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[RESOLVED] Change videos in emu preview window?


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my atari 2600 emulator preview window, the one before you enter the emulator field to then view the games within, cycles through random preview titles. I want to change the list of titles it cycles through to match the list of games I have within.

The way it is now, it looks to cycle through all the roms from a complete set!

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Yeah I've noticed this behavior as well. Unfortunately the best way to do this currently is to simply remove the extraneous videos from your media directory so that the only videos residing therein are those that match the games you have.

One way to do this is to is to run a diff tool against the directories so you can output a list of only those files that need to be removed. Unfortunately I've found Linux tools to be much more robust in this capacity than what is available by default in Windows (though to be fair it's entirely possible that I've missed something along the way). If you can find a tool that is capable of generating a diff file between the two directories you can (more or less) be done in a snap.

Edit: This utility looks like it could accomplish what you're looking to do, but I've not tried it out myself. Even if it just generates a diff file in the form of a text list you can easily convert it into a bat file to run against your media directory.

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