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Main menu items order


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Is it possible to change the order of items in the main GameEx menu, or is this part of the "Custom Menus" functionality for premium users only?


For example in my case, I am putting all my emulators in the main menu, as well as MAME and "Most played" and "Last played", and the default order I get is the following:


[Arcade] MAME

Most Played

Last Played

[Arcade] Daphne

[Console] ColecoVision

[Console] IntelliVision


(all other emulators here)


So this default looks quite goofy because of the "Most Played" and "Last Played" lists appearing in the middle, because MAME is treated separately from other emulators. Is it possible to adjust this with the freeware version of GameEx?

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If i understand your query correctly, you cannot rearrange "Most Played" or "Last Played". However if you do use custom menus, you can arrange any top level menu item in any fashion. This not only includes systems, but any menu item such as YouTube, Weather, DVD's, Music etc.


So with Custom Menus you could do this:

[Arcade] MAME

[Arcade] Daphne

[Console] ColecoVision

[Console] IntelliVision


Or this if you wanted:






Or even this if you're slightly crazy:

[Console] ColecoVision

[Arcade] MAME

[Console] IntelliVision

[Arcade] Daphne


There is a lot more to Custom Menus than many first realise, and in my opinion is one of the most significant ingenious features that Tom ever implemented into GameEx. No other FE does this with such ease and flexibility to this day, and i would happily pay for it alone, over and over again.


I did write the guide after all :P



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If you are using flat menus (setup wizard --> display settings --> use flat menus = yes) it will places everything on the start page. Integrated mame and its related options according to your selections will display at the top. Then most played, last played and etc. Followed by your emulators. It's possable that because you have the [Arcade] bracket in your emulator name that it's displaying at the top with the integrated mame. You can rename your emulators in the setup wizard and reorder them too.

You may want everything under separate menus by disabling flat menus, all your emulators in an "emulators" menu for example. That will keep your start page cleaner. Mess around with the "change view" as well. It will change how things are displayed in each menu to suite your preference on a per system basis.

That should be enough to get you started.

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