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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs


pbx 1.92 exits to wheel and then switches to desktop


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problem is tom i don't have any plugins activated except for the ones i can select in the plugin manager futuredmd,pinemhi, and in quicklaunch only a launch after in combination with ledoff.exe , i tryed to dissable the ledoff.exe and tryed if i still does the same with it dissabled but still when i exit it goes to wheel and then pbx is minimized to taskbar always need to click it to go back to wheel..

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i have it longtime now drives me crazy , on christmas 20 people are coming to my place want to showoff cab and with that problem its not nice to show it off normaly i dont need mouse and now i need it every time :(

please tom speirs to the rescue ..

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Its just a case of not having the time on my end. I have lots going on and a big issue to deal with in regards to my business. These are not simple issues either and require lots of time and effort to address. Id rather help 50 people where I can than 1 where I can't easily.

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sorry to hear tom about your business , i can also understand what you say , but also understand us (me and htamas) we dont want to put pressure on you realy not . we understand also that you do this in your free time and out of love for the hobby BUT if you or the moderators ask us to put our logs online and we do so then we hope also that maybe you can take a look at them for us .

the logs are chinees for us , for you they are a good feedback for fixing a problem because you know your program very well , myself i'am struggling with the problem for month's now and it can get frustrating to deal with i tryed to search or fix the problem myself but cant get it to work normaly..

i had a total working hyperpin setup but i deleted it right away because i liked your program soooo much , still very thankfull for it , i would murder for it to work good again ;-)

till then me and htamas will wait for you till you have time to look at our logs so we can fully use your GREAT CREATION back again.

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it will be the same as i sended before .. in the start of the threat

Not to put too terribly fine a point on this, but the logs at the start of the thread are from 11/16/14. In the intervening time I can see two sizable Windows updates that occurred on my machine in November alone, along with an updated nVidia driver . My point is that computer systems do not remain static, and as things change there can be a ripple effect that breaks other (seemingly) unrelated things.

I definitely don't want this to come off as "stern finger waggling", but it's really not that difficult to upload an up to date log, particularly when requested to do so by the author of the software. I grant you that sometimes difficult problems are hard to track down even with proper documentation, but a showing a good faith willingness to cooperate with troubleshooting requests goes along way towards receiving assistance with that troubleshooting. It may still lead nowhere, but you really don't know unless you try.

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here is my log again and pinball.ini file, the log file must show starting pbx normal starting table, exiting table , the problem itself ,and me opening pbx again from minimized size from taskbar ,then showing wheel ,and normal exit..

12:39:33.7 7/12/2014: PinballX - Version 1.92
12:39:33.9 7/12/2014: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bits (5,9912109375GB)
12:39:33.9 7/12/2014: Loading Settings
12:39:33.9 7/12/2014: Launching Startup Program: FutureDMD.exe
12:39:33.9 7/12/2014: C:\Games\Future Pinball\FutureDMD.exe table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1
12:39:33.9 7/12/2014: Initialize Component
12:39:34.0 7/12/2014: Initialize Display
12:39:34.1 7/12/2014: Loading PlugIns
12:39:34.1 7/12/2014: Loaded Plugin:"FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Version 1 By GauntletLover
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: PlugIn: "FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Initialized OK
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: Using Plugin System Version: 1
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: Loaded Plugin:"PINemHi LeaderBoard" Version 1.0 By Dna Disturber
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: PlugIn: "PINemHi LeaderBoard" Initialized OK
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: Using Plugin System Version: 1
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: Loaded Plugin:"QuickLaunch for PinballX" Version 1.0.4 By Adultery
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: PlugIn: "QuickLaunch for PinballX" Initialized OK
12:39:35.6 7/12/2014: Using Plugin System Version: 1
12:39:35.9 7/12/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: Hiding Cursor
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: Hiding Taskbar
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: CPU: Intel® Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: GPU 2: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: Displays: 3
12:39:36.0 7/12/2014: Load Game List
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Database: 1jukebox
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball PM5
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.2.1
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Custom Database: PINemHi LB FP
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Custom Database: FreeWPC
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Loading Custom Database: PINemHi LB VP
12:39:36.1 7/12/2014: Finding and matching artwork and videos
12:39:37.6 7/12/2014: Loading Game Statistics and Scores
12:39:37.7 7/12/2014: Loading Surfaces
12:39:37.9 7/12/2014: Finished Loading Surfaces
12:39:37.9 7/12/2014: Initialize Audio
12:39:37.9 7/12/2014: Set Keyboard Controls
12:39:37.9 7/12/2014: Initialize Joystick
12:39:38.2 7/12/2014: 1 Joystick Attached
12:39:38.2 7/12/2014: Started
12:39:46.4 7/12/2014: Launch System
12:39:46.4 7/12/2014: Waiting for threads
12:39:46.4 7/12/2014: Disposing display
12:39:48.3 7/12/2014: C:\Games\Future Pinball\killdmd.exe
12:39:48.3 7/12/2014: C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Pinball\VPinball.exe /play -"C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Pinball\Tables\The Simpsons Pinball Party Night Mod.vpt"
12:39:48.3 7/12/2014: C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe
12:39:57.1 7/12/2014: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window
12:39:58.2 7/12/2014: Found PinMAME ROM: simpprty.nv
12:40:25.6 7/12/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
12:40:28.0 7/12/2014: Exit System Control Pressed
12:40:41.9 7/12/2014: C:\Games\Future Pinball\rundmd.exe <---- think problem starts here
12:40:42.1 7/12/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window <----
12:40:57.6 7/12/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window <----
12:41:02.3 7/12/2014: Exiting <----
12:41:02.5 7/12/2014: Showing Taskbar <----
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor <---- and here i think problem ends
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: Launching Exit Program: killdmd.exe
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: C:\Games\Future Pinball\killdmd.exe
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: Disposing Plugins
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: Saving Settings
12:41:02.7 7/12/2014: Bye



