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hehe allright. No problemo.

Just drop me a PM when you want to try and we will work something out friend.
I see if I can squeeze in some time this weekend. :D

  • Like 1

will the shareware do the job or do i need a serial? i downloaded the windows version from their homepage but usually i am on mac. so i can't try out by myself. 


I think so if you can record and then fad and normalize the recordning (oh, and save it prefferably to .mp3 that is) :D


  • Like 1

wow Calium. That is some impressive work right there. I have done a bit now and plan on continue the work of completing this list as it would
be "the end" of table sounds if not for originals and the one we missed somehow :D

Uploaded now, FTP/Dropbox

    2 in 1 (Bally 1964)
    Aces High (Bally 1965)
    Band Wagon (Bally 1965)
    Boomerang (Bally 1974)
    Bronco (Gottlieb 1977)
    Cabaret (Williams 1968)
    Distant World (Original Itchigo 2013)
    Rapid Vienna (Original 2003)
    Ready...Aim...Fire! (Gottlieb 1983)
    Rock (Gottlieb 1985)

so far ;).

  • Like 1

perfect! thanks a lot for the new files :) i deleted the new audio files out of the list above.

why should it be the end? maybe new unreleased recreations will come out in future ;)

i am also done with my missing Flyer and Instruction Cards of all the VP9/10 FS Tables. Actually I do just some unnecessary stuff like renaming files to start every word with a capital, converting all medias to jpg and swf...

If anybody is interested into those lists or can hook me up with some of my missing it would be great!



*lol* no, not the end, that's why I used the  around it. I will of course update and create new ones for originals/recreations/Pinball FX and so on. No worry ;)

Nive work with the missing list. Would be great some day with full set and them integrated in PinballX from the start or some sync feature *dreaming away*

new uploaded to FTP/DropBox

    Dogies (Bally 1968)
    Flip Flop (Bally 1976)
    Flying Turns (Midway 1964)
    Frontier (Bally 1980)

    Gay 90's (Williams 1970)
    Gigi (Gottlieb 1963)
    Gran Domino (Iberomatic 1973)
    Haunted Mansion (Original 2011)


NICE! I updated the list again. Getting smaller and smaller. Thx gustav.

Yeah it's my goal too to get a fullset of everything in pinballx but that will probably never happen becouse there are a lot of flyers and instruction cards missing. I got my set from several places to get as much as possible. i will upload my lists here soon


Check Other Uploads/Carny/Z20160604/Media:

Humpty Dumpty (Gottlieb 1947) (extracted from RandR's table)

Ice Cold Beer (Taito 1983)

Mystic Star (Zaccaria 1986)

Rat Fink - based on Bally's Star Trek (Hauntfreaks 2015) - referenced his table

Shooting the Rapids (Zaccaria 1979)

Star Trek (Starfleet Pro) (Stern 2013) plus shot maps

There never has been an instruction card for Strange Science

Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons (Whizbang Pinball 2011)


Originals - you are likely going to have to extract them from the playfield image from the table if the table displayed one in the first place and if you really want them.


Many but not all cards for real tables are reproduced by Inkochnito. If he doesn't have a card then you might check his unused resources stack and try to do something with unprocessed images if he has something available. Please donate. He's providing a great service. 

The preferred method of distribution is still Flash as it scales up and preserves the aspect ratio for any display resolution. png gets scaled to fit the screen size which can squeeze or squash the image. Png conversion to Flash is not the way to do it. It's much better quality to trace to vectors. I have a tutorial that I can provide if you are interested in completing this project.  


@Carny_Priest thank you.

my IC set is created by gameex ftp, ipdb.org and http://www.pinballrebel.com/game/pins/card/card.htm

i will check out http://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/ today. is that the source you are talking about, otherwise please give me the link to that unused resource stack.

how can i extract the ic from the playfield image? little tutorial would be great :)

edit: ok i checked the second link of pinbal lrebel and found a lot of missing IC's. I will post an updated missing list soon


hey Calium. In your list the Magic from Gottlieb seems a bit out of reach, at least for me.
Can just find that it is a prototype table which never reached production state and only excisted in whitewood state as
stated here http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5328

Do you happend to have the table, please send it my way and I'll fix it too.


