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Model 2 emulator with borderless exe


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This is an interesting one... any help would be very appreciated! The Model 2 emulator has an ability to run scripts. Someone has written an excellent script to enable lightguns to function better with this emulator. Here is the discussion with the scripts:


The way it works is that if the scripts are in the emulator's folders, when you pick a game with the Model 2 emulator, the script automatically calls an exe which runs, and then closes when complete. It's perfect... unless used with GameEx. :P

So basically, the game doesn't load because it gets hung up on the exe called in the script.

Any ideas how I can make this function? Thanks!

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After having attempted to run the Model 2 emulator from GameEx go to:

All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game

This is basically a generated batch file that runs the exact same commands that GameEx uses to run the emulator. It's a good way to determine whether there's a problem happening with GameEx, or whether there's a problem with the command being used to run it (or possibly even the emulator itself).

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Did you get the latest version of the script? The author claims that he needed to modify it to close the cmd window. Once that part works, you will need to use an advanced config to watch for additional processes.

Edit: I wonder if his Process,Close,cmd.exe is closing Runitgame.bat, and not his own cmd.exe? I would think that he could get the pid of the cmd.exe that he spawns, and then make sure to close that cmd.exe, and not runitgame.bat.

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Here's the latest:

- Using the newest version of the script

- Run Last Game causes the same thing to happen (the cmd appears and doesn't go away)

- Also I forgot to mention this doesn't work when using the "use model 2" feature in GameEx, or when setting it up as its own emulator

I'm assuming I should use an advanced config... any ideas on where I should start?

Thanks so much for the help...

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The Run Last Game information is good to know since it basically takes GameEx out of the equation for the time being. What I mean is that we need to get this all running from the command line before it can be incorporated back into GameEx.

So I would start with your runitgame.bat script, and tweak it to the point where everything can be started from that batch file. Once that's working OK you can translate those commands back into GameEx, and hopefully have good results.

Tempest's comments also lead me to wonder whether the external script itself may be causing problems for you.

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The fact that there might be two cmd windows open at the same time might be causing problems. Even if you explicitly tell GameEx to wait for it (cmd.exe) - how does it know which (command window) is which? I'm of course just re-wording Tempest's enlightening post above. It makes a lot of sense though.

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We were all n00bz at one point my friend. It's your desire to make it work that will teach you the path. :P:GXEvo:

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Try this exe instead of Ramjet's and let me know what happens.

So if I'm reading you accurately, I should rename the Test.exe to RamjetM2Borderless.exe and put that in the folder?

If I do that, The cmd prompt comes up and sits there. If I close the cmd window, the game then starts.

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Yes, that is what I meant.

Instead of running the script from within Model2, try using the launch before in your emulator config. Again, let me know what happens.

I do not have Model2 installed, so we will just have to keep it up with trial and error.

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If I do what I described above (did I get the steps right?) what happens is I select the game in GameEx, it kicks me to the Windows UI, but the RamjetM2Borderless icon is in the task bar. Nothing else happens. If I close the item in the task bar, the cmd comes up and nothing happens. If I then close that, the game starts.

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Can you post the text that is in the cmd window?

To do that, right-click on the cmd window and select 'Mark'. Highlight the text and then press 'Enter'. The text will be sent to the clipboard. Paste it into your reply.

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Can you post the text that is in the cmd window?

To do that, right-click on the cmd window and select 'Mark'. Highlight the text and then press 'Enter'. The text will be sent to the clipboard. Paste it into your reply.

The command window is blank..... nothing to paste...

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IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!

FYI, when I have it set to launch before, I get an error that reads, "Unable to identify correct cmd.exe window." But if it's simply hangin' out in the folder, it works like a charm!!! So now it works great when using the "Use Model 2" feature as well.


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