Edited by tthurman
I collapsed this for ease of reading,
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Hi boiydiego

Just out of curiosity, have you tried removing the killdmd/rundmd parameters in your Launch Before and After settings to see if the problem is related? I'm not suggesting that those components be removed permanently from your setup, but it would sure help to see if this problem was related to that particular component.

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@nullpointer @tom speirs , i dissabled rundmd.exe and indeed that solves the problem , so thank you for that.. only thing is i need to have a working parameter for disabling futuredmd when vp starts and when vp stops it needs to run futuredmd back , how can i do this then the right way ?

run on startup pbx is now : (this will not be a problem)

startupprogram enabled :yes


parameters : table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1

wait for exit : no

hide window: no


launch before visual pinball i have now:

enable lauch before :yes

launch before exe:killdmd.exe

launch before parameters: blank area

launch before wait for exit :no

launch before hide window:no


launch after vp :(problem)

enable launch after :yes

launch after working path:C:\Games\Future Pinball

launch after exe:rundmd.exe

launch after paramaters: blank area

launch after wait for exit:no

launch after hide windows:no

maybe easy way isnt it to edit the rundmd.exe with a parameter to maximize pbx again not ?

waiting for your replaiy to classify my problem :D thx thx thx thx thx

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That's awesome news that you were able to identify the source of the issue. Unfortunately this is the part in which I have to fess up that while I know a bit about the steps of troubleshooting, I know practically nothing about successfully configuring the disparate elements of a nice PinCab being that I don't have one of my own. However ... since we've identified that it's the means by which you are launching and exiting FutureDMD that's at the root of the problem, I can point you at a thread in which people have reported (and resolved) similar issues to what you've identified in this thread. Be sure to read the whole thread (it's currently only two pages) - there are several different issues reported and resolved over the course of the thread.

Run Future DMD with PinballX

Good luck man!

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thx for replaiy nullpointer , i readed the post only they dont use killdmd.exe or rundmd.exe , i need killdmd because otherwise the dmd from futuredmd is infront of the vpdmd when running vp table ,

and when i exit a vp table it needs to rundmd again for use with pbxmenu/wheel (highscore view)

maybe @tom speirs , knows the fix for this like i say edit the rundmd.exe or edit the line in lauch after parameters in setup of pbx ?

uploaded also the script rundmd and the exe if needed (just remove .txt from files) ..



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no apologise needed tom realy not no hard feelings at all still lots of love for pbx ;-) only thing that i like to have is this sorted before all the people are in my home for christmas , i tested more myself in the last days still thinking that pbx is the problem and not futuredmd because when i put futuredmd to start with pbx ,pbx starts and runs good with futuredmd activated , its just when it returns to the wheel again when futuredmd starts again pbx always minimize to taskbar , when i leave futuredmd off than it goes to the wheel normaly(like reported in above post) when than in wheel and i activated futuredmd manualy then pbx always minimize to taskbar , i also tryed to leave startdmd.exe and the script alone and i put in a run after command in pluginmanager to start just futuredmd.exe then also pbx minimize to the wheel ..

also when i keep futuredmd running on my second screen and start a table and not kill futuredmd and than exit to wheel also than pbx minimize.

other than that problem pbx runs great ..

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