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DoDonPachi Leaderboard


1 Mame Offender 30,397,810 Mame Offender's Hi-Score Entry
2 ExedExes 26,124,810 ExedExes's Hi-Score Entry
3 KRC 24,102,210 KRC's Hi-Score Entry
4 DonPedro 17,568,790 DonPedro's Hi-Score Entry
5 Luigimaker 11,787,300 Luigimaker's Hi-Score Entry
6 Cynicaster 10,949,310 Cynicaster's Hi-Score Entry
7 DazzleHP 8,491,230 DazzleHP's Hi-Score Entry
8 jedah 6,470,120 jedah's Hi-Score Entry
9 millerbrad 5,341,290 millerbrad's Hi-Score Entry
10 hansolo77 4,931,730 hansolo77's Hi-Score Entry
Last Updated by hansolo77: 05-28-2018


  1. GimmeClassics - 4,537,170 (link)
  2. Adultery - 3,920,480 points (link)
  3. Rtkiii - 2,247,650 points (link)


Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for DoDonPachi:
ROMSet: ddonpachj [please make sure to use this specific ROMSet. This is the version Twin Galaxies uses to register world records !]
Normal Screen
C Button Not Use
Game Difficulty: B [Normal]
Extend: 6,000,000 / 20,000,000
Hero Counts: 3
Continues: Off
Special Rules: This is a Single Player ONLY Variation! You may freely choose your ship and shot type. Continues are NOT allowed!
--> Note: The above settings are the game's internal settings. However, you'll have to change "Continues" to Off. Instruction > Start the game and after the disclaimer screen text press and hold F2, go to configuration and change Continues to Off. Press and hold F2 again and the new settings are being saved.
--> Note: You will have to install both ROMSet ddonpach and ddonpachj to be able to play ROMset ddonpachj !!

# you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link
# you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link
# general rules for submitting you hi-score > link
# the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings

~ GC


Thank you Mame Offender for choosing DoDonPachi as your favorite game

We want to reward our hi-score contestants with the possibility to add a personal favorite hi-score game !

Mame Offender was chosen for this month's free game !!

We invite you to compete for a good Leaderboard position and be the next one to choose your favorite game :)

Happy hi-scoring everyone !

  • Like 2

Yes! Thanks Mame Offender! You just KNOW this had to be here B)


GameEx Users: If you are using the Game Filter, you will likely need to put ddonpachj in "Dont Filter These ROMS"

  • Like 2


You will have to install both ROMSet ddonpach and ddonpachj to be able to play ROMset ddonpachj !!


Ooooh yeah!! My all time favorite shmup!!! I absolutely love this awesome game! There is so much to experience while playing. Cool scoring system, brilliant graphics, amazing sound, killer music, a slew of different projectiles, 2 loops with different bosses at the end of the second loop (you only are allowed to play the second loop after meeting certain criteria). Love it!! Game on!!

  • Like 1

100% agreed! But after your last comment i already know i'll not be able to compete - never seen 2nd loop :lol: i absolutely love DoDonPachi though so i'll enjoy playing nonetheless ;)

  • Like 1

I'm the first! Woohoo!

Anyone know why your initials show up as gibberish? I played 7 or 8 times and 5th was the best I could do. There's just too many bullets to dodge...


  On 5/7/2014 at 4:00 AM, Adultery said:

I'm the first! Woohoo!

Anyone know why your initials show up as gibberish? I played 7 or 8 times and 5th was the best I could do. There's just too many bullets to dodge...


Strange, looks ok to me:


PS: that is not my submission - i just barely woke up ^_^ hence the YWN (yawn) :P was just testing the name entry :)

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.


