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[RESOLVED] ePSXe and GameEx command line ?


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Hey guys I have a question regarding adding a command line to my GameEx setup. What I want to do is have a memory card save using the name for each game. Example:

Ape Escape (USA).mcr

So what command line do I need to add to the command line to use that memory card save. So each memory card save will be the same name as the games. I take it I would need to do something like:

-loadmemc0 [ROM]


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Yeah I think that's correct. :-)

Try it out and see. If it doesn't work try [RomName], but I really think you got it.

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This works if I manually enter the memcard/path but how do I convert this to atuomatically use the name of my games:

ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\Ape Escape (USA).mbr" -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

@null I am using 1.9.0

I tried:

ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\" [ROM] ".mbr" -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

Doesn't work.

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Can you use "[RomPath]\[Rom].mbr" instead?

Edit: my bad, your mbr files aren't in the same directory as the rom path.

Maybe the room variable isn't supported? How about a peek at your runitgame.bat after you use the command line? Also try "YourPath\memcards\[Rom].mbr" and see if that does it.

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The trouble with your second example there is you're trying to apply string concatenation to your command line, and it doesn't work that way. Translating that into your first example it would end up looking like this (which also wouldn't work):

ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\"Ape Escape (USA)".mbr" -loadbin "etc."

I think you're very close though. Try this on for size:

ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\[ROM]" -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

I'm pretty sure that you don't need to add the .mbr extension, but if it turns out that you do, you can simply add the extension after the [ROM] (but still within the quotes).

Can you use "[RomPath]\[Rom].mbr" instead?

You could also do this, so long as your memory card file is in the same directory as your disc image (although I'm not sure how this will behave if you're using ROMs in subfolders)

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Well I am getting closer the problem is now that [ROM] and [ROMFILE] drops the (USA) from the filename so it is trying to look for Ape Escape.mcr when I want it to find Ape Escape (USA).mcr guess I have to drop the (USA) from the memcard saves I guess unless of course I will try creating a custom map file and see if that will work.

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Working! Just have to drop the (USA) in the filename and everything works. So now with that commandline you can have every game have it's own memory card. If one doesn't exist when you run the game it will create one using the filename of the game minus any () characters in the name unless someone can figure out why it does that. Granted I have GameEx not to display any text in brackets maybe that's why? However I would think it should still show the filename with the brackets when using [ROM]

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If it's dropping the brackets from the Rom variable it's definitely a bug. It might have been introduced recently when he added the new bracket removal handling when the new databases came out.

I would ask Tom about it, but I don't think it's dropping the brackets in the plugin system or I would have noticed that by now.

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I noticed it when I looked at the Run Last Game too see the commandline it was trying to execute.and the [ROM] option was outputting as ape escape and not ape escape (usa). I don't know if this matters but noticed that it outputs all in lowercase as well.

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Nope it's definitely not dropping brackets via the plug-in architecture.

I just tested it and it's showing the whole rom name (minus the extension).

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YES! it's fixed now the correct names are displayed and [ROM] displays the correct filename. Even thou the [ROM] was not the name of the zipfile but the content that was inside the zip which is why it was displaying the way it was. So that is my bad took me awhile but at least I got it squared away and now all my games can have their own memory cards using the same names as the games. :D

Thanks for the help guys.

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@Adultery Yuppers :)

Command line should be this:

ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\[ROM].mcr" -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

of course put the directory to where you have your memcards folder at.

Rom Filter I have set with:


Note: You can remove -slowboot if you don't want the psx logo screen to startup. Just make sure you have the memcard save slot 0 enabled in ePSXe.

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The one pain I have to do is go into each zip file and rename all the files to match the name of my zip's so that the names of the memcard saves will match the zipfile names. If a memcard save is not found it will create one for you. :D

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