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I have managed to nearly set all my emulators now what's left is dolphin :)

-Well as recommended i have created new thread to serve all kind of purpose for easier solution finding

The question is simple how do i create per game setting in Gameex for dolphin ?? Well dolphin runs great gamecube and wii but there are exceptions which needs DSP LLE and zelda games for example hyrule field fix..I was trying search but found nothing...Anyone how did you accomplish this in Gameex ?

Thank you


I'm suprised no one know how to se up dolphin ?? How do you guys play games which needs fixes ? It's not user friendly to go forth and back from tv is it ?


Sometimes a little bit of Google-Fu is all you need my good man. ;) Depending on the exact nature of fixes you're trying to apply, this is something that is already possible in the emulator prior to bringing GameEx into the picture.

Silly me i wasn't thinking it will be that easy :) Thank you


Reviewed page briefly. Recently been setting up Dolphin for per-game settings. The advice around right-click game is OK for a lot of settings, but doesn't save GPU/Controller setups -per-game.

You can use this batch script:

echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
echo =======================================================
echo Dolphin Settings Script
echo =======================================================
:: ======================================================
:: Dolphin Settings Importer/Exporter (Gamecube/Wii)
:: By Stigzler 2015
:: Search CodePlex EmVoy
:: Designed to be used with EmVoy utility but can be stand alone
:: Run util with parameters for game specific operation
:: Run util without parameters to grab current emu settings and save as default profile
:: ALSO: Sets up Dolphin for individual user settings
:: ======================================================
:: Command Line Parameters - MUST BE PASSED IN THIS ORDER
:: 1 - Import or Export - = grab or populate settings from/to emulator. Values: "imp" or "exp"
:: - If "def" passed - saves current emu settings as default settings for emu.
:: 2 - Emulator Path - full path to Emu - ENCLOSE IN QUOTES
:: 3 - Gamename - this will be the name of the folder where settings are stored - ENCLOSE IN QUOTES
:: 4 - History - creates a history of settings - "Yes" or "No"(minus quotes)- Defaults to no if not passed
:: ======================================================
:: Examples:
:: To 'push' settings into Dolphin:
:: "C:\...\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" exp "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\" "Metroid Prime 2" No
:: To 'save' settings from Dolphin:
:: "C:\...\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" imp "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\" "Metroid Prime 2" No
:: To save a folder called 'default' for base defaults for all setups:
:: "C:\...\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" def "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\"
:: =====================================================
:: Admin Check
echo Full command line recieved:
echo %*
echo =======================================================
echo Administrative permissions required. Detecting permissions...
net session >nul 2>&1
if '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
echo SUCCESS: Administrative permissions confirmed.
goto START
) else (
echo ERROR: Script does not have admin status. Attempting elevation...
cd /d "%~dp0"
echo %time% > flagfile.ini
goto getPrivileges )
if '%1'=='ELEV' ( goto START )

set "batchPath=%~f0"
set "batchArgs=ELEV"

::Add quotes to the batch path, if needed
set "script=%0"
set script=%script:"=%
IF '%0'=='!script!' ( GOTO PathQuotesDone )
set "batchPath=""%batchPath%"""

::Add quotes to the arguments, if needed.
IF '%1'=='' ( GOTO EndArgLoop ) else ( GOTO AddArg )
set "arg=%1"
set arg=%arg:"=%
IF '%1'=='!arg!' ( GOTO NoQuotes )
set "batchArgs=%batchArgs% "%1""
GOTO QuotesDone
set "batchArgs=%batchArgs% %1"
GOTO ArgLoop

::Create and run the vb script to elevate the batch file
ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs"
ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "cmd", "/c ""!batchPath! !batchArgs!""", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs"

:: Monitor child process for closure:
PING -n 1 -w 100 >NUL
if exist flagfile.* goto :wait
echo Child Process Finished...