I'll try again and see if anything is different... If I can get on the leaderboard that is. ;)

  On 5/7/2014 at 5:12 AM, Adultery said:

I'll try again and see if anything is different... If I can get on the leaderboard that is. ;)

A good tactic for newbies is to maneuver in a (sideways) figure-of-8 style in the bottom half of the screen - you'll get away with that on more than a few occasions. also don't forget your bombs! you get plenty so try and get used to panic bombing - it's better to waste a bomb than lose a life, right? ;)


The second loop is identical right up to the final boss, with almost double the bullets while slightly increasing in speed. You must defeat TWO crazy hard bosses to truly beat DDP. I saw a 427 million run on YouTube and my jaw was to the floor!!

Im pretty sure I can come up with a 20 mil run for this month. I am stoked to see who comes to the table with 30 or 40 million.

Like if you want me to toss the link up.

Well, best of luck for everyone nd hopefully we can have a nice turnout for Dodon!

  • Like 3

427mil - whaaaaaaaaaaa :o lemme see that! As for your 20m i'll try to match but i'm doubtful as i've not actually played DDP for a couple years, been too occupied with Mushi and my fave side-scroller of all time - Deathsmiles ;) Sidenote: i recently acquired Daifukkatsu have you played that?? Talk about aneurysm :P

PS: i liked your post but the forum returned an error! never seen that before but on my screen it looks like it registered :shrug:

  • Like 1
  On 5/7/2014 at 4:00 AM, Adultery said:

I played 7 or 8 times and 5th was the best I could do. There's just too many bullets to dodge...


I've also played this game a couple of times. Getting a score posted on the in-game hi-score table was my first goal and I've finally been able to beat the 3,5 million necessary for fifth place :)

Just 200K short of beating Adultery's hi-score :P .... I'll definitely re-visit this game. An awesome shmupper !!

points: 3,755,290


Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB,

  • Like 1

@MO - Thanks for relighting my DDP fire :D I've been suckered in by all the pretty lights of more recent Cave titles and neglected this for too long.

Still a little rusty but this'll do for now:

Keep missing teh bees/wasps! gotta get em all...

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.

  • Like 1
  On 5/9/2014 at 9:13 PM, DazzleHP said:

Still a little rusty but this'll do for now:


Still a little rusty he says .... <_< .... more than doubled my hi-score.... <_< .....LOL :P Pretty nice score Darren !

Updated LB

  • Like 1
  On 5/9/2014 at 11:57 PM, GimmeClassics said:

Still a little rusty he says .... <_< .... more than doubled my hi-score.... <_< .....LOL :P Pretty nice score Darren !

Updated LB

:D just warming up hehehe trust me, if MO chose this as his game, you ain't seen nothing yet! I wish i could give you some tips, but they would only be on how i play the game.

So i'll tell you what i know. No matter your ship preference, you're probably better off choosing "Laser Type". Why? Bosses. Plain and simple. DDP has nasty bosses. If you can't get rid of them quickly, you're in for the fight of your life! Remedy=Laser ;) Learn to navigate/survive the rest of each stage then unleash all hell on them bosses. And remember your bombs - it's better to use a bomb than lose a life, although DDP will punish you score-wise for using them, it will punish you more for dying. There are other mechanics in play but i wouldn't concern yourself too much with them to begin with :) Just STAY alive!

  • Like 1

Rusty is the word, yes. After coming off such a high in GC's shmup tour (which led me here), this will have to do for now.

ExedExes - 11,595,140


  • Like 1
  On 5/10/2014 at 12:20 AM, DazzleHP said:

...So i'll tell you what i know. No matter your ship preference, you're probably better off choosing "Laser Type". Why? Bosses. Plain and simple. DDP has nasty bosses. If you can't get rid of them quickly, you're in for the fight of your life! Remedy=Laser ;) Learn to navigate/survive the rest of each stage then unleash all hell on them bosses. And remember your bombs - it's better to use a bomb than lose a life, although DDP will punish you score-wise for using them, it will punish you more for dying. There are other mechanics in play but i wouldn't concern yourself too much with them to begin with :) Just STAY alive!

