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If you haven't tried BAM for Future Pinball, you should. It works well in PinballX.

Below is what is in my PinballX.ini file. I have BAM installed in C:\GAMES\Future Pinball\BAM. Your top level directory could be different. PinballX works perfectly for this.

WorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball
TablePath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables
Parameters=RunWait, /STAYINRAM /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender,,hide UseErrorLevel
FPRAMPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\fpRAM

For several months I have had BAM installed in my cabinet and there is no reason why not to and here is why:

The physics in any pinball table may not be correct and it doesn't matter what version of FP you are running or even if you are running the correct version. You may install a table and then you notice that the bumpers, slingshots, nudging, gravity, dampening, FPS, ball mass, flippers, plunger, kicker, etc. may not be accurate. Maybe you watched a real pinball game on Youtube and you see how the ball is moving as it strikes objects and it what direction. Now I don't know about you, but I just hate having to go back into the editor on a table and start messing with all the powers that be. I would much rather tweak an XML file and have BAM's fploader inject into the default FP executable and now the game plays entirely different. This is what I call "real" customized control. You could have custom physics for every table and never have to deal with "one size fits all" ever again.

Below is a snippet from the flipper settings in one my ZED XML files for FP. Normally, all the settings for the flippers that end in "Xoff" or Zoff", are set to "0". It is this way in every version of FP as well. I have been experimenting by setting these to "2". This makes your flippers slightly less rigid on their pivots and gives them a little bit of "play" which is kind of like holding a baseball bat in your hands loosely instead of tightly. Now test this out yourself and compare. Does it seem like when the ball is in motion that you are able to absorb the ball's energy and direct it in the right direction more times then not? Maybe you notice that when the flipper is slightly loose, it is a little easier to direct the ball far right or left. I was working on a particular table that was giving me very poor right/left shots. I didn't want to mess with changing the angle of the flippers. I changed these settings below, and instantly I was able to aim to extreme right or left without messing with the editor.

Test this out and see what you think. Modify Xoff and Zoff.

<flipper mass="99999.0" omega="45.0" moeMethod="0"
leftXoff="2" leftYoff="1500" leftZoff="2"
rightXoff="2" rightYoff="1500" rightZoff="2"></flipper>

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  • 2 months later...
  On 3/29/2014 at 11:24 PM, scrivy said:

If you haven't tried BAM for Future Pinball, you should. It works well in PinballX.

Below is what is in my PinballX.ini file. I have BAM installed in C:\GAMES\Future Pinball\BAM. Your top level directory could be different. PinballX works perfectly for this.



WorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball

TablePath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables


Parameters=RunWait, /STAYINRAM /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender,,hide UseErrorLevel












FPRAMPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\fpRAM

For several months I have had BAM installed in my cabinet and there is no reason why not to and here is why:

The physics in any pinball table may not be correct and it doesn't matter what version of FP you are running or even if you are running the correct version. You may install a table and then you notice that the bumpers, slingshots, nudging, gravity, dampening, FPS, ball mass, flippers, plunger, kicker, etc. may not be accurate. Maybe you watched a real pinball game on Youtube and you see how the ball is moving as it strikes objects and it what direction. Now I don't know about you, but I just hate having to go back into the editor on a table and start messing with all the powers that be. I would much rather tweak an XML file and have BAM's fploader inject into the default FP executable and now the game plays entirely different. This is what I call "real" customized control. You could have custom physics for every table and never have to deal with "one size fits all" ever again.

Below is a snippet from the flipper settings in one my ZED XML files for FP. Normally, all the settings for the flippers that end in "Xoff" or Zoff", are set to "0". It is this way in every version of FP as well. I have been experimenting by setting these to "2". This makes your flippers slightly less rigid on their pivots and gives them a little bit of "play" which is kind of like holding a baseball bat in your hands loosely instead of tightly. Now test this out yourself and compare. Does it seem like when the ball is in motion that you are able to absorb the ball's energy and direct it in the right direction more times then not? Maybe you notice that when the flipper is slightly loose, it is a little easier to direct the ball far right or left. I was working on a particular table that was giving me very poor right/left shots. I didn't want to mess with changing the angle of the flippers. I changed these settings below, and instantly I was able to aim to extreme right or left without messing with the editor.

Test this out and see what you think. Modify Xoff and Zoff.

<flipper mass="99999.0" omega="45.0" moeMethod="0"

leftXoff="2" leftYoff="1500" leftZoff="2"

rightXoff="2" rightYoff="1500" rightZoff="2"></flipper>

I will try it. :rolleyes: Yes it is a improvement for all all Zed tables. Will implement it in my next Zed physic mod release. and call it ZED 1.1. :D

Search a way to get more flippe power with lower angel. On some tables aiming with flipper postition exact the line is very difficult. With more power at the flippers some Zed physic mods would be easier. But whats about testing tables with you. It would be easier for me to get more feedbacks before release. <_<

But more with next Zed physic mod release. But


I tested BAM with Kinect for hours - I didnt get warm with it so I decided not to use BAM (or FP). The Ledwiz support is terrible and much more important for me than the head tracking. What the hell are you guys doing when playing pinball? I am standing more or less still in front of my cab so head tracking is completely unnecessary - but maybe thats just me...

Also I have 2 speakers in my backbox only playing the rom-sounds and 2 speakers right under the playfield only playing the mechanical table sounds - I dont think FP could manage that

imho many tables are looking much better in VP than in FP

But it is only a matter of taste and how your priorities are set, there is no "better" emulator so everyone should try both

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  • 4 months later...

I don't have it set up, but I think the idea is to give a 3d look. Randr on here sells some infrared tracking setups that look pretty awesome. He has a few videos of it in action I believe.I don't have the link.

  • 4 months later...

I did try it with kenetix and it actually looked good, until you look away for a second and looses tracking. Plus as a 'spec' wearer it is a pain to get it to focus on your eyes. I found myself holding my glasses up and then putting them down again.

It also did not pick up my wife who is shorter than me without messing about with it.

The results of the 3d stuff is brilliant, but it has a long way to go!

I am going to give BAM another go, but I found it worked standalone and not in Pinball X - plus it never seemed to remember if it was running fullscreen or not.

Some things on FP are nowhere near as good as on VP - but FP has some excellent custom tables, and a few games that are not on VP so I will give it another go but without the 3D stuff. Give it a year or two and no doubt it will be improved.


A while back I did some extensive testing with BAM and I really loved the amazing 3d look. I even posted a number of youtube videos of BAM in use. For me the gimmick wore off. I haven't run any BAM/FP tables on my cab in a long time. These are the reasons why.

Bad physics in general.

Horrible multiplayer support on many tables.

No rom usage!

BAM looks awesome for the player wearing the IR led only. And you need to block off one eye for the best 3d effect. (This is why it looks so great in videos, because there's one lens)

For me VP is far and away the better virtual pinball program.

My $.02


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