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this may show how stupid i really am......


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That thing in my sig that shows what game I'm playing on my rig is a gamer tag. GameEx has one too that's a little different than that one, it's available on gameex.com and it's out there for everyone who is so inclined to use one. Looks pretty in your forum signature. :-)

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No, it's a free deal. You should be able to create one at GameEx Online (your login will be the same as your forum login). You'll also need to enable PinballX to login to GameEx Online. You might actually need to do that first before it will allow you to create your card ... not sure. At any rate you can configure those settings on the GameEx Online screen in the Setup Wizard ... oddly enough. ;)

Here's an example of what the PinballX Gamer Card looks like

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Did you enable PinballX to login to GameEx Online (and subsequently run it)? Take a look at Tom's profile for an example. There should be a Game Card link that appears under your avatar. I dunno I could be off base though ... I'm kinda shooting from the hip on this one.

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Mine worked rather quickly ... I think you need to go into PX setup and put your login info and enable it ... it is like the 5th page in the setup.exe

You will then need to run PinballX, and after a few seconds you will see a text scroll up from the bottom saying you are logged in ... it also plays a little chime sound. Next you need to play a game .... then exit and go to the forums and see if it updated in one of your posts.

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Did you run your reg key that gets emailed to you after you register for your gamer tag? ;)

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Yes Les is correct. I've just confirmed the following steps:

  • On the GameEx Online screen in the Setup Wizard enter the following Settings:

    Enabled: Yes
    Password: [FORUM PASSWORD]
  • Start PinballX and wait for the "Logged In" icon to appear. It appears on the left hand side of the screen for me.
  • Launch a table (I don't think it matters which one)
  • Exit PinballX and login to GameEx Online. You should now have a Game Card link appearing under your avatar.
  • When you click on the Game Card link it will show the appropriate url to enter in you signature (or where ever else)

@randr: FWIW it looks like you're running a GameEx Game Tag. That's fine and good if you're running GameEx (and have run the registry key you received in the associated email), but it's not going to do anything for PinballX. You'll need to follow the above steps in order to get your PinballX gamer tag.

Good luck man!

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I did all that. registered the key no problem...ill keep reading but i dont need to actually install the gameex software on my cab right?

Hi randr, i think some confusion is happening here. There are two types of tag available - one for GameEx and one for PinballX. The GameEx tag (which is the one in your sig currently) is solely for GameEx users. The only way that one will be of use to you is if you run your pinball emulators through GameEx itself.

As you are in the PinX forum i'm assuming you are using PinballX and not GameEx. To get your PinballX tag you will need to follow nullPointers intsructions above your previous post.

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Ok so let's hit some troubleshooting questions then.

  • First is your pin cab (or PinballX machine or whatevs) attached to the internet?
  • Are you able to log in to GameEx Online?
  • Did you follow the steps delineated here?
  • Do you have a Game Card link appearing under your avatar in GameEx Online? (Not a game card, just a link that says Game Card)
  • Did you click the Game Card link? When you click on that link it takes you to a screen that contains the BBCode for your PinballX Game Card. You'll want to manually enter that information into you forum signature (presumably just like you did for the GameEx Game Card)

Hopefully that all makes sense. If the answer to any of the above questions is No, you'll want to go back and review that part. Good luck sir!

Edit: Sweet! Looks like you got it all sorted out. Well done man!

Edited by nullPointer
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cab is connected to internet pinball tells me when an update is available. gamer taged worked on reception computer at work but not cab! LOL everything is same but I do not get "logging on" in pinballx menu like I do on reception pc... something is strange on cab.

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Oh noes! Generally you can do an in-place upgrade / reinstall (and preserve your settings), but very rarely something gets hosed in such a way that requires a completely fresh install. At any rate, I'm glad to hear it's working our for you!

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ok figured it out! restored everything one thing at a time and my mame database is somewhat large causing pinball x to load a little slower and THAT is the problem!! if I remove mame databse it works fine put it back and no log in! Im thinking its because of the extra load time of long mame database causing pinballx not to log in.

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ok figured it out! restored everything one thing at a time and my mame database is somewhat large causing pinball x to load a little slower and THAT is the problem!! if I remove mame databse it works fine put it back and no log in! Im thinking its because of the extra load time of long mame database causing pinballx not to log in.

GameEx doesn't suffer from this because i believe it doesn't use GameEx Online (yet). It's only available to PinX users currently but AFAIK GE Evo will use GameEx Online so you may have inadvertently found a future bug!...?..!

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ok! here is the deal...

with MAME database 350 games total it takes pinball 12 seconds to load...resulting in no login to gamex

without mame database but still 450 visual, 60 FP, 30 some fx2, 30 some pinball arcade it takes 5 seconds to load pinballx and login to gamex works

seems like if I cut my mame database to 25% 7 sec load time login still works...around 96 mame games

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