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If your roms are named in a non traditional manner, you will most likely want to rename them using Romcenter or CMP as Nullpointer has suggested.


Emumovies uses the "HyperList" naming convention for almost all it's artwork and video packs hosted. HyperList is basically a "filtered" version of the No-Intro naming convention. I think the best route for you to take is to do what has already been suggested by nullPointer, use a ROM auditing program to rename your set to a proper naming convention. The two most common ROM set's I've seen are "GoodSets" that will include EVERYTING (all known dumps of a paticular ROM, all regions, hacks, bad dumps, translations) basically with a "GoodSet" you get the good, bad, and the ugly. Then you have a "No-Intro" ROM set. These sets include all regions of said ROM(s), and they use the best known ROM dumps available, giving you a nice clean and complete set, without all the "garbage" bundled in with the "GoodSets" Here's some of the difference in the naming convention used for the set's I've mentioned above:

GoodSet ROM Name: Super Metroid (J) [!] or Super Metroid (J) (Depending on if your ROM is headered or not)

No-Intro ROM Name: Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja)

HyperList ROM Name: Super Metroid (Japan, USA)

As I said, Emumovies uses the HyperList naming convention and that's basically a "No-Intro" name without language tags (En,Ja) but renaming your ROM files to match a No-Intro set would be fine since the Download Service Utility bundled with GameEX uses "fuzzy matching" when downloading matching media/artwork files.

If you have a Super Metroid ROM and it's named SM.smc then the utility might have a difficult time finding matching media. I'm using Super Metroid as an example of course.

There are also different file extentions used by the different sets I've mentioned. No-Intro Genesis ROMs have the .MD file extention (Mega Drive) while the GoodSet uses .bin Also for SNES, No-Intro and HyperList use .sfc files, without ROM headers (Information left behind by the device used to dump the ROM image) and GoodSets use .smc

The file extention is important because when running your ROM set through and auditing program like CLRMamePro or ROMcenter, it will try to match the CRC value to that of your ROM, if they don't match, the ROM wont be renamed or included in a final, rebuilt set. Basically rendering it a "bad dump". In order for you to rename or rebuild your set properly, you'll need a .dat file to plugin to the auditing program your using to audit your set. HyperList has .dat files on hand at the link below. Since linking to ROM files is a "no no" I can't tell you where to get an already pre-built set using proper naming but I will tell you that Google is a great friend to have and there are No-Intro sets "floating around" in cyber space to save you the hassle of renaming your ROMs/Artwork. Below is a link to the HyperList .dat and XML files. If you want to rename to a standard No-Intro set, checkout the No-Intro site as well for the .dat files hosted there. They also give you the option to customize your .dat by selecting different filter options (region, language)


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