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Hi Guys!

Finally command line support for The Pinball Arcade is working with the new version of the FreeCamMod!

I only have a small problem left with this mod and I hope someone knows how to help :)

If I lose a game (all 3 balls lost) and I would like to start the table again, I cannot do so without positioning the mouse over the "Tick-Button", as it does not have focus and thus does not react to my "Enter" key.

This behaviour only happens if I run FreeCamMod. If I start The Pinball Arcade directly (using PinballX, or directly from Steam) the "Tick-Button" always has the focus and the game reacts to the "Enter" key.

I know this is a FreeCamMod Issue, and I have asked for help in their forums as well but got no reply so far.

Am I the only one having this problem?

Anyone has a solution for this?

Thank you very much!




I have solved this problem now, using AHK

Here is my modified version of the script. It basically just positions the cursor at the location of this button and sends a mouseclick...

Seems to work so far...


Process, Close, pinballx.exe
Run C:\Tools\TPAFreeCamMod\TPAFreeCamMod.exe -table %1%
Process, Close, PinballArcade11.exe

FileRead, xmldata, c:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball Arcade FreeCam\Pinball Arcade FreeCam.xml ;change to your pinball arcade database
doc := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
doc.async := false
table = //game[@name='%1%']/description
Node := doc.selectSingleNode(table)
description:= Node.text
IniWrite, %description%%1%System_7, D:\Pinballx\Config\PinballX.ini, Internal, lastselected ;change drive letter and system number, for me its 2 in Other Systems so _2

Run C:\Pinballx\PinballX.exe

click 847, 1273 down
sleep 100
click 847, 1273 up



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