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  On 1/30/2014 at 12:34 AM, prudolf620 said:


I've been trying to experiment with slingfront however I am still having login failures even with your updated .exe file. As other have had success, Is there a general setting I may be missing?


At what point is it failing - does it bring up the account login page when the exe starts and fails at that point?

Or is it failing later on to actually connect to your Slingbox?

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:25 AM, Alanjudy said:

Oviano, sorry I've been slow at responding. I am on a business trip and don't return home Friday. I will provide a detailed report then, but have to say that the previous update that let me assign the list, skip back and skip forward keys has passed the 'wife' (judy :-) ) test. No complaints from her daily use. Thanks again and look for an update Sat morning.

No problem, the only change in the last one I uploaded was to make it de-assign a function from a key if the key is being assigned to a new function. It seemed to work ok in my quick test, so it was just a case of someone else verifying it too just to make sure, then hopefully Tom can release this new code.

  On 1/30/2014 at 6:56 AM, oviano said:

At what point is it failing - does it bring up the account login page when the exe starts and fails at that point?

Or is it failing later on to actually connect to your Slingbox?

Thanks for the quick reply,

At the account login page when it starts. Enter my email/pass for my slingbox account, select connect and that is when it says login failed.

I haven't even been able to get to any point to actually select and connect to the slingbox.

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:03 PM, oviano said:

Ok and can you just verify that when you go to this page in your browser it lets you sign-in ok?


Also, can you verify the size of the SlingFront.exe that you are launching matches the one above that you downloaded inside the zip?

Yes, I can login to my account just fine, and use my slingbox as normal in a browser using their webplayer (which I need to upgrade when using IE, and I need to uninstall and let slingfront install the older version).

The .exe file is 415 KB. After making several attemps last night, I believe that is the latest one that you've updated.

I don't know if everyone who has had success using slingfront may be on older, existing accounts which haven't required them to make any updates lately, but for me, I am on a new account that I just setup last month using a second hand Slingbox Solo. When I setup my account on slingbox.com, when finding the box on the network, it was pretty much forced to upgrade the firmware.

Would this cause an issue for logging in through slingfront? Like I said, I can't even get past the login page, let alone attempt to connect to the box. Does slingfront save any log files that I can send you?

Thanks again for all the help

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:17 PM, prudolf620 said:

Yes, I can login to my account just fine, and use my slingbox as normal in a browser using their webplayer (which I need to upgrade when using IE, and I need to uninstall and let slingfront install the older version).

I don't know if everyone who has had success using slingfront may be on older, existing accounts which haven't required them to make any updates lately, but for me, I am on a new account that I just setup last month using a second hand Slingbox Solo. When I setup my account on slingbox.com, when finding the box on the network, it was pretty much forced to upgrade the firmware.

Would this cause an issue for logging in through slingfront? Like I said, I can't even get past the login page, let alone attempt to connect to the box. Does slingfront save any log files that I can send you?

Thanks again for all the help

No logs that I know of - could you possibly try and create a new account with no slingboxes in it and see if that also fails?

If it does, then i could see if it reproduces for me, and if it does try and debug it and see what is going on.

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:20 PM, oviano said:

No logs that I know of - could you possibly try and create a new account with no slingboxes in it and see if that also fails?

If it does, then i could see if it reproduces for me, and if it does try and debug it and see what is going on.

Just created another account on slingbox.com. I am getting the same results in slingfront (attempting login -> login failed)

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:25 PM, prudolf620 said:

Just created another account on slingbox.com. I am getting the same results in slingfront (attempting login -> login failed)

Ok, so can you PM me the login credentials for this empty account so I can see if the same happens to me?

If the same happens then with a bit of luck I'll be able to figure out what is going on by stepping through the code where it fails.

  On 1/30/2014 at 2:36 PM, oviano said:

Ok, so can you PM me the login credentials for this empty account so I can see if the same happens to me?

If the same happens then with a bit of luck I'll be able to figure out what is going on by stepping through the code where it fails.

OK, with your request, I just found the issue. The password I was using was letters and numbers. I changed my password to something generic for you to experiment with and made it all letters, no numbers. For grins, I attempted slingfront with my new password and it allowed me to login! I went back to slingbox, changed the password for my main slingbox account, and it works as it should.

So right now the issue with slingfront is that it doesn't allow alpha-numeric passwords? That is ok for now, but can be an issue for others, as I would like to change my password back to the more secure one that I use.

Now on to experimenting with slingfront. The first thing that I noticed is the quality/resolution is stuck in 640x480, but I believe this is due to not using the latest slingbox webplayer correct?

Anyway, that you Oviano for the quick replies and the help!


Ok thanks for the info - that's strange as my password has letters and numbers and it works ok. Were there any other characters apart from numbers and letters when it failed?

I'm not aware of any issues with the resolution being stuck - what setting have you chosen for "Quality" under the Slingbox?


