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Dig this guy's stuff


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I had been following this build for some time before I ventured into building my own NESPi.  I wonder if anybody has had any issues getting the PiZero to work with some systems.  I know it's only slightly faster than the original Pi, and way less than the Pi2.  I'd be interested to get a hold of one of these though.  I could use it to play games when I'm on break, without breaking the bank to get a legit Nintendo DS or Playstation PSP/Vita. 

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Well yah, I wasn't suggesting being able to play those PSP games.  Sorry I was unclear.  I was just wondering if the PiZero was having issues with any of the classic systems, so I wouldn't have to buy a PSP/etc to play games on break.  There are hacks/etc to let you run emulators on them, I just don't want to spend the money to get one.  :)  Would be nice though if somebody designed a better looking case for it.  Matte finish is blah (though it hides fingerprints).  I also don't like how clunky it looks.  Maybe if it was designed like a PSP, with the controls on the sides, it would be more appealing.  Although I get what he did.. He basically combined a SNES controller with a box to hold an LCD screen.  He even uses a SNES controller's PCB.  To flat out design a new layout would require designing a new PCB.  It could be done, but I don't know if this guys' skills are up to it.  Although, (if I heard him right) he did design that other board that connects to the Pi with the volume knob. 

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Yeah - that was the bit I was impressed with - his own custom board with lots of functions which connects to the zero via gpio pins - great imagination and realisation. 

And yeah - I agree - the aesthetics didn't set me alight, either! This guy should stick to the electronic engineering and partner with someone around case design :) Reminds me of Ben Heck a bit that! 

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