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  On 1/3/2015 at 12:38 PM, time299 said:

Ok guys

Download NukePA Ver 1.2 from the site and try again. Rotate has been corrected and a new variable as been added to the NukePA.ini to address the default starting positions Farsight Studios introduced in this latest update version 1.33.8.

StartsOn = MyTables

Set to "PreviousSeasons" or "MyTables" depending on what menus option is auto selected in your version of Pinball Arcade.

Jeff / Time299

thanks jeff, but still not working for me in combination with pinballx :( .

standalone works perfectly fine.

my test table command is "Goin Nuts" (pun intended), and it perfectly selects the table.

I have to play withh the timing a liitle, but had no luck with that.

I see the "press start" screen for 10 seconds before anything happens, but when I try to reduce the timing for start delay to something lower than 15000 it moves to exit game button???

but back to the important stuff:

rotation now works with 90 instead of 270. thanks for the consitency with irotate, but pinball arcade.exe still crashes when launched by pinballx.

after I return to pinballx the selection screen is turned 90 degrees to the right (landscape). something fishy is going on here.

EDIT: another strange thing is that when I go back to pinballx after trhe crash it shows a different table. this can ether be that the attract mode is running in the background or that pinballx recognizes some keypresses while nukepa is trying to lauch the table...


Hey MPad

Dont know if this is related but your Pinballx file says rotate=270 and you have NukePA set to rotate=90 those should be the same.



I just watched your video

After you change the rotate to 270 in your NukePA try re running your config tool

Rotate your screen and then run your Pinball Arcade "PBAConfig" program to lock in your screen settings in Pinball Arcade then rotate your screen back to normal and then NukePA will handle the screen rotation.

I get that same error if they are out of sync.

  On 1/3/2015 at 7:41 PM, time299 said:

Hey MPad

Dont know if this is related but your Pinballx file says rotate=270 and you have NukePA set to rotate=90 those should be the same.

no, that is correct.

this is the thing I was talking about the whole time :-P

pinballx and nukepa1.1 define the 90 degrees clockwise. for nukepa1.2 you changed it to counter clockwise, which is the same that irotate and display.exe do.

so 270 in pinballx gets the same result as 90 for all the others. that is fine, because it all leads to the same orientation. it is just a way of definition (and leads to a little confusion).

  On 1/3/2015 at 7:55 PM, time299 said:


I just watched your video

After you change the rotate to 270 in your NukePA try re running your config tool

Rotate your screen and then run your Pinball Arcade "PBAConfig" program to lock in your screen settings in Pinball Arcade then rotate your screen back to normal and then NukePA will handle the screen rotation.

I get that same error if they are out of sync.

no I got that covered, as shown in the vid I sent you nukePa alone works perfectly fine.

only with pinballX...


I THINK I almost got it!

PinballX has to run in fulscreen Windowed mode!!! maybe some exclusivity problems.



was this written somwhere and I missed it?

well now I have the "it only goes to Attack from Mars - Issue" but this I will resolve...

parallel it pumped up the volume quite a bit so I almost got a heart attack. maybe it is not the best idea to have up and down arrows assigned for volume in pinballx??? :P

  On 1/3/2015 at 12:54 PM, andyco said:

i use irotate i have it installed on my system win 6 64bit here r my settings

attachicon.gifPinball Arcade.xml



hope these help anyone.

this is with pinball arcade ver 1.28.13 season 1 to 3

what pinballX version are you using? i have the latest 1.92 and I noticed some differences in the pinballX.ini files....

now I am stuck with the same thing that it lauches, but only goes for attack from mars. can't seem to resolve this by timing adjustment. makes no sense, because nukepa allone works perfectly fine.

I feel there is something going on with the key mapping.