Oviano, I've completed extensive testing of your latest drop. It correctly unassigns values if there is a conflict, however, SlingFront doesn't appear to work properly if some of the APPxxxx values are not assigned (or assigned to 0). Specifically, when I assigned keys that conflicted with AppQualityMinimum, your new code did set AppQualityMinimum to 0, however, this caused other keys on the remote to suddenly be changed. (I could change the quality to minimum using a key assigned to a completely different function). This problem was fixed once AppQualityMinimum was assigned to values other than 0 that were not assigned to keys on the remote. Once I edited the keyboard_mappings_v2.ini file so that all AppXXX values were non-zero, then the remote acted as expected. I don't know if it is all AppXXX values that have problems, but could consistently demonstrate problems when one or more AppQualityXXX values were set to 0.

Hopefully this helps.....


Hi Alan,

Thanks for that, yes that's useful I appreciate you taking the time.

I will have a look and try and fix whatever is causing it.



  On 2/2/2014 at 1:51 AM, Alanjudy said:

Oviano, I've completed extensive testing of your latest drop. It correctly unassigns values if there is a conflict, however, SlingFront doesn't appear to work properly if some of the APPxxxx values are not assigned (or assigned to 0). Specifically, when I assigned keys that conflicted with AppQualityMinimum, your new code did set AppQualityMinimum to 0, however, this caused other keys on the remote to suddenly be changed. (I could change the quality to minimum using a key assigned to a completely different function). This problem was fixed once AppQualityMinimum was assigned to values other than 0 that were not assigned to keys on the remote. Once I edited the keyboard_mappings_v2.ini file so that all AppXXX values were non-zero, then the remote acted as expected. I don't know if it is all AppXXX values that have problems, but could consistently demonstrate problems when one or more AppQualityXXX values were set to 0.

Hopefully this helps.....

Hmm, I haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour.

Can you remember the exact steps and issue that occurred? Ie what behaviour did you see?

I tried assigning the keys that are by default assigned to the quality controls to other functions, leaving the AppQualityXXX keys all assigned to no key but after doing that, the other commands all seemed to behave as normal.

  On 2/3/2014 at 1:24 PM, oviano said:

Hmm, I haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour.

Can you remember the exact steps and issue that occurred? Ie what behaviour did you see?

I tried assigning the keys that are by default assigned to the quality controls to other functions, leaving the AppQualityXXX keys all assigned to no key but after doing that, the other commands all seemed to behave as normal.

Yes. With an mce remote use any key mapper tool to set "next" and "prev" to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively. Make sure you reboot to make these values stick. Then in slingfront make appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to zero. Then make skipback and skip to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively.

Now try hitting the skip button on the remote, I see the quality change (the info box comes up and shows a resolution switch to 320x240). If I then go into slingfront key settings and assign appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to some unused keys and keep everything else the same then the skip forward and skip back work as expected.

  On 2/6/2014 at 5:14 AM, Alanjudy said:

Yes. With an mce remote use any key mapper tool to set "next" and "prev" to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively. Make sure you reboot to make these values stick. Then in slingfront make appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to zero. Then make skipback and skip to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively.

Now try hitting the skip button on the remote, I see the quality change (the info box comes up and shows a resolution switch to 320x240). If I then go into slingfront key settings and assign appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to some unused keys and keep everything else the same then the skip forward and skip back work as expected.

Thanks - so does this only reproduce when using an MCE remote? When it's in this error state, what happens if you just press the comma/period keys?

Also, just to clarify, when you wrote above "Then in slingfront make appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to zero. Then make skip back and skip to oemcomma and OemPeriod respectively" - are you doing this in the .ini file or simply inside SlingFront remapping skip back/to to these keys (and it automatically zeroing the appqualityminimum and appqualitygood)?

  On 2/6/2014 at 5:49 AM, oviano said:

Thanks - so does this only reproduce when using an MCE remote? When it's in this error state, what happens if you just press the comma/period keys?

Also, just to clarify, when you wrote above "Then in slingfront make appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to zero. Then make skip back and skip to oemcomma and OemPeriod respectively" - are you doing this in the .ini file or simply inside SlingFront remapping skip back/to to these keys (and it automatically zeroing the appqualityminimum and appqualitygood)?

Good question on the direct use of keyboard. I don't know and will try, but I'm not at home right now.

To answer your question on setting to zero. For testing purposes I was editing the ini, but this first started when your latest drop cleared any conflict. When I assigned the oemcomma and oemperiod to other functions, this zeroed these two. How I found this is because your previous drop didn't handle the conflict (and I didn't know about editing the .ini). I had to reassign appqualitymin and good to some unused key (because slingfront has no way to set a key to none) and after doing this, everything worked. In testing your later drop (with your defaults and the re-assigning skip and skipback to oemcomma and oemperiod, things failed when pressing the assigned keys on the remote). From you in this forum then I learned about editing the .ini and was able to verify this by directly editing the .ini

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