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[RESOLVED] ROM directory not updating

Dragon Punch

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I have added and removed some games from my NES directory but GameEx is not updating the games list. I'm running 13.14, the latest version. Is there a way to force a rescan like what is done in the MAME section? Games I have deleted are still listed and new games are not showing up.

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I haven't seen it happen for a long time, but on rare occasions GameEx can have a hiccup about updating ROM lists. Please try the following which will force GameEx to rebuild the lists:

Navigate to the DATA directory in your GameEx installation directory : ...\GameEx\DATA\

Delete the files that contain 'cache' in the file name. (i.e. emuX.dbcache where X is a number)

Delete any of the map files in that directory (i.e. emuX.map where X is a number)

Restart GameEx and let it rebuild your game lists according to the configured directories

Short of that, you might also want to check the permissions on the DATA directory to insure that GameEx is able to write to the directory.

Good luck!

Let us know how it goes.

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