::Remove the elevation tag and set the correct working directory
IF '%1'=='ELEV' ( shift /1 )
cd /d "%~dp0"
:: =====================================================
set impexp=%1
set emupath=%2
set gamename=%3
set history=%4
if not defined impexp (
echo No command parameters....
echo Assuming you wish to set present psxfin settings as the default settings.
set impexp=imp
set gamename=default
set history=Yes
set /p emupath=Enter the path the mednafen.exe here:
if exist !emupath!\mednafen.exe (
echo Correct path. Continuing with set default settings process....
) else (
echo Incorrect path, please re-enter.
goto :ReEnter
set emupath=!emupath!\
echo Emu Path set as: [!emupath!]
if %impexp% == def (
echo def tag passed - grabbing settings and writing to default...
set impexp=imp
set gamename=default
set history=Yes
if not defined gamename call :Error "Mode set, but no emulator path passed. Can't complete script. Quitting....."
if not defined gamename call :Error "Mode set, but no gamename passed. Can't complete script. Quitting....."
if not defined history set history=No

::Passed variables validation
echo =======================================================
echo Validating passed variables:
echo Emulator Path=%emupath%
set emupath=%emupath:"=%
echo Ammended Emulator Path=%emupath%
echo Gamename: [%gamename%]
set gamename=%gamename:"=%
echo Ammended Gamename: [%gamename%]
echo Import or Export = [%impexp%]
echo =======================================================

set res=False
if %impexp% == imp set res=true
if %impexp% == exp set res=true
if %res% == true (
echo Import Export switch valid
) else (
echo Import/Export switch Invalid! Stopping Script.
exit /b

echo Preserve History = %history%
set res=False
if %history% == Yes set res=true
if %history% == No set res=true
if %res% == true (
echo History switch valid
) else (
echo History switch Invalid! Stopping Script.
exit )

:: ========================================================
:: Global Variables
set timestamp=%DATE:/=-%%TIME::=-%
set timestamp=%timestamp: =%

:: =====================================================
:: User Variables - SET HERE!

:: Path Dolphin game settings folder:
set ScriptPath=%~dp0
set ScriptPath=%ScriptPath:~0,-1%
set settpath=%ScriptPath%\dolphin

:: ========================================================
:: Code ----------------------------------------------
echo on
:: To store settings in Dolphin release 4 and above, there needs to be a 'trigger' dummy file in
:: Dolphin root. This checks for that and if not there, creates it + prompts user restart.
if not exist "%emupath%User\" (
echo 'User' Folder doesn't exist in Dolphin. Creating txt file which prompts Dolphin to create it on next boot.
echo %date%>"%emupath%\portable.txt"
call :MsgBoxMsg "Before you can save in-game settings, the Dolphin root folder must have a folder called 'User' in. This didn't exist so trigger file created. You will have to reboot the emulator for it to set up. This script is exiting as it can't save settings this time around..." 30 "Dolphin Settings Save" 48
goto :ExitBatch
echo off

Echo ** Choosing Export or Import:
If %impexp% == imp (
echo ** Start Import Process
call :ImportSettings
echo ** Settings Imported from Emulator! )
If %impexp% == exp (
echo ** Start Export Process
call :ExportSettings
echo ** Export process finished! )
echo **** Ending Game Setting process.
echo Killing any parent windows
cd /d "%~dp0"
del flagfile.*

:: ======================================================
:: Subroutines

:Error [message]
echo Uh oh... Fatal Error: %~1
echo Shutting down script
exit /b

:: Create/set folders for game
cd %settpath%
echo =======================================================
echo Starting Import
echo *** Lining up Game folder...
if exist "%gamename%" (
echo *** Game folder already exists - selecting directory
cd "%gamename%"
) else (
echo *** Creating new game folder and selecting directory
mkdir "%gamename%"
cd "%gamename%")

echo Present Directory: %CD%
:: if history required:
echo *** User History request- history flag: "%history%"

:: Start of long if.---------------------------------------------------------
if "%history%" == "Yes" (
:: setup folders + backup files
echo **** User requiring backups - setup folders...
if exist backup (
echo **** Game settings backup folder already exists
) else (
echo **** Game settings backup folder does not exist - creating new backup folder
mkdir backup
echo **** Creating timestamped folder in backup + copying files...
mkdir "backup\%timestamp%"
copy /y *.* backup\!timestamp!
echo **** Files backed up.
) else (
:: No history required
echo **** User not requiring History
:: End IF ----------------------------------------------------------

echo ----------------------------------------------------------
echo *** Creating new Settings files...
:: Copy .ini - settings files
echo Copying inis from root
xcopy "%emupath%User\Config" "%CD%" /e /c /r /y /k

