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NukeLauncher was developed at a time when floating DMD support was spawned as a separate process from the regular game. NukeLauncher has not been updated since Zen included official cabinet mode support where the DMD is now a child process within the regular game. You will probably have to hack the NukeLauncher source in order to force FX2 to close all the way as it is currently waiting for that separate process which, of course, no longer exists. Hacking the source is not hard to do.


I may have to take a stab at that. Unfortunately I don't even know where to begin (i.e. how to even get to the source code). My understanding is that this program is essentially an auto hotkey file. Is that correct?

I run nukelauncher with pinballx and I have pinballX setup for the ESC button and it shuts down FX2 completely
 when I go out of the game and back to pinball X





I use a I-Pac 2 USB keyboard encoder

I have the two flipper buttons and two Magnum safe buttons and I use the four arrow keys
Two for the flippers and two for the nudging



Do you have the football games set up? I don't have any of the football tables, but my understanding is that you have to have a dummy (placeholder) in for the original football table. It's unclear where the placeholder needs to be in the table list as the tables have changed since the original doc.


So I've got this thing at 99.9%. I figured out the exiting problem was just due to key assignment (was using esc when I should have been  using delete). I'm fairly certain my tables list is correct as choosing any table multiplayer through PinballX goes to the correct table. The only thing I cannot solve is I'm still getting the "Good News" dialogue box every time no matter which table I access. The NukeLauncher.exe is set to run as administrator, UAC is turned off, and all my files are where they are supposed to be. It's a head-scratcher.   

Sounds like Nukelauncher thinks there's a problem between the ini file and your XML...
In my XML file I have the game name and the description matching the name I put in the ini file...

    <game name="Star Wars - Han Solo">
        <description>Star Wars - Han Solo</description>


I'll start there I guess. My game names in the XML and the INI both match the actual Steam game names. My descriptions are different. I didn't think the description would mater though. Time to play around some more I guess.

Thanks for the feedback thus far Outhere.

They don't have to actually match the steam games ...they can be called anything, I believe the way it works
 in pinballX when you select a game the XML file talks to the ini it finds the location on the list which in
 turns find the location on the grid and then starts the game ..
I should note make sure you don't have any weird symbols or anything in the game names because it may not like

Yeah I know that they don't need to match, but I use the built in FX2 functionality in PinballX to call the single player games. I believe in that instance you have to use the name Steam gives the tables. Since that is the case I just felt it easier to copy the single player XML file to the multiplayer Databases folder in PinballX. So keeping the names the same was the easiest way to go. No point in reinventing the wheel if I can get away with it. Also the game names steam uses are usually intuitive and the only special symbol they ever use is the underscore.

I'm going to mess around a bit more, but if I can't figure it out I may just comment out (or remove) that message box from the NukeLauncher script. That should take care of it without messing up the rest of the functionality. Like I said, the script selects everything perfectly when it runs.

The only other possibility is that it has something to do with that football table placeholder. I excluded it completely. I believe in the documentation it says something about including it (SFX) even if the football table isn't in your list when running FX2. The problem is that since the doc was written many tables have been added and the order is never the same for everyone. Because of this I'm not sure where (or even if) the placeholder needs to be added. I feel like adding it will only screw up table selection anyway.  

Try commenting it out in the InI file or put football at the end of the list in the ini file and add it in
 your XML and put in the location for football, It's at the end of the list so it
 shouldn't affect the locations at all..
It may be as simple as putting in for the location football the last one on the list or put zero and see 
what happens



I was actually more like 99.5% there. I wasn't able to get the "Good News" message box to go away no matter what I did to the INI and XML files. However, commenting out that segment of the script solved the problem and had no ill effect. 

I did have one last issue. I want the pincab to run without the Internet. The only two reasons I connected were for updates and because Steam was a pain to run offline due to the offline warning box. I solved the latter with some scripting, so now Steam can be smoothly run offline.

Running a table from directly within Steam while offline worked fine, as did running a table single player using PinballX's built in method. However, running a table using NukeLauncher for multiplayer would show me the Loading screen then bounce me back to PinballX. The call to Steam in NukeLauncher was basically identical to the call in PinballX. The only difference was that in the PinballX FX2 setup "Process to monitor" was set to PinballFX2.exe. The documentation for NukeLauncher excluded this box for NukeLauncher within PinballX. I populated it with PinballFX2.exe and bingo. This box seemed to need populated but only when running Steam offline.

I put this here in case anyone else was trying to accomplish offline mode and was having trouble.

Glad you got it running.... some of the stuff you talk about here is more than I know but what script
 are you talking about that you  comment out something

The two scripts were one which I created myself to run Steam offline without getting the offline warning dialog box every time and the NukeLauncher script. 

As mentioned earlier in this thread, NukeLauncher.exe is really a compiled AutoHotkey script. Earlier Carny suggested that I may want to edit the script to solve my exiting problem. While I was able to solve that problem by editing the INI file, I used his advice to fix the "Good News" message box problem. I found the part in the NukeLAuncher script that called the message box and commented it out. I would have preferred to run the EXE as it was created, but since everything else worked fine I figured this was the quickest fix. 


There are ahk decompilers that can take the EXE and decompile it back to an ahk file. I searched google and found a couple. I'm not sure what the policy is here on posting links or recommending programs like that so if you want to know the specific one I used I can PM it to you.

  • 6 months later...
  On 10/3/2014 at 3:24 PM, time299 said:

NukeLauncher e um lançador Pinball FX2 que automatiza o menu de seleção de tabelas e adicionado muitas outras opções para executar o jogo através de vários front-ends e linha de comando.
NukeLauncher é rápido, flexível, eficiente, super inteligente, tem mais recursos para qualquer outro iniciador que eu encontre, e cai em arco-íris. Sim, eu sei que estou comigo vangloriando, mas é verdade. Você verá. Dê uma olhada abaixo em alguns dos recursos.
E é grátis!

http://www.nukelauncher.com - O link de download está na página inicial e na seção de suporte. Leia primeiro a documentação.

Aqui está uma nota rápida para pessoas como usuários testando beta NukeLauncher.

Você precisa substituir seu ini com o download. então faça backup do seu antigo se quiser e depois baixe e substitua os arquivos antigos por novos e depois edite o ini e verifique se o XMLFile = linha é o mesmo que antigo, agora execute o NukeLauncher e deixe-o descobre suas tabelas. Agora é bem melhor. Foi um problema.

Espero que todos gostem muito disso, eu tenho me arrepiado por meses e minha esposa me falta.

Por favor, doe se você puder.

E obrigado pelos avaliadores de comentários.

Jeff / Time299


muito bom, agora tenho uma duvida, nao sei se e posivel, tenho o pinballx e pinball fx2, gostaria de saber se e posivel o  NukeLauncher  fechar o pinball fx2 e voltar para o pinballx por tempo e adotar tempo na tecla 5 10,20, 30 minutos no tempo acaba ele volta para pinbollx. gostaria muito. 

  • 4 years later...

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