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[THEME] >>> GameroomEX v2 Discontinued!!! <<<


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It still says Nintendo N64 in the above pic. I believe that would need to sat Nintendo 64 to pull krak's very cool Nintendo 64 background. If you look in the past posts, you should be able to view an example. It has yoshi in it. You would need to be in the setup wizard and go under emulator selection. Then highlight the Nintendo 64 or N64 line. Click the right arrow. The emulator name should then be listed as Nintendo 64 on the two open paths for naming. If they mirror his naming, you'll pull his cool artwork. Be careful how much you edit in the gameex.ini. I've made that mistake before, which is why I always make a copy prior to editing.

The generic name for what you're asking above is "Emultor Games". If you change it to that in the custom text section of the wizard, that may fix your issue.

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Okay so here's my home screen, emulator select, and n64 game list:




I'm guessing that's how it is supposed to look?

If the only way to get a video playing on the home screen next to Emulated Games is to change the custom text, I will live with it as is.


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I don't believe I have a video playing on the home screen when I am under the emulator games. I think I just have the logo on the left. You can make logos avi files I believe.

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I am having issues only with MAME videos currently. Haven't had the time to look into that yet.

Glad the Background Snap Path fixed your issue. ;)

My mame videos are actually all working fine in your theme. Both on the home screen and within the mame game select menu.

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I'm not having problems with any of the videos in MAME or the emulator areas. I do not have a video playing in the main screen area(start) when I have emulator games selected. However, I can't recall if there ever was one there even.

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I could but not so sure about GE main site as I don't think you can do that at least from my side. My next update won't be for awhile taking a break from theme designing will let you know when I start back at it.

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Been working on some new things to come with a new updated Atari 2600 theme.

Here is what's new!:

- Game box artwork for each game will change when selecting game titles.

- Cartridge art now has a custom game title for each game above the videos. Moved to the right side for video playback.

- Moved the List Num to the bottom wood grain art.

- Cartridge at the top displays the name of the selected game.

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Not out yet just started on this. This one will take time to make all the box/cart art but this is what I have done to enhance this theme even further.

Reason I'm anxious for EVO to really see what else I can do. ;)

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Ok more updates to the 2600. Each game can have it's own independent artwork, box and cart video bezels. Also I added where the list num bers used to be I added the model no. for each game title. Here is an example of the Pitfall! 2600 theme showcasing all the new features that I've talked about.

@MNMax21 I know! ;) Glad you like it. This is how I've always wanted my 2600 theme to look but there have been limitations to what GameEx can do, but I've managed to work around them. With EVO I might not have to do this but I won't know for sure until it's finally released. I try to think outside the box and showcase things that have not been seen before.

Each game can have it's own theme but if one is not found it will have a default theme until one is made kinda in the same sense the way hyperspin works.

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