Echo Loading game settings into the emu root
cd %settpath%
echo Check whether folder exists (if doesn't - first run)
if exist "%gamename%" (
echo Folder Exists - carry on with process
) else (
echo Folder doesn't exist - creating folder,
mkdir "%gamename%"
cd "%gamename%"
echo Current directory: %CD%
echo Placing inis in root directory
xcopy "%CD%" "%emupath%User\Config" /e /c /r /y /k
:: =========== SUBROUTINES ========================
:MsgBoxMsg Prompt Time Title Type
echo {--- SUB: MsgBox ---- %_log1%
echo {Passed params: %* %_log1%
setlocal enableextensions
echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > %tmp%\tmp.vbs
echo WScript.Quit (WshShell.Popup( "%~1" ,%~2 ,"%~3", %~4)) >> %tmp%\tmp.vbs
cscript //nologo %tmp%\tmp.vbs
if %errorlevel%==1 (
echo You Clicked OK
) else (
echo The Message timed out.
del %tmp%\tmp.vbs
echo {---- END SUB: Msg Box ----%_log1%
goto :eof

:ExitBatch - Cleanly exit batch processing, regardless how many CALLs
:: ========================================================

..or alternatively wait a few more days until I (bleeding hopefully!) get Emvoy into a release state.

  • Like 1

Dunno if you solved this one, but you could give this a spin for Dolphin...


Thanks i haven't solve this yet as i guess when do the procedure with right click i can set up various fixes but not audio plugin or video which isn't ideal..

So i was glad you have made EmVoy so i could try it out but when i click on 64 or 32 bit exe nothing happens i can see in task manager running find.exe ? and EmVoy but the app does not start ? Maybe this should be in another thread ? Any suggestion ?


To get per game setups load the emulator, add your ISO location to it, right click your game, go to properties and voila. BTW Dolphin has been on their Sh** lately and have made tons of improvements and the compatibility is super high with no setting modifications and I highly recommend you update to the latest dev build you can find on their website.

I say this because I have a LOT of GameCube and Wii goin on with my rig and I really never have to adjust any settings for any game except for like 3 (Need for Speed Underground 1,2, and Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2). Doesn't bother me much though because I have a real Wii right next to my PC for games that can't be emulated well.

As far as the GPU/Controller setups. Again, I have never had to mess with those.But I also have x360 controllers and the Dolphin Bar for real Wiimote playability. If you don't have any 360 controllers or the Dolphin Bar I highly recommend those too. Very worth it.

Also dependent on your Graphics Card you'll want to carefully choose your in game renderer. I stick with Direct3D because it seems to be the fastest renderer to me. It may be different with yours. You can also mess with your dolphins settings through the .ini and make even more changes I think you otherwise can't though the GUI.


To get per game setups load the emulator, add your ISO location to it, right click your game, go to properties and voila. BTW Dolphin has been on their Sh** lately and have made tons of improvements and the compatibility is super high with no setting modifications and I highly recommend you update to the latest dev build you can find on their website.

I say this because I have a LOT of GameCube and Wii goin on with my rig and I really never have to adjust any settings for any game except for like 3 (Need for Speed Underground 1,2, and Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2). Doesn't bother me much though because I have a real Wii right next to my PC for games that can't be emulated well.

As far as the GPU/Controller setups. Again, I have never had to mess with those.But I also have x360 controllers and the Dolphin Bar for real Wiimote playability. If you don't have any 360 controllers or the Dolphin Bar I highly recommend those too. Very worth it.

Also dependent on your Graphics Card you'll want to carefully choose your in game renderer. I stick with Direct3D because it seems to be the fastest renderer to me. It may be different with yours. You can also mess with your dolphins settings through the .ini and make even more changes I think you otherwise can't though the GUI.

Yeah thanks i have figured that already with the right click..But what i want to set DSP LLE for certain games and DSP HLE for some also and i want to enable XBF for most games so i have working full boot with gamecube logo :) But the XBF settings breaks for example Metroid Prime so i guess i want to disable it for that..How do i proceed ??


Yeah thanks i have figured that already with the right click..But what i want to set DSP LLE for certain games and DSP HLE for some also and i want to enable XBF for most games so i have working full boot with gamecube logo :) But the XBF settings breaks for example Metroid Prime so i guess i want to disable it for that..How do i proceed ??

You can set DSPLLE for games through the right click... As for XBF idk what you're talking about. Do you mean XFB (External Frame Buffer)? Normally that is disabled by default. You can change it by going to the Graphics Settings under the Hacks Tab.

EDIT: I've just tried to load the BIOS though my emulator and its awful. I don't think they have the best implementation for that right now. You do need the external framebuffer to be on for it to work and that slows emulation down hard. I found these instructions on the internet to get it working:

1) Use the LLE audio backend (that will allow you to have correct sound).

