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good to all, and updated version of pinballx of 1.70 to 1.71 and I'm still coming out that I have to upgrade and version 1.70 comes out
any suggestions?

An inquiry, it is possible to delay time with the button out of the tables, to avoid accidentally leaving


Thank you, and on the subject of time-tables and if possible use the same button to pause output, this will be possible?, Is that so you have to put fewer buttons on the cabinet
Greetings and thank you for this fantastic program


forgiving translations
You can put a delay time when using the exit button on tables
if you may use the same button to pause / exit tables


Okay I got ya. Thanks for the suggestion. The pause feature does allow you to exit the table though so I think that is what most folks do when they have limited buttons.


is more practical and you will save a button, and to get out you have to hold the button a few seconds

Like the manual button, use the same instructions to exit, more practical

more tanks

  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to see this also ... a single press of the exit button pauses the the game/table and holding the exit button down it goes to exit in a countdown like Hyperpin. "Exiting Table in 3 2 1 "

Need this because of less buttons but mostly if someone leans or bumps into buttons on accident you loose your killer score you had going. Also happens to be the perfect height for my 2 year old to push ... lol

Thanks Tom


This is funny :) when I switched from HP to PBX this was the one thing I missed....the ability to hold the exit button for 3 secs to go back to the PBX wheel menu.

but there is hope......I have 3 buttons on my cab (4 if you count the launch ball) Start, Extra Ball, Exit.

Start - starts the VP/FP/PBFX2 table from the PBX wheel or in game starts the table after coins are inserted

Extra Ball - extra ball in VP (in game) or pause in FP (in game)

Exit - If you are at the PBX wheel, pressing exit brings up the Return, Exit, Shutdown menu. (Return to wheel, Exit to OS, or shutdown the PC)

If you are in a VP/FP table, pressing exit brings up the Return, Exit Table, Instructions, Flyers, Information dialog. <----From the posts above it doesn't seem like this is what you are getting?

In order to accidentally exit a table, I would have to tap exit, right flipper once to Exit Table, and press start. Les if you want me to shoot a quick youtube video let me know, I know it's easier to picture)



I have 6 buttons on my cab ... my launch ball button - this is mapped to the keyboard enter key ... below that is the flyer button mapped to the F key .... left hand is Start mapped to key 1 above the q ... extra ball is next mapped to key 2 above the w .. exit/pause button mapped to e key ... last one is How to Play button mapped to the i key.

When I press the exit/pause button from inside VP / FP it takes me right back to the PinX wheel no other choices are available ..

So it sounds like I don't have the keys mapped correctly in the PinX setup ... I will play with that next.

Thank you for the help ... Zen is the next project to make work ;-)


So I changed the mapping around in Settings.exe of PinX so that my PinCab Exit button is now set to use pause which does in fact bring up the menu that lets me select to exit, resume, instructions, ect ect

Thank you for the tip ... the next cab I build will not have all the buttons cause PinballX ROOOCKS! and they will be counter sunk so they are flush


Oh my... :blink:

Can I come over and play Funhouse or Addams Family?

That is one sexy bitch right there!!

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