Thank you for the gameplay tips Darren ! I'll try and boost my score this weekend B)

  On 5/10/2014 at 4:26 AM, ExedExes said:

Rusty is the word, yes. After coming off such a high in GC's shmup tour (which led me here), this will have to do for now.

ExedExes - 11,595,140

With a third place in our Shmup Competition you've already showed your amazing skills B) ....So I immediately believe your 11 million DoDonPachi score is "rusty" indeed :D

Updated OP, DB, RSS


I was able to boost my score to 4,5 million :)

points: 4,537,170

initials: DEN


Updated OP, DB, RSS

  • Like 1

I have been diggin DDP for about 2 years and I can share a few tips:

Dazzle has a good point about doing the figure 8 routine. What that also allows you to do is drive your hit count up through the roof! Let's face it, THAT is where all the points get accumulated. The hit count is HUGE! Neglect it and you are just going to frustrate yourself. In case anyone didn't know, the Hit Count Accumulator will keep increasing as long as the vertical bar meter to the left does not completely bottom out. If it does, the Hit Count resets. So the idea would be to kill your enemies at a steady pace without any gaps in the progress. Gaps will make the counter stop.

There are 13 bees per board. Get 'em all on the first board the point increments go: 100 200 400 800 1000 2000 4000 8000 10000 20000 40000 80000 100000 points. If you happen to get 'em all on the 2nd stage, the scoring would start at 200 and end at double the end value of the prior perfect round. Don't forget, this counter resets to the lowest current value when you lose a life.

Bomb usage: I have never seen a shooter that awards you for not using bombs more than this one! There are massive incentives for holding a "MAXIMUM" amount of bombs. If you are holding the most you can, you will receive a little over 10000 points a second!! If you get a bomb while you have the "MAXIMUM" amount, that figure multiplies by 2. The multiplier increases by one for every bomb thereafter. Huge points if you can conserve you bombs. But use them when you trap yourself with projectiles.

On the third board, there are little green guys that spew hundreds of pink bullets for a little less than 180 degrees to the front of them. There are also large sized ships in the backdrop. The trick here is to have the most possible bullets on the screen while exploding these monster ships. You will receive huge points by doing this. Try it!!

A smart thing to do when facing the bosses is to continually use your laser. Doing so will increase your Boss Hit Count. The closer you are to him, the quicker it increases. Another thing to keep in mind: if you use a bomb while holding a laser the hit count will increase like mad when the bosses status bar is in the red.

Hopefully this will be enough to get the scores up for everybody.

  • Like 2

I'm not quite at the 20 mil mark. But a decent start.




  • Like 1

Thanks for taking the time to write all that up. I couldn't be bothered so gave generals heheh. It was actually this game that turned me into a bomb hoarder ;)

One last tip about the bees i would like to add to your excellent post:

To release them you need to hit them with the front/tip of your laser. In other words you must stop firing it, then fire it again so as it travels up-screen the tip hits them. If you just hold down laser constantly you won't free any bees and therefore miss out some nice bonuses.

@GC/Han - DBM not connect for me

  • Like 1
  On 5/14/2014 at 11:22 AM, Mame Offender said:

I'm not quite at the 20 mil mark. But a decent start.


First of all, thank you for the gameplay hints !! I hope this will help me to boost my score and join your ranks (yeah right...one day....maybe.... ;)) !!

Nice score MO !

  On 5/14/2014 at 9:11 PM, KRC said:


Initials: KRT (Supposed to be KRC)

The first one to break the 20 million points B) Nice job KRT....KRT...wait, is that your brother...?...should we even allow this score....who is this guy....KRT ? I've never heard of him.... LOL :P^_^

Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB

  • Like 1

So I made 2 attempts to play this. I went back to C-L to try that combination again, got 17 million.

Read up and figured out how to chain again.

Back to A-L and back to form.

ExedExes - 21,837,530


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