2) Set the "external frame buffer" option to "virtual" (that will fix graphical issues).

3) Make sure "skip bios" is not checked off.

4) Hold the "A" button until you get to the bios (or don't hold "A" and go directly to the game you've selected).

After doing that it works fine. Though some games will have problems with framebuffer being on as well as DSPLLE. You just need to decide what you want, good fast emulation or accurate slow emulation.

  • Like 1

Ok sweet that solve the issue, i must be blind or something i have chcecked ad it's there in settings use HLE or LLE :) You know the bios thing makes dolphin look more authenthic so it just looks right but brings troubles...Also sorry i have wrongl typed XBF it should be XFB :) But as you have said it breaks working games so i will leave it off for now until the team comes with other solution to running bios..


Ok sweet that solve the issue, i must be blind or something i have chcecked ad it's there in settings use HLE or LLE :) You know the bios thing makes dolphin look more authenthic so it just looks right but brings troubles...Also sorry i have wrongl typed XBF it should be XFB :) But as you have said it breaks working games so i will leave it off for now until the team comes with other solution to running bios..

No problem man, it can get frustrating with having to keep up with all the terminology for everything. I love the old GameCube BIOS. But yeah until they get it running more optimally I'll continue to skip it for now. Glad I could have been of some help. :)


Sorry for bumping almost resolved thread but i have encountered a problem..

-As i have said i have comressed gamecube images to save space but now you cannot create profile for ziped game right so i have unziped one image and pointed dolphin emu to the folder where it is unzipped and i have created the profile with DSP LLE for that game which needs it..

-But when i fire up Gameex and go to the gamecube folder i select the unzipped game and nothing happens just dolphin window opens up on my secondary monitor and thats it ??

Any suggestions ??


Sorry for bumping almost resolved thread but i have encountered a problem..

-As i have said i have comressed gamecube images to save space but now you cannot create profile for ziped game right so i have unziped one image and pointed dolphin emu to the folder where it is unzipped and i have created the profile with DSP LLE for that game which needs it..

-But when i fire up Gameex and go to the gamecube folder i select the unzipped game and nothing happens just dolphin window opens up on my secondary monitor and thats it ??

Any suggestions ??

At this point you'll probably want to upload your GameEx.ini to the thread so people can see how you have things set up. Makes things easier. :P

I'm not understanding much but if you're saying you have your gamecube games zipped (idk why you'd want to do that) which is kinda useless if you've already compressed your gamecube games. For example, all of my games have been shrunk (compressed) using programs like GCMUtility. That way you don't need to unzip your games before you can play them, but enjoy the reduced file size like it was zipped. Once a game has been shrunk, there's very little space you could save by zipping an already compressed image.

As for your games not loading, make sure your rom extension is in your emulator config within GameEx.


You need to fill this in your emulator config:


Enable the 7z again. Your ISOs weren't loading because you didn't have your file type set. Try again and post your results.

Strange it is not working whatever i do...I have filled the Rom Filter as you have said and fire up the Gameex and still i get the message that the file does not exist which is logical because dolphin is searching in the temp folder for unzipped iso...I have the 7z enabled Rom FIlter set still can't load it..

Here is the log

GameEx Support File Data
18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Opening Configuration File

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: GameEx: Version 14.07: Starting Log

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64-bit

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Aero NOT running

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Getting CPU and RAM info

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Intel® Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 8111MB

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: 3,4Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Running Randomize()

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading PlugIns

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Setting default net connection limit to 15

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Running Misc startup tasks

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Setting Menu types

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Getting Configuration Values

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Using Theme: Default - Media Center V1

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Media Center V1

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Launching HideOS.exe

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Hiding Taskbar

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Is Media Center running?