I have xpadder and x360ce and custom key mapping in pinball arcade going on... so I guess I will disable the xpadder plugin in piballx and clear all the key settings. I use a vpin conttroler anyway, so basicly i should't need keyboard inputs for pinballx.


im using pinballx 1.92 i have just had a look. in the nukepa.ini were the table list is it needs to be in the same order as pinball arcade list starting with attack from mars then big shot ect plus ur xml for the rom name must to be the same thats wot i did and works a treat. i use the same name as pinball arcade uses if u look in my nukepa.ini and my xml the names r the same and in order in the nukepa.ini.

i use an ipac2


Hey all

I have put some work into making it really easy to setup your tables. Below are sets of XML files you can download and save into your C:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball Arcade\Pinball Arcade.xml location and matching "PinballTables = " values you can copy and paste directly into your NukePA.ini file. Also if you are using the NukePA Media Pack everything matches up. Note to anyone that is using the NukePA Media Pack you should rename all the images for "Theater of Magic" to "Theatre of Magic"

Some web browsers want to open XML files instead of downloading them, so to get around that just right click on the link and select "Save As" or "Save Target as" then pick the folder "C:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball Arcade\" and then rename the file "Pinball Arcade.XML"

Single Seasons

Season 1

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Attack From Mars,Big Shot,Black Hole,Black Knight,Bride Of Pin-Bot,Cirqus Voltaire,Creature from the Black Lagoon,Elvira and the Party Monsters,Funhouse,Genie,Gorgar,Harley-Davidson,Medieval Madness,Monster Bash,No Good Gofers,Ripleys Believe It or Not,Scared Stiff,Star Trek The Next Generation,Tales of the Arabian Nights,Taxi,Theatre of Magic,Twilight Zone,

Download matching XML

Season 2

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Cactus Canyon,Centaur,Central Park,Champion Pub,Class 1812,Cue Ball Wizard,Dr. Dude,ElDorado City Of Gold,Firepower,Flight 2000,Goin Nuts,Haunted House,PIN-BOT,Space Shuttle,Tee'd Off,Terminator 2,Victory,Whirlwind,Whitewater,

Download matching XML

Season 3

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Black Knight 2000,Black Rose,Bram Stokers Dracula,Diner,Fish Tales,High Roller Casino,High-Speed,Junk Yard,Lights Camera Action,WHO Dunnit,

Download matching XML

Season 4

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = EarthShaker,Party Zone,Phantom of the Opera,

Download matching XML

Multiple Seasons

Seasons 1-2

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Attack From Mars,Big Shot,Black Hole,Black Knight,Bride Of Pin-Bot,Cactus Canyon,Centaur,Central Park,Champion Pub,Cirqus Voltaire,Class 1812,Creature from the Black Lagoon,Cue Ball Wizard,Dr. Dude,ElDorado City Of Gold,Elvira and the Party Monsters,Firepower,Flight 2000,Funhouse,Genie,Goin Nuts,Gorgar,Harley-Davidson,Haunted House,Medieval Madness,Monster Bash,No Good Gofers,PIN-BOT,Ripleys Believe It or Not,Scared Stiff,Space Shuttle,Star Trek The Next Generation,Tales of the Arabian Nights,Taxi,Tee'd Off,Terminator 2,Theatre of Magic,Twilight Zone,Victory,Whirlwind,Whitewater,

Download matching XML

Seasons 1-3

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Attack From Mars,Big Shot,Black Hole,Black Knight,Black Knight 2000,Black Rose,Bram Stokers Dracula,Bride Of Pin-Bot,Cactus Canyon,Centaur,Central Park,Champion Pub,Cirqus Voltaire,Class 1812,Creature from the Black Lagoon,Cue Ball Wizard,Diner,Dr. Dude,ElDorado City Of Gold,Elvira and the Party Monsters,Firepower,Fish Tales,Flight 2000,Funhouse,Genie,Goin Nuts,Gorgar,Harley-Davidson,Haunted House,High Roller Casino,High-Speed,Junk Yard,Lights Camera Action,Medieval Madness,Monster Bash,No Good Gofers,PIN-BOT,Ripleys Believe It or Not,Scared Stiff,Space Shuttle,Star Trek The Next Generation,Tales of the Arabian Nights,Taxi,Tee'd Off,Terminator 2,Theatre of Magic,Twilight Zone,Victory,Whirlwind,Whitewater,WHO Dunnit,

