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Make sure your attachment is not in rar format. Make sure it is .zip.

It's in 7z format, but I could package it in ZIP if you like. 7zip is a free program and .7z achieves better compression than .zip. Although for png images its not much.


Felix The roms names in the map files conform to no-intro. I using MESS and they are working fine.


Felix ,

Not at home tonight, but will be back sometime tommorow and I'll post a dat file for you for ClrMame pro


Thanks. I definatly need to be on the same page as the rest of you, as my map file may be useless untill I am! I've been following Krackerman naming convention, but can't verify it works until my romnames match. Till then...


Checked and I have the dat file on my external drive I have with me . I hope to have the rest of the placeholders done by this weekend. I'm then going to work on the Atari 5200 and the Atari 7800. I 'm almost done with the map files FOR THOSE SYSTEMS . Gameex won't let me load the dat file Send me a private PM with your e-mail address and I'll sent it to your E-MAIL.


Know of a good tutorial for this, neither clrmamepro or romcenter when pointed at the romlist and dat find anything to rename. I mean the roms show up but arn't recognized or fixed when scan is run, they're just skiped as if they're missing. They are working roms (unziped) that play fine in mess. I thought it would recognize the files and rename them? This is annoying. Last time I messed with rom managers, I hoped it would be the last...NOPE!


The names inside the zip need to match the name of the zipfile. So if it is named Space Invaders (USA).zip look in the zip and make sure it is named the same way as well.


OK, I used the re-builder in clrmamepro to re-compress all my roms. That's why they weren't showing up. It automatically renamed them too, most of them anyway. One of them it missed was Cosmic Ark :angry:!!! I manually renamed it and compressed it to the same name in the map, but it still won't play :o . The others I tried are working though, so I think were in the clear, for the most part. I still have to check my maps and asses the completeness of my sets, assuming I can resolve it with clrmamepro.

Anyway, thanks for the quick help guys.

  • Like 1

Well scratch that. I thought that cleared it up but it didn't. Now my set is renamed correctly, all artwork pngs and maps match, and the bins are each within a zip named exactly the same as their contents. I'm using the default map from pak 6, database and change name to match database are off in settings. Rompath is good, working path is good, and command line is working. Games appear correctly and all play fine when no map file is selected.

Cluster [insert explicit 4 letter word]!!! What gives?.




At work but I will check tonight. One thing I see is you have emu 4 and emu 7 both calling the 2600 and mess.


Atari 2600 Placeholder paks M, N, O. Got to get them done before Krakerman gets some more paks done :D

It's coming along nicely. I'm working on the last four of my list! I've attached a sneak peek, I hope they're up to spec. I think they turned out great, but I'm bias.




Cosmic Ark




Ice Hockey

Journy Escape

Laser Blast

Miner 2049er

Moon Patrol

Moon Sweeper

No Escape


Pole Position

Raiders of the lost ark

Return Of the Jedi

Solar Storm

Star Voyager


Oh, now I'm a proud owner of a lifetime membership to emumovies! Bring on the video previews!





  • Like 1

Here are the rest of the Atari 200 placeholders. All games in the database should have a game theme. B) Now when Krakermanm Felix or others do game themes, simply copy over the placeholder and you'll be golden. Thanks to Krakerman and Felix for their great game themes. I'll sure in the future there will be many more fantastic themes developed by them.

  • Like 1

Ok, starbuck. I've updated the coming soon standin to conform to changes made in the theme design and to correct spelling. It looks pretty good I think. See post #683.

I left it in the .pdn format so you can open it in paint.net and edit changes yourself as necessary. All the layers are named, so you shouldn't have a hard time figuring out what's what. The hard part will be updating the standin sets, yikes!






Here is my 2nd release!

Updated list:




Cosmic Ark




Ice Hockey

Journy Escape

Laser Blast

Miner 2049er

Moon Patrol

Moon Sweeper

No Escape


Pole Position

Raiders of the lost ark

Star Wars - Return Of the Jedi - Death Star Battle

Star Voyager

Solar Storm

Super Breakout


Well, that's it for my list. I don't have plans to contribute more at this time, but may later. Stay tuned...

RIP-Felix's Atari 2600 Game Pak 2.zip

  • Like 1

Ok, starbuck. I've updated the coming soon standin to conform to changes made in the theme design and to correct spelling. It looks pretty good I think.

I left it in the .pdn format so you can open it in paint.net and edit changes yourself as necessary. All the layers are named, so you shouldn't have a hard time figuring out what's what. The hard part will be updating the standin sets, yikes!

Starbuck - if you upload a copy of the HS file that you are using as a games list, and the name of the file you want duplicated, I will write a script to duplicate the image.

  • Like 1

Felix the coming soon looks good. But one of the controllers is not a Atari 2600 controller. It is for the Colecovision and did not work on the Atari 2600.

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