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folders in Rom path


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Again i'm sorry for this but i have searched and found nothing for my question :))

I hope i don't break any rules if so let me know

-The thing is i'm trying to setup is Dolphin now for space issues i was having i have compressed gamecube images with 7z..Now they al play fine when i enable 7z support in Gameex..But what i would like to see is folders in rom path . I have couple of favorites games which are not compressed for quick loading and i would like to browse the contents of the folder and select the coresponding image..So the structure would be first folders than zipped games in rompath..I know about scan rom in folders that's not i'm looking for..Is this possible within Gameex ??

Thank you

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In order to accomplish this, I think you would need to use two emulator slots for Dolphin in GameEx. One slot would use 7z support and a ROM filter of *.7z (along with any other necessary emulator settings). The other slot would use a ROM filter of *.iso (or whatever format your uncompressed images are in) and (probably) use ROMs in folders support (along with the other applicable settings). Then you would use the Emulator Groups feature to group the emulators together so that the games appeared in a single list within GameEx. There may be a different approach, but this is what I would try.

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In order to accomplish this, I think you would need to use two emulator slots for Dolphin in GameEx. One slot would use 7z support and a ROM filter of *.7z (along with any other necessary emulator settings). The other slot would use a ROM filter of *.iso (or whatever format your uncompressed images are in) and (probably) use ROMs in folders support (along with the other applicable settings). Then you would use the Emulator Groups feature to group the emulators together so that the games appeared in a single list within GameEx. There may be a different approach, but this is what I would try.

Thank you for suggestion..I will try your method but i think from the looks of it games would appear in list as duplicates..What i'm after if there is hidden function in Gameex that would let me see the folders inside the list ? I guess right now that isn't possible ?

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Yes that's correct, the way GameEx is currently designed is to obfuscate the underlying file structure from the end user. It could be a possible feature request though, like a directory list view or something.

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Yes that's correct, the way GameEx is currently designed is to obfuscate the underlying file structure from the end user. It could be a possible feature request though, like a directory list view or something.

Wll i guess i'm not in luck today but thanks for help anyway..But i think you have nailed it directory list would be simply amazing adition to Gameex :)) How do i post feature request ??

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