Download matching XML

Seasons 1-4

  Reveal hidden contents

PinballTables = Attack From Mars,Big Shot,Black Hole,Black Knight,Black Knight 2000,Black Rose,Bram Stokers Dracula,Bride Of Pin-Bot,Cactus Canyon,Centaur,Central Park,Champion Pub,Cirqus Voltaire,Class 1812,Creature from the Black Lagoon,Cue Ball Wizard,Diner,Dr. Dude,EarthShaker,ElDorado City Of Gold,Elvira and the Party Monsters,Firepower,Fish Tales,Flight 2000,Funhouse,Genie,Goin Nuts,Gorgar,Harley-Davidson,Haunted House,High Roller Casino,High-Speed,Junk Yard,Lights Camera Action,Medieval Madness,Monster Bash,No Good Gofers,Party Zone,Phantom of the Opera,PIN-BOT,Ripleys Believe It or Not,Scared Stiff,Space Shuttle,Star Trek The Next Generation,Tales of the Arabian Nights,Taxi,Tee'd Off,Terminator 2,Theatre of Magic,Twilight Zone,Victory,Whirlwind,Whitewater,WHO Dunnit,

Download matching XML

I have also added this information to the NukePA Documentation


Jeff / Time299


Awesome, thanks Jeff! I had to adjust my timings quite a bit in the ini file but it is working properly now. Thanks for adding the breakdowns of the seasons by xml, that was a big help too! Just donated and downloading the media pack..woo-hoo!


Hey Noiseprisoner

Can you share you timings so other people can see what worked for you?


Jeff / Time299


I seem to have spoken too soon. It's working, but not consistently for some reason. It will work fine a couple times, then the next few times it will launch PBA from pinballx but instead of moving over to "my tables" it will stay where it's at (previous seasons) and start selecting in there. Need to reboot and play with timings some more I think...


I guess I can confirm that the timing is not consistent. I too had it working and now it stays put on Attack from Mars, no matter what values I put.
And it makes no sense, because I can see the start screen for ages, so it should theoretically be faster. Have an overclocked system with ssd.

I tried andycos method of renaming the XML table names to TDiner etc., but no luck. Didn't think it was necessary, because it worked before if run by command line. The internal guessing engine should do the trick. So I am back to Jeff default XML now.

@ andyco: your table manufacturer dates are totally messed up in the xml you postet, if you give a sh** :)

  On 1/4/2015 at 2:29 AM, time299 said:

Hey all

I have put some work into making it really easy to setup your tables. Below are sets of XML files you can download and save into your C:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball Arcade\Pinball Arcade.xml location and matching "PinballTables = " values you can copy and paste directly into your NukePA.ini file. Also if you are using the NukePA Media Pack everything matches up. Note to anyone that is using the NukePA Media Pack you should rename all the images for "Theater of Magic" to "Theatre of Magic"

HI Jeff, I noticed that in the mediapack the Table Videos for High-Speed, Star Trek TNG, and Twilight Zone are somehow Backglas Images renamed to mp4. big thanks for the nice collection.


@andyco: I thought so ^_^


OK, I got it working for now. can't talk about long term tests, but it selected 10 tables in a row, so I am very confident atm.

only thing that doesn't work is the autostart disabled, it always does another keypress after a short time (screendelay) which starts the table.

Thanks to andycos nukepa.ini i tried a much lower startdelay, and that did the trick. I did use the default xml though, so renaming the tables to the actual file names is not cecessary (in my case).

EDIT: And you should definitely add to the documentation that pinballX should be in windowed fullscreen mode. stange that it works for allt he others (fx2, vp,.. in fullscreen).

but it is TPAs fault. they only did that half baked porttrait support. zen had its native porttrait in in no time. maybe one day...

Timing seems to be very delicate though, here is what works for me:

StartDelay = 2000 ; Default: 15000 - for time between launch and first keystoke, mine works as low as 5000
ScreenDelay = 4000 ; Default: 1500 - for time between screen changes, mine works as low as 900
MovementDelay = 70 ; Default: 100 - for menu movement speed, mine works as low as 10
AutoStart = false

as you can see startdelay is very low, but screendelay is high. this is because it recognizes the firs button press very fast, but than takes long to go to the first menu with seasons / my tables.