  • Like 1

oh, you are right. i just clicked on the wrong "magic" in pinballx editor.

i delete it out of the list now. sorry, but after thounds of checks, a little mistake has to happen ;)

  • Like 1

Hehe no problem master! Just thought you had a secret stash of unreleased whitewood tables.

I will continue to complete your list. But the weekend is said to be stormy with heavy drinking. Cheers! ;)

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Uploaded 15 more now from Caliums list, FTP/Dropbox :lol:

    Electric Mayhem (Original lodger 2016)
    Heat Wave (Williams 1964)
    Hot Shots (Premier 1989)
    Hulk (Original rosve 2011)
    Jungle (Williams 1960)
    Key West (Bally 1956)
    King Of Diamonds (Gottlieb 1967)
    Knockout (Bally 1975)
    Masquerade (Gottlieb 1966)
    Meteor (Stern 1979)
    Olympics (Gottlieb 1962)
    Orbit 1 (Hankin 1978)
    Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976)
    Positronic (Original theGhost787 2016)
    Quijote (Juegos Populares 1987)

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for my abcense. I have been truggling with time as I got distracted by my MAME cab and also found a broken toy I modded into a cool thing:

Article here < and here's the video of it in action if you don't want to read the story..

Anyways... Not gone guys! :D

Uploaded 5 more now from Caliums list, FTP/Dropbox

Royal Flush Supreme (Gottlieb 1983)
Rugby (Original mfuegemann 2014)
Rush (Original Pinuck 2012)
Rush 2112 (Original JPSalas 2012)
Stingray (Stern 1977)



  • Like 1

gustav, maximum respect for your fun driver mod! absolutly fantastic! would love to own one too as i am a huge fan of mame.

what cabinet do u have? i still own a taito egret 3 candy cab with a jtag xbox360 for cave shooters, beat em ups and acade sport games + a pc for mame inside.

i owned a egret 2, 2 sega new net cities, 2 sega new astro citiy, selfmade shrinked donkey kong and galaga cabinet in the past. 

as your driver mod is done now, will you go back to record more audios soon? :D

  • Like 1

hehe thanx Calium! It is not MAME as my android phone (Galaxy S4) running RetroArch only have the power for Game Boy Advance and SNES at best.
I would love to install a proper 7" inch screen + RasberryPie in there later on as the power supply for this is a b%&tch.

Also want to mod the lights on that and maybe make an analog steering, as of now only microswitches, so its super hard to play. :D

My MAME cab is an old poker machine with a i7 pc inside. have all the systems I want and it is powerful enough to run PS2 games.

I have a working NAMCO Aimtrak gun too, which was a fun, expensive and hard project. Very cool though!

Never owned any original arcade though, would be nice to expand. but the space is limited already. Here's som pics of my arcade room:

I have a bit more to do to my MAME cab before I can do some heavy lifting with the audio files. Lost momentum when the B2S black backglass error got me due to the PinballX + Tru fullscreen in VPX didn't work in my cab. I get there though :D

both_01.jpg cab_front_03.jpg cab_left_side_02.jpg pin_coin_door.jpg


Uploaded FTP/Dropbox - Attatched

Mortal Kombat (Original theGhost787 2016)
Rogo (Bally 1973)
Royal Flush (Gottlieb 1976)
Ryans Pumpkin Carving (Original hauntfreaks 2014)
Satin Doll (Williams 1975)
Scramble (Tecnoplay 1987)
Screech (Inder 1976)
Secret Service (Data East 1988)
Shark (Hanikin 1980)
Shark (Taito 1982)


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