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How can I set up 2 different programs to run after an emulator closes? I tried putting both programs in the same foler and then listing them both with a comma separating them in the "launch after" line and that didn't work.

I want to run ledset.bat (for my ledwiz), AND killB2S.exe (to kill the b2s backglass from Cirqus Voltaire and others) both after exiting a visual pinball table.


As Tom pointed out, this is exactly what QuickLaunch is for. No need to learn BAT file structure, just add your programs and save.


Thanks guys. I wasn't aware of this plugin. I didnt see it listed on the pinballx forums. Because I'm not using gameex I hadn't looked in the gameex forums. I will try it out


I only recently ported this to PinballX. Let me know if it works OK for you. :)


I'm getting an Unhandled exception has occured....

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1



I'll take a look at it. Hang tight.



Here is the actual error if it helps you:


I copied the .dll into the Plugins folder then opened the PinballX plugin manager. After clicking Configure this comes up.



Just for my sanity how would you do this via a batch file??

I created a vp_end.bat:

@echo on
call D:\PinballX\Scripts\ledset.bat
call D:\PinballX\Scripts\killb2s.exe [TABLEFILE]

but I'm sure the third line is not working.



Tom, I got a weird error with your script "Not enough storage is available to process this command" the ledset kicked off but not the killb2s. I used the below and it seems to work. I had to use %1 and pass the [TABLEFILE] via the pinballx ini (parameters). For some reason I couldn't embed the [TABLEFILE] in the bat file.

@echo on
call D:\PinballX\Scripts\ledset.bat
start "" "D:\PinballX\Scripts\killb2s.exe" "%1"



the two "" is window title add a title between those "" example: start "clearall" "D:\PinballX\Scripts\killb2s.exe" "%1" and error should be gone


Big Thank You to Tom for adding code on his end (v1.56) to fix the B2S issue we have all been having.

killb2s.exe is no longer needed for B2S tables.


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