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I have a question about integrating Steam with GameEx.

Everything works for me except GameEx is not showing a gameplay video in the 2 screens below. The videos are present in GameEx > Media > Steam > Video

Does anyone know how I can solve this ?

screen 1


screen 2







So I notice this in your config

[Emulator_4]STARTPAGENAME=SteamTITLETEXT=SteamStartPageLogo=SteamWorkingPath=C:\Spellen\SteamRomPath=C:\Spellen\Steam\SteamAppsROMFilter=Command=steam.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]"SnapPath=C:\Spellen\GameEx\MEDIA\STEAM\SNAPTitlePath=BoxPath=CartPath=ManualPath=DATABASE=Enabled=FalseVideoSnapPath=C:\Spellen\GameEx\MEDIA\STEAM\VIDEO

Are you trying to run Steam as a standalone emulator? If so, don't do that. ;) You should try it out just using the standalone Steam integration as seen here. I'm not saying that's the direct cause of this particular issue ... but I'm not saying it's not. :)


Hi NP,

thank you for your quick response.

At my first try I ran Steam as a standalone emulator. I couldn't get that to work so I unchecked this using the Setup Wizard.

At my second try (see my config files in my post #1) I was using the standalone Steam integration shown in the link you shared but GameEx is still not showing the gameplay video.


Sweet I figured I should verify that we were looking at the same list! :) So does Bit Trip Runner show a video or is it just PinBall FX 2 that has a problem? If neither game is displaying a video, I'm wondering if it's theme related. If this is the case would you mind checking to see if the videos display in the default theme?


Hi NP,

The gameplay video is not showing for either game.

I've also tried Space Invaders HD theme and the defaul/default theme. Same issue. See screenshot below.

I've also posted my config files using the default/default theme.

I wonder what seems to be the problem ?







What format are the videos in? Do they play OK on their own? Maybe a codec issue? Sorry for the basic type questions! I have the same two games and haven't had any issue that I know of.

You could try to convert them to a different format to see what happens. If they worked in a different format I'd say it's a codec thing.


I'm glad you're trying to help me out NP :)

The videos are .flv files and do play OK on their own.


For testing purposes I've converted the two video files to MP4 having used Spesoft Video Converter.

Again, the video files play OK on their own but don't show up in GameEx.

If it's anything with the codec how do I solve this ....?

Config files added




Hi GC,

I had a similar problem with the videos when Steam integration was all new and sparkley ^_^ Turns out although the .flv's were playing outside of GE, they wouldn't work in GE until i installed sharks codecs, which solved all my problems and off i bounced :lol:

Granted your problem may be completely unrelated, but a heads up can't hurt.

Here is my thread for review if you would like :)

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The Shark Codecs are awesome, and I've recommended them for a long time. Having said that you'll want to be aware of potential issues with recent versions. I've not heard an update on this so maybe it's been resolved at this point, but it's something you'll probably want to keep in your back pocket just in case. (I only update my codecs if something appears to be broken, so it's been a while since I updated)

  • Like 1

Yeah, if that issue pans out to be true that sucks. Shark007 has been good to me, but like Null I don't update the pack unless something goes wrong.


Here's a two-for-one answer (what a bargain!)

You'll want to use a wrapper for games that utilize some sort of Launcher that pops up prior to actually running the game. Grand Theft Auto IV comes to mind (with the Rockstar Club Login popup), as well as Batman Arkham Asylum (which just has a standard Launcher with options for "Play this Game", "Options", etc.) Typically the wrapper is a compiled AutoHotKey script that sends Mouse Clicks, Key Presses and the like to bypass these launchers. There are several wrappers that have already been written, and I'm sure there are multitudes out there still waiting to be discovered. Any existing wrappers can be found in the GameEx\media\steam\wrappers directory.

You'll also notice that there's a GameEx\media\steam\configs directory. This directory houses a config for each of your Steam games. With a config you can exercise some degree of control over how GameEx executes the associated game. I find that most often I use a custom config when I need to specify an alternate watched process (Steam games that get run through DOSBox are an example of this - the watched process (overidewaitprocess) needs to be DOSBox, not whatever it is that Steam launches). This will prevent GameEx from taking back focus before you exit the game. I believe you could also use a custom config to specify Launch Before and Launch After parameters on a per game basis, but have never had a need to do so.

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Thanks NP :)

I'll definitely look into this. Doesn't sound too easy though but I like a challenge. I can always ask my GameEx friends for help ;)

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