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Windows 7 - Upgrade


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Just upgraded to Win 7 (32b) from XP, I saved all GameEx files to portable hd as well as the emulators etc, is there a easy way to copy all settings over to new sys, without completely starting over. I know the windows 7 renamed paths.

I did a fresh install of GameEx then tried overwriting files in GameEx and now GameEx wont load.

Can someone give me some direction on getting it set back up on the new OS



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The GameEx F.A.Q. contain the following instructions:

Q: I'm wanting to move my GameEx install over to a new system. Can I just install GameEx on the new system, then copy my old GameEx folder over the new folder?

A: Yes, you can copy your directory over to the new system/location and then install over top of it. That should work fine. Note: you copy the folder first then install GameEx over the top.

I think that should probably set you right. Good Luck! :)

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Just to clearify because I found this a little confusing the first time I did it too.

1) Copy your GameEX folder over to the new computer. I recommend putting it in the default directory (C:\GameEx), but you can put it anywhere you want.

2) Install GameEx. Make sure to point the install at the same location you put your original GameEx folder. GameEx will install over the old folder and keep all the settings it contained previously. It does not erase any settings and reset them to default, as you might be worried about. I've done this numerous times now and it clones my setup perfectly every time, right down to the theme, emulator settings, and rompaths. Of course you will need to change rompaths, working directories, artwork paths, and etc. if they are not located in the exact same folder tree as before. Just make sure all the filepaths and drive letters match up as before and you're golden.

I'm just reinterring what nullPointer posted, but I thought the instructions were a little vague and don't alleviate any apprehension about performing this procedure. It's a piece of cake.

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