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[RESOLVED] Model 2 questions - exit and game gap


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I've searched and can't find the answer.

1) I'm trying to do an exit out of model2 back into gameex. When I push escape the model2 window appears and I have to use my mouse to exit the window. I tried a lot of the emulator exit options but they aren't working for me. I also tried to setup something in the advanced config editor with a "alt-e then wait then an e" but that didn't work for me either. Since I don't see others asking about this I'm suspecting its something easy that I'm missing.

2) The model2 games list shows 2 games then a gap then the rest. How do I fix this?

I've attached my gameex.ini and the model2.ini.





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You can do a screenshot of GameEx by running GameEx in a window. Press ALT+ENTER then PRINTSCREEN. That will copy it to the clipboard. Then paste it into a new image in Photoshop, Gimp, Paint, whatever. Save that and post it.

As for Model2... We'll need to know a little more about what emulator you're using. For instance, I am using the Sega Model 2 Emulator v1.1a from http://nebula.emulatronia.com/. If this is what you're using, perhaps my setup will help. Since I also have MAME, I have my rom path set to the MAME rom path. I then use the "[Arcade] Sega Model 2" database (this provides all the extra bits about the game, related games, etc). On the 2nd page of the setup, I use "[APP]\Map Files\[Arcade] Model2.map" as the map file. This will change all the 8-character rom names into actual game names. If you are not using this, give it a try. Also, if you are, edit the .map file in Notepad and check to see if you DO infact have a gap between rom names there, and remove them. For exiting, I have mine configured to use "[Mapping Off] Exit (ENTER, ALT+F4)" as the Advanced Config. Now, I customized mine a bit, so that I could configure what keystroke would send that command. Since I use a joypad, I configured it to use both thumbsticks to launch the advanced config. Once that is done, it sends the "ENTER, ALT+F4" to the emulator, and closes it. In general, this is what I typically use for all my emulators. ALT+F4 is Window's keyboard shortcut to force close an open window. While some emulators will auto-close when you hit ESCAPE, a lot of them don't, and actually pull up a window, so ALT+F4 works best for closing down. Once the emulator closes, GameEx should automatically come back up for you.

Hope this helps. Feel free to reply back with any trouble you may have, especially if you're not using the same emulator as me. If you do have everything fixed though, please edit the topic title and include a [RESOLVED] at the beginning so everybody knows you're taken care of. Good luck!

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Those top two before the 'gap' you mention are the last/most played for your emulator. You can disable 'show last/most played' in the emu setup for GameEx

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I'm using that latest Model 2 v1.1a also.

- I changed my rom path to my Mame rom path.

- I'm using the same database as yours.

- I'm using the same map file as yours. The map file looks good with no gaps. This is an awesome feature of GameEx.

- I changed the exiting to use the same as yours. I see in the advanced configurator that the game pad exit is enabled. I disabled this after it didn't work for me. I'm not using a gamepad so I just want Model2 to fully close with the Escape key only. I tried the Map Keys to Yes and No on the first page of the emulator setup to no effect.

Model2 is still going to the window mode when I push the Escape key. I also still have that gap and redundancy in the game list.

What else can I try?

- I included my new gameex.ini file.



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That's a pretty cool feature for the gap.

- Is there a way to name those before or after the game that they are last played and most played?

- Nebula shows this also but it has 3 different lines there. What's the third one for?


