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Ever Dream About GameEx?


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I know, it sounds silly. But I just woke up and had a dream about GameEx! In the dream, I was in school. I don't know what class it was, but we had a substitute teacher. He wanted us to "design" a new logo for GameEx, and give an example of what a GameEx Book would look like. Of course, in the dream I was able to convince the teacher that I worked for GameEx already, and was one of the designers for the current "Version 3" logo (I know I'm not in real life, just in your dreams you can be whatever you want). He wanted me to "prove it", since he believed nobody in the class had ever heard of GameEx. So I opened up my back pack, pulled out a laptop (which I don't even own one) and booted it up. I showed him that I had GameEx installed, and much to my enjoyment we spent a while playing games with the other classmates. For the book, he only wanted the first 2 pages, so I presented him with a Table of Contents, and then the first page of the first chapter which was titled "Acquiring and Installing GameEx." The teacher was impressed, and needless to say I got an A+. :)

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That sounds ace Han :)

I have had a dream about the members of GameEx but not actual program.

It was set in some sort of secret test lab, there was a brain with a white tshirt with Spesoft written on it and the brain spoke but had no mouth (kinda weird) sort of reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, and accompanying the brain was a midget scientist with no hair but a long goatee beard. Then theyre were grey aliens conducting experiments on medieval knights in white armor. In the dream I was an alien because I remember in the dream I looked at my feet and I had big feet with 3 long toes and black toenails.

Kinda makes you think that maybe the brain is Tom, the scientist is Headkaze and the aliens are the mods and the knights in white armor are the elite's.

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Haha thanks guys you made me feel slightly more normal ^_^ That said i did dream that we all had a gathering once and a couple of you brought your cabs with you. It was a sunny summer afternoon and we were holding mini tournaments on the lawn :D Han was getting annoyed coz i kept beating him at Street Fighter only it was Peter Griffin, but i knew it was Han lol

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Han was getting annoyed coz i kept beating him at Street Fighter only it was Peter Griffin, but i knew it was Han lol

Heh sounds like me too. I like fighting games to a point. However I don't know any of the special moves. When the first Mortal Kombat game came to the Sega Genesis, I spent the night at a friends house and we hammered that game the entire night without sleeping. I learned all the special moves and all the Fatalities. Then MK2 came out and I was completely lost. They added a whole bunch more characters with specials moves, all the old characters had additional new moves, the Fatalities changes, there were also other "Finish Him" moves now. I was so lost. Then MK3, and Ultimate MK3 followed suit. I couldn't keep up!

So yeah, if you were to play Street Fighter with me, you probably would beat me ALL THE TIME!

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