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Media Center Mode 2

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Custom Keyboard Input enabled: Getting custom codes

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Snap Delay set to: 4

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Get other settings

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Using DirectInput for keyboard input

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Start work for Form

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Getting Original Screen Size

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Opening Database Connection

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Initializing Component

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: MAME Path is: C:\Emulators\Mame32

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Cannot Find MAME Path: MAME Disabled

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading Controls.ini map file

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Applying Language/Text

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Text/Language: English

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading Language/Text

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Custom Emulators

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 1: [Arcade] Sega Naomi

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 2: [Console] Nintendo GameCube

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 3: [Console] Sony Playstation 2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 4: [Console] Sega Genesis

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 5: [Console] Nintendo SNES

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 6: [Console] Nintendo NES

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 7: [Console] Sony Playstation

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 8: [Console] Sega Master System

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 9: [Arcade] Sammy Atomiswave

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 10: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx CD

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 11: [Console] Sega Dreamcast

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 12: [Console] Sega Saturn

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 13: [Console] Atari 2600

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 14: [Console] Atari 5200

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 15: [Console] Atari 7800

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 16: [Console] Atari Jaguar

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 17: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 18: [Console] Sega 32X

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 19: [Arcade] Model2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Steam enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Steam is installed correctly

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Base Install Folder: c:/program files (x86)/steam

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION. AppID=222420. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The King of Fighters'98 Ultimate Match

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Invalid or filtered path:

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: Team Fortress 2. AppID=440. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. AppID=730. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam games. Steam enabled.

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Origin enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Cannot find origin executable

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Uplay enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Cannot find UPlay executable

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using 2D Animations

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Retrieving resolution setting

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Initialising Direct3D

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Applying GameEx is Loading Image

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Setting Resolution to 640x480 32 bit color

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Back Buffer

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Loading graphic Surfaces

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Display is running at: 640x480 32bit color, 30hz

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Max texture size: 8192x8192

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Available texture memory: 1737MB

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Initialising Bass Audio Library

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Volume

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Arrows

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Toolbar

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surface Unselected

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Snaps

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Fonts

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Game Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Game Font Faded

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Title Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Title Font From Cache

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Menu Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Font Black

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: Creating Font Black Small

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: Fonts Created Succesfully

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: 1MB Video Memory Used

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Using Device Arcade Stick (MadCatz FightStick TE)

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Initialising DirectInput for Keyboard support

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Loading Start Page

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Initializing MCE Remote

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Playing intro sound file

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame

18:37:39.5 13.5.2015: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Database: [Arcade] Sega Naomi

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Background: gamecube_zpszetntfqo.png

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Background Does not exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Database: [Console] Nintendo GameCube

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Database: [Console] Sony PlayStation 2

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_3: MAPFile Does Not Exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Database: [Console] Sega Genesis

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Database: [Console] Nintendo NES

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_7: MAPFile Does Not Exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Database: [Console] Sega Master System

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Database: [Arcade] Sammy Atomiswave

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Database: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx CD

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Manual Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Database: [Console] Sega Dreamcast

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Database: [Console] Sega Saturn

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Database: [Console] Atari 2600

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Database: [Console] Atari 5200

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Database: [Console] Atari 7800

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Database: [Console] Atari Jaguar

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Database: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Manual Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Database: [Console] Sega 32X

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 1

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: DBCache Diff: 10.7.2012 19:29:06 - 10.7.2012 19:29:06

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Not Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 2

18:37:42.9 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 3

18:37:42.9 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 3

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 4

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 4

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 5

18:37:43.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 5

18:37:43.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 6

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 6

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 7

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: No Database Data: 7

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 8

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 8

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: No Database Data: 9

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 10

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 10

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 11

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 11

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 12

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 12

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 13

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 13

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 14

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 14

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 15

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 15

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 16

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 16

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 17

18:37:43.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 18

18:37:43.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 18

18:37:49.6 13.5.2015: Creating instance of global keyboard hook

18:37:49.7 13.5.2015: Extracting: D:\Nintendo - Gamecube\Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 2 - Rogue Leader (USA).rar

18:37:49.9 13.5.2015: Running: cmd.exe /c C: Dolphin.exe -e "C:\Users\oem\AppData\Local\Temp\Unzipped7-Zip\Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 2 - Rogue Leader (USA).iso"

18:37:50.0 13.5.2015: Shutting down display

18:37:55.0 13.5.2015: Writing Stats

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Plugin: Game Exit

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Plugin: Process Commands

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Refreshing Keyboard

18:37:55.5 13.5.2015: Initialising Audio

18:37:55.5 13.5.2015: Relaunching HideOS

18:37:55.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Window

18:37:55.7 13.5.2015: Reinitializing Graphics System

18:37:56.1 13.5.2015: Reloading Game Info Page

18:37:56.2 13.5.2015: Returning to GameEx

18:38:00.8 13.5.2015: Exiting GameEx!