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Adultery is right, that's the last played list. This is a feature of GameEx. There is no way to make it say that's what it is though. You can disable it, and the just go to that section (Last Played) of the GameEx menu if you want to see it. As for the emulator's list, I'm not sure what you mean since I never see that list. If you are playing on a PC with a keyboard (not with a gamepad or arcade panel) then you can just press ALT+F4 yourself to eliminate all your problems. If, however, you ARE using a control panel, you'll need to modify the Advanced config to use whatever keypress you prefer in the "Game Pad Exit" tab. Just chose the button(s) you want and change it to TRUE. When you press that button(s), it will send the kill command as configured in the "General Tab". What you might have to do first though is configure the "Joy Mapping" tab. Say you want Escape (as you do). Just go into "Joy Mapping" and configure say Button 16 as ESC. Then over on the "Game Pad Exit" tab you would go down and enable Button 16. As long as you have Joy Mapping and Game Pad Exit enabled, they should do it for you. If I were you, I would copy a configuration already made and edit the copy so you don't screw anything up. Trial and error till you get it right.

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I still can't get this to work for me. I've done lots of trial and error but no luck.

I use an X-arcade tankstick and have moved the 2 lowest buttons on each side up to the top of the controller to use as other functions. I want to use the Oem6 button to close the Model 2 emulator and go back to GameEx.

I use a keyboard just for setting things up and testing but will only use the tanstick during normal play. While in Model 2 thru GameEx, I can push the Alt-F4 combo on my keyboard and this works perfectly.

In a nutshell, while in Model 2 thru GameEx, I want to push my Oem6 button, which will then send an Alt-F4 combo, to close model 2 and go back to GameEx.

How do I set this up? I'm definitely missing something here.













Mapping Off Exit (ALT+F4).ini

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Try enabling Map Keys on the emulator config page, 4 up from the bottom. I have mine set to yes there. Everything else looks like it should work. I do, however, have ENTER, ALT+F4, not just ALT+F4 as you have. That might be it, but I'm not sure if the ENTER is necessary. Also, I'm not sure what Oem6 is because I don't have a Tankstick (I want one though!). But you have that configured in GameEx as the Back button. It could be getting confused there. I'm not sure how the inner workings of GameEx and the Advanced Config communicate with each other; I could be over analyzing. Keep at it, this is the joy of GameEx!

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I finally got it working.

Here's what I did:

- Turned on the Enable escape key exit to yes in the Global exit section.

- Kept the map keys to Off in the emulator section. I don't know if this matters or not or if it depends on if the advanced config setup is running.

- Kept the Exit Alt-F4 combo. The Enter doesn't matter in this emu.

- Put a checkmark in the Map Escape box in the advanced config setup.

- Turned off Joy Mapping and Game Pad Exit in the advanced config setup.

Still to do:

- Map my specially added tankstick middle mouse button to shut down Emu's.


I took a shot of my tankstick that shows my modifications I did 3-4 years ago. I changed to colored buttons, added another button from the trackball assembly middle button that they didn't include, added a spinner, and moved buttons around. I'm going to get a custom designed skin overlay soon from recroommasters once I get my new cab and design an overlay graphic.


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I tried to map my middle mouse button in the Global Exit but there is not a mouse mapping option in there. Actually I don't see anywhere in GameEx that I can use this mouse button. There is a mouse mapping function in the Advanced Config Editior which then gives MButton.

I used to use an AHK script for Mala that I setup to run on computer startup for this Mbutton to then map it to escape. Attached is my old AHK.

Since I've got the emulator shutting down now properly I want to use the MButton for something else. Maybe pull up an external app or something cool. Any suggestions?

Is there any way to get the MButton to do something that I want special in GameEx but not in an emulator?


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I'm just glad you got it working. When something doesn't work, you actually learn more by poking around and finding stuff on your own. Sure, somebody can give you a direct step-by-step instruction, but it really is better to learn how to do it yourself. Especially in the case of emulators like these that not a lot of people have bothered to setup. I hope my advice was helpful in any case. Running Advanced Configs is a more "advanced" area of GameEx, and usually something somebody who is just starting out shouldn't get involved with right away. :)

Good luck figuring out the middle mouse button, etc. For me (currently at least) the way I'm configured works for me. If I go in and try to mess with stuff to make it like yours for troubleshooting, I could mess something else up. :) Nice to make backups, and edit those. Have fun!

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