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finally had some time to get this working correctly again with led blinky(registered version) thought i would share

Everything is in dropbox even the VP table i made for jukebox so should be very easy to setup!

Basically follow jukebox directions in pinballx pdf but use the files in dropbox. This will load jukebox(assuming you have it installed) move it to backglass via the pinjukelaunch available at vpforums download section, auto enables ledblinky to run audio animation... i have it loading dissolveinout.lwax animation on startup but could change dissolveinout to random or any other animation you choose. you can run jukebox from cab if you choose to load songs to your hard drive but i prefer bluetooth from phone but this works both ways and has jukebox up on backglass for either way. exiting uses stop script and turns off ledblinky. thats it! i hope it helps some people.

here is link to my shared dropbox

here is a video lame as it is showing effect

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Thanks randr, I was trying to get time to work on this but to many other things going on... was also going to use the registered version of ledblinky for an attract mode from the music files in PinballX ... I like the jukebox idea better.


3 people have now got this working! I will say I had to remote into two peoples cabs to get it working for them and called one person on phone :) but at least it works. Funny thing really as it's fairly simple but it's really not! Then add ledblinky configs into the mix and it is a lot to understand

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A couple weeks ago i posted instructions on how to get pinballx and dwjukebox working. Well i just made it a heck of a lot better if you ask me!

Download and install irfanview, BE CAREFUL and uncheck crap when installing we dont want toolbars installed and other stuff!

then setup pinballx like my screenshot, basically same as before but not using vp at all as VP will not run without focus! so this works slick!!

setup whatever folder you want for pictures, mine is pinballx\juke images

of coarse you may need to pre rotate all pictures but thats easy select all and right click and rotate counter clockwise.

anyways see video! i think this is way better than a blank playfield!

EDIT: yes you can also play videos on playfield

screen shot is in dropbax as well


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cant get it to work the irfanview starts with window and as soon as i exit irfanview then my jukebox starts as normal. and i am not using the vp fake table file im using a script to run jukebox.


I also use script to launch jukebox. Everything is same just use irfanview instead of vp table. my first post has link to a dropbox, screen shot can be sen there and zoomed to actually see it. did you run irfranview like i did with same parameters? also my launch before .bat file is in drop box.


i dont use vp table never av.will have a look at ur bat file, is your bat file this ledblinky stop cus i dont have ledblinky dont even no wot it is. yes used ur parameters.

this is mine but no slideshow in it but jukebox working. tryed ur settings and did not work only ran the slideshow and no jukebox untill i exit slides then jukebox ran.


if you dont have a ledwiz for light show just remove ledblinky from bat. does your jukebox load up on backglass? looking at your setup maybe run irfranview then add jukeboxe to run before in the "launch before" section.


yep jukebox goes on backglass. i have tryed the launch before and ran irfranview it worked and the slideshow started but the jukebox didnt start it only started when i exited out of irfranview slideshow.


sorted it mate i ran irfranview then add jukebox to run before and it worked.thanks for info mate


i have just got some jukebox full screen pics 7 in total at the moment with white background looks good. prob get about 15 in total i think.

i have just upgraded my pin cab with a joystick and extra buttons for playing vertical mame games and managed to get all the vertical mame rotated videos for the games aswell.


I stumbled by accident on this forum and thread.

Today I will be taking the plunge and start from scratch.

I'll keep you guys posted.

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