instance of PBX running.


OK - I found a large part of my problem was due to utilizing the import media function in Gamemanager.  It basically overwrote several of my table names, the majority of which I was testing with.  I cleaned all of that up (I hope - lots of testing to go).  Now i am able to launch a table successfully.  It still takes a long time to execute.  I tried playing Bad Cats.  It took a long time to load - almost a minute.  I put in two credits as requested and when I hit start it return me to the PBX menu.  I pressed start again and then, after a 15 second delay, t loaded the game and I was able to play it correctly.


Seems like I still have something screwed up in my setup but I am getting closer.  Bad Cats works great runining from VPINBALLX outside of PBX.

Log files etc. below


Any recommendations greatly appreciated












Visual Pinball.xml


have you tried renaming the table, this name looks weird  Bad Cats.VPX.v1.2.vpx.....rename it to Bad Cats.vpx then reset it back up in your game manager using Bad Cats as the name.  Don't forget to rename your b2s file as well.


Tried it with the same result.  Really weird.  I add two credits and the PBX menu pops up with bonebusters on the backglass.  I select play and eventually Bats Cats will load.  Still takes longer than expected.   See the erro message below from the Log.txt file.  Same error as I got before.  Log.txt enclosed


The value of argument 'value' (0) is invalid for Enum type 'ProcessPriorityClass'.
22:40:03.8  3/30/2018:  Parameter name: value
22:40:03.8  3/30/2018:     at System.Diagnostics.Process.set_PriorityClass(ProcessPriorityClass value)
22:40:03.8  3/30/2018:     at PinballX.FrmMain.q()


Getting closer- at least the game will play now.  Did you see anything wrong in my Pinballx.ini file?




Thanks Tom.  Glad it wasnt another error on my part.  You guys have been great helping me out.

Would that cause the return to menu after hitting the credit button.  It is much more sluggish than I expected.  I must have some pinballx.ini settings not optimal


I think you got the in game button mapped to the same as your start or credit etc. Like I said the other day sounds like the menu you are seeing is the in game menu,


My start button on my table is mapped to the Start Game selection in Visual Pinball. This button is mapped to the Select funtion in joysrick mapping in PBX.


Is that a problem?  It seemed like an obvious mapping but maybe that is it. 


Normal setup is mapping enter to your table selection which you have done key 13, in visual pinball, you need to map credit to #5 and #6 and start to #1. plunger is normally enter,  Make sure those setting are correct in your vpx setup. also is you have  joystick plugged in un plug it until we get the tables loading properly.

You're really going to have to learn to take screenshots, if you cant do that use your phone take a pic then email it yourself, then you can post it.  Every small detail helps verbally and visually.


Ok - I have loaded 2.68 and I still have the same issue.  Error still indicated in Log which I have enclosed below.

I verified my mapping and am pretty sure that is not an issue.  


rablack - I have no joystick, only button.  I referred to joy mapping because that is the way it is referred to in the virtuapin plunger kit.


Scenario - verifed Bad Cats runs perfectly in VPX.  Started PBX and loaded Bad Cats.  Everything loaded correctly on backglass, external DMD, and playfield. DMD  said to insert coins (as expected).  When I pressed the insert coin button it game me 1/2 credit (as usual) so I pressed it again to get full credit so I did.  DMD said hit START.  I noticed when I first  pressed the insert coin button the bonebuster creaan came up on the backglass and the playfield.  The PBX menu was displayed on the  bonebuster playfield ust like I was back in {BX mode.  Keep in mind the DMD thinks it is in Bad Cats mode but the backglass ansd playfied are show Boneuster for some reason.  When it press start the PBX menu comes up with the PAY GAme, INSTRUCTIONS, ETC. listing.  I select PALY game and Batd cats loads on the backglass but the screen goes bl;ack.  I have to CTRL_ALT_DEL to end tasks.


Still getting the error as indicated in the Log file enclosed even after 2.68 installed




Looks like you have your credit or player 1 start button mapped to the same as the in game key. The error is fixed in 2.70 available in ten minutes but that is your issue.

We did try and tell you it was a control issue right at the beginning but sorry I didn't get a chance to look at this topic again since Thursday until now.


Tom - version 2.70 resolved the error issue in the log  and things are much improved.  I have included my log.txt file.  As you can see from the log.txt file I played Bad Cats twice without issue.  Then I selected Spidermam.  The backglass loaded quickly but the playfield got stuck on a black screen with text LOADING displayed as if it was loading the game as expected.  I had to ALT TAB a few times to finally enable the playfield screen to load.  Then I was able to play fine.  This black "LOADING" screen sticking has many times in various retries on several working   tables.

Not sure why its hanging up.  I noticed when I hit ALT Tab there were several more windows active than I expected.  It is like screens are sometimes not getting killed properly on exit (and/or a focus issue)

Got any ideas?   Thank you so much for your help.  I feel as if I am almost there.  I am also enclosing my pinballx.ini file in case that helps.




The Loading screen will eventually hide and hides automatically if it detects VP has focus. Its not getting focus but if you wait a while the loading screen should hide. Does that happen?

What screens are you talking about? Its probably just PinMAME and B2s.

You should probably ensure PinMAME is in cabinet mode to avoid issues with VP not getting focuse and you will need to set that then delete the registry entries for the games you have already loaded.


Tom - I  believe things are working as designed now.  I deleted the exit button mapping in VPX as it is not needed in cabinet mode.  This seemed to eliminate the freezing "LOADING" screen.  It was as if the system was confusec at times on which one VPX or PBX to exit.  Part of my problem appears to be my being impatient.  My system moves very fast through the menu selection process but it takes several seconds for the new table to load.  More testing testing to see if I can improve that with different options selected.


I will check to make sure Pinmame is in cabinet.


Does the fullscreen vs windowed option make any difference when it comes to  load time.  DDraw = 0 for every table in registry.


Thank you again for your support.  Great product and proud to be a contributing supporter.


Your welcome. Unfortunately virtual pinball is not an exact science. It does require some work. I try to make things as seamless and as easy as possible with PinballX. Its the best there is right now but there's just no way to make it easy. I've tried and at times it just adds more complication and sometimes I screw up too!

As for load times. We are trying to hide everything that happens when a table loads. All the loading bars, popups, windows switching so things don't look like a PC and when everything is setup right you wouldn't know and it should switch to the table when it is ready to actually play.

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