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[RESOLVED] gameex problem sega 32x


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Double check your configuration, especially the command line. What emulator are you using? If you're using Fusion, my command line is:

Fusion.exe -32x -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

Hope that helps. If you're using a different emulator, we'll have to investigate further.

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When you say it works outside, do you use the command line?

You should be able to drop the -32x switch, Fusion auto detects the system.

Run it, and if it didn't work post the contents of your runitgame.bat file.

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hi .i verify

the command line is this one

Fusion.exe -32x -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

i tried in cmd fusion.exe -32x d:\......\xx.rom and starts correctly

in setup bios

m68kbios 32X_G_BIOS

master bios 32X_M_BIOS

slave bios 32X_S_BIOS

but in this emulator i dont see my movie /snap... but i downloaded with emumovies software

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