18:38:00.8 13.5.2015: Disposing all videos

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Deleting temporary Karaoke videos

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Image List

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Fonts

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Surfaces

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Saving Settings

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Shutting down Bass

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Closing HideOS.exe

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Disposing Plugins

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Disposing Plugins

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Closing database connection

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Media Center was not open when starting GameEx, so not launching

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Bye


Strange it is not working whatever i do...I have filled the Rom Filter as you have said and fire up the Gameex and still i get the message that the file does not exist which is logical because dolphin is searching in the temp folder for unzipped iso...I have the 7z enabled Rom FIlter set still can't load it..

Here is the log

GameEx Support File Data
18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Opening Configuration File

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: GameEx: Version 14.07: Starting Log

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64-bit

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Aero NOT running

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Getting CPU and RAM info

18:37:38.4 13.5.2015: Intel® Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 8111MB

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: 3,4Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Running Randomize()

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading PlugIns

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Setting default net connection limit to 15

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Running Misc startup tasks

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Setting Menu types

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Getting Configuration Values

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Using Theme: Default - Media Center V1

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Media Center V1

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Launching HideOS.exe

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Hiding Taskbar

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Is Media Center running?

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Media Center Mode 2

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Custom Keyboard Input enabled: Getting custom codes

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Snap Delay set to: 4

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Get other settings

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Using DirectInput for keyboard input

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Start work for Form

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Getting Original Screen Size

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Opening Database Connection

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Initializing Component

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: MAME Path is: C:\Emulators\Mame32

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Cannot Find MAME Path: MAME Disabled

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading Controls.ini map file

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Applying Language/Text

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Text/Language: English

18:37:38.5 13.5.2015: Loading Language/Text

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Custom Emulators

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 1: [Arcade] Sega Naomi

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 2: [Console] Nintendo GameCube

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 3: [Console] Sony Playstation 2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 4: [Console] Sega Genesis

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 5: [Console] Nintendo SNES

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 6: [Console] Nintendo NES

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 7: [Console] Sony Playstation

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 8: [Console] Sega Master System

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 9: [Arcade] Sammy Atomiswave

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 10: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx CD

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 11: [Console] Sega Dreamcast

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 12: [Console] Sega Saturn

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 13: [Console] Atari 2600

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 14: [Console] Atari 5200

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 15: [Console] Atari 7800

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 16: [Console] Atari Jaguar

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 17: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 18: [Console] Sega 32X

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Loading Emulator 19: [Arcade] Model2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Steam enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Steam is installed correctly

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Base Install Folder: c:/program files (x86)/steam

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION. AppID=222420. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The King of Fighters'98 Ultimate Match

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Invalid or filtered path:

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: Team Fortress 2. AppID=440. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. AppID=730. Location:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Found Steam games. Steam enabled.

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Origin enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Cannot find origin executable

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Checking if Uplay enabled

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Cannot find UPlay executable

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using 2D Animations

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Retrieving resolution setting

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS

18:37:38.6 13.5.2015: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Initialising Direct3D

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Applying GameEx is Loading Image

18:37:38.7 13.5.2015: Setting Resolution to 640x480 32 bit color

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Back Buffer

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Loading graphic Surfaces

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Display is running at: 640x480 32bit color, 30hz

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Max texture size: 8192x8192

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Available texture memory: 1737MB

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Initialising Bass Audio Library

18:37:38.8 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Volume

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Arrows

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Toolbar

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surface Unselected

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit

18:37:38.9 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Snaps

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Fonts

18:37:39.0 13.5.2015: Creating Game Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Game Font Faded

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Title Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Title Font From Cache

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Menu Font

18:37:39.1 13.5.2015: Creating Font Black

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: Creating Font Black Small

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: Fonts Created Succesfully

18:37:39.2 13.5.2015: 1MB Video Memory Used

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Using Device Arcade Stick (MadCatz FightStick TE)

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Initialising DirectInput for Keyboard support

18:37:39.3 13.5.2015: Loading Start Page

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Initializing MCE Remote

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Playing intro sound file

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!