After that when you enter the table selection list it could go faster. so for an improvement it would be cool to have a screendelay1 = 4000, and a screendelay2 = 1000, so table selection would be faster.

  • Like 1

Hey MPad

Yea, your timing issue is very weird and so is the issue with Full-screen

I have NulePA running Steam and non Steam versions of Pinball Arcade on four different PC and laptops now and none of them are set to run in windowed mode they are all set to Full Screen and work flawless every time. From what I can tell you are the only one that has to run it that way. Would you mind doing a TeamViewer session some time, so I can poke around and see what the issue is. With a SSD your timing should be more like

StartDelay = 2000
ScreenDelay = 600
MovementDelay = 10

If you were running in full screen mode you StartDelay would most likely increase a bit, because it takes windows a little longer to setup the full screen game mode and then rotate it vs windowed mode. Let me know if that is something you are interested in.

BTW: Thanks for pointing out the Media Pack Issue I am working on correcting "High-Speed, Star Trek TNG, and Twilight Zone" play field videos and all new Older LED table DMD Videos instead of still shots now.


Jeff / Time299


hey jeff, thanks for the offer. I never used teamviewer, but I will keep this as a last resort.

for now I will see that I can fix it or just keep it that way. the problem is I have so many extras done, there are too many suspects and I don't have the nerve atm to rule them out one by one or do a fresh install.

most likely nvidia driver settings (which I have maxed out in a lot of things).

I have had an issue with pinaball arcade like forever, that is very similar. when I run it in windowed fullscreen it crashes after I exit, details show problems with steam overlay render.dll. so I have set TPA to fullscreen. I have steam overlay deactivated, but with no success.

NukePA worked that way too, with pinballX set to fullscreen and TPA to windowed fs. but I could't do that because of TPA crash, so pinballX is windowed fullscreen for now. so it seems my system has a problem with two apps trying to get exclusive fullscreen at the same time.

Additionally I have the weird issue that I cant use the build in pause/return to game method of PinballX because the game (window) looses focus on don't react to keyresses anymore. only after a mouse click it reacts again. seems to be connected somehow.

One thing I wanted to ask is what is the best method to exit a game? I don't mean the kill-method nukePA uses, but more like what kind of key mapping logic you guys use in combination with all the programs.

if I want to go into the pause/options menue in TPA for example the esc key is normaly used to navigate out of it, but that will exit the game with nukepa, so I have to remap here. Or what is with all the options pinballX offers? exitemulator key with 6sec delay can't be used I guess. the pause function of pinballX and then exit game / or return to game won't work too, or is there a way? do you map the same keys ion nukepa/fx and pinballX?

I am kind of confused here what is the best solution...

so sorry for spamming this thread with my problems :-)

I am sure NukePA works great for most people and is real treat!

Thanks again for this Jeff!


one more thing about the table autostart feature.

as reported it doesn't work for me to disable it with "false".

In addition I noticed it had massive influence on the timing on my system. when set to fasle the game starts slow, especially when selcting tables in the middle like "gorgar" or "harley davidson" and it won't work at all (stuck at attack from mars).

strangely when I set autostart to "true" it is way more fluent and every table works. maybe I can even lower my timing now...

can you explain what the autostart does? is it not just another "enter" keypress?


call me crazy, but I had it running with

StartDelay = 2000
ScreenDelay = 800
MovementDelay = 50

and it seemed the lower the screendelay, the lower the loading time of TPA. Even Autostart=false worked all of a sudden.

BUt after 4-5 tables it all got stuck again and stopped working.


I don't have my ini to post but I can get it working if I have windows set to horizontal, pinballx set to horizontal, and nukepa set to 0.

I tried the configuration exe for pinball arcade in vertical mode, saved and started pba manually. All is good.

When when I try in pbx, set to vertical it doesn't even launch. It just hangs. Switching back to horizontal mode in pbx and everything works again, buy it's useless in horizontal mode in pba.

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