18:37:39.4 13.5.2015: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame

18:37:39.5 13.5.2015: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Database: [Arcade] Sega Naomi

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_1: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Background: gamecube_zpszetntfqo.png

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Background Does not exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Database: [Console] Nintendo GameCube

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_2: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo GameCube\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Database: [Console] Sony PlayStation 2

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_3: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_3: MAPFile Does Not Exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Database: [Console] Sega Genesis

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_4: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_5: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Database: [Console] Nintendo NES

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_6: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_7: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Warning: Emulator_7: MAPFile Does Not Exist

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Database: [Console] Sega Master System

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_8: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Master System\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Database: [Arcade] Sammy Atomiswave

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_9: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\DEmul\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Snaps

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Controls

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Database: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx CD

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Titles

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Boxes

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Cartridges

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_10: Manual Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx CD\Manuals

18:37:42.7 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Database: [Console] Sega Dreamcast

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_11: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Database: [Console] Sega Saturn

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_12: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Saturn\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Database: [Console] Atari 2600

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_13: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 2600\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Database: [Console] Atari 5200

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_14: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 5200\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Database: [Console] Atari 7800

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_15: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari 7800\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Database: [Console] Atari Jaguar

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_16: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Atari Jaguar\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Database: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_17: Manual Path: C:\Assets\NEC TurboGrafx-16\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Database: [Console] Sega 32X

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_18: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega 32X\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Snaps

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Controls

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Titles

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Boxes

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Cartridges

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Validating: Emulator_19: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Arcade\Model2\Manuals

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 1

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: DBCache Diff: 10.7.2012 19:29:06 - 10.7.2012 19:29:06

18:37:42.8 13.5.2015: Not Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 2

18:37:42.9 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 3

18:37:42.9 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 3

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 4

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 4

18:37:43.0 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 5

18:37:43.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 5

18:37:43.1 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 6

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 6

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 7

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: No Database Data: 7

18:37:43.2 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 8

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 8

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: No Database Data: 9

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 10

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 10

18:37:43.3 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 11

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 11

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 12

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 12

18:37:43.4 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 13

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 13

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 14

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 14

18:37:43.5 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 15

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 15

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 16

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 16

18:37:43.6 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 17

18:37:43.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 18

18:37:43.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 18

18:37:49.6 13.5.2015: Creating instance of global keyboard hook

18:37:49.7 13.5.2015: Extracting: D:\Nintendo - Gamecube\Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 2 - Rogue Leader (USA).rar

18:37:49.9 13.5.2015: Running: cmd.exe /c C: Dolphin.exe -e "C:\Users\oem\AppData\Local\Temp\Unzipped7-Zip\Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 2 - Rogue Leader (USA).iso"

18:37:50.0 13.5.2015: Shutting down display

18:37:55.0 13.5.2015: Writing Stats

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Plugin: Game Exit

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Plugin: Process Commands

18:37:55.4 13.5.2015: Refreshing Keyboard

18:37:55.5 13.5.2015: Initialising Audio

18:37:55.5 13.5.2015: Relaunching HideOS

18:37:55.7 13.5.2015: Restoring Window

18:37:55.7 13.5.2015: Reinitializing Graphics System

18:37:56.1 13.5.2015: Reloading Game Info Page

18:37:56.2 13.5.2015: Returning to GameEx

18:38:00.8 13.5.2015: Exiting GameEx!

18:38:00.8 13.5.2015: Disposing all videos

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Deleting temporary Karaoke videos

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Image List

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Fonts

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Disposing Surfaces

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Saving Settings

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Shutting down Bass

18:38:00.9 13.5.2015: Closing HideOS.exe

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Disposing Plugins

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Disposing Plugins

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Closing database connection

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Media Center was not open when starting GameEx, so not launching

18:38:01.0 13.5.2015: Bye

It doesn't make sense. Dolphin should be looking there because that's where your ISO gets extracted to. You need to use runitgame.bat and runit.bat and post what it does here. There are more experienced people than I that could help if you give them everything they could need. Post your runit/game.bat here and hopefully someone can figure out what's going on, because I'm stumped. I use 7z for everything but my gamecube isos and I have no problems with any of them.


How did you get on with emvoy? This should deal with your 7z issues too - letting you keep or discard the unzipped file meaning you don't have to unzip it every time...


How did you get on with emvoy? This should deal with your 7z issues too - letting you keep or discard the unzipped file meaning you don't have to unzip it every time...

Hi there

I'm kind of noob when it comes EmVoy :) I'm not saying it's difficult to use but to extent confusing...Let me try to mess with it lil bit more and ill post results if not i'll post to correct thread if i have questions..Thanks


Heh.. yeah I could imagine it's a bit confusing. But if ya manage to get the hang of it - it should do the trick for you. Best of luck whichever path you choose to tread.. :)

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