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  • 4 weeks later...

Probably overlooking something really obvious, but having a few probs using this with sending args to a batch file:



  Reveal hidden contents

@echo on

set task=%1
:: set task=%task:~1,-1%

:: Kill Task
TASKKILL /im %task% /f

(tried different permutations of removing "s in the bat; sending them without "s or including/excluding them in Arguments in Quicklaunch. None seem to work - always seem to get this error:


Followed by:


Weird thing is - it does actually kill the process! Was wanting to watch the console to see what this plugin was doing/sending, but couldn't find a way to do this.

Would appreciate any help.


Seems like you have a blank space before the argument. ;-)

I'll add a trim to avoid similar problems in the future.

  • Like 1

Thanks adultery.i put that in there as another methpd to try. Think it still wasnt work without space. How exactly does what you put in the fileds translate to cmd line? I know what the cmd line should look like, but dont know what cmd line this plugin produces.

Many thanks again!


What I mean is it looks like it's programatically adding a space to the argument, I'll look at it right now. I might have made a mistake in there somewhere. :-)


Give this one a try.


Spot on. :)

Cheers chap.

As a matter of interest though, is there any way to see what it's doing at command line level - like a debug mode? You MUST be able to do something with those GameEx variables, but be good to see what's getting passed to what via what means.


Not as of now, because it doesn't log anything. If you wanted to know what the variables farm out to, you could run GameEx with Function Logger enabled and all the options checked, that will show you what info is in each variable.

There is also a list of supported variables and their dat in the first post. :-)


Thanks. Eventually I will add logging, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

  • 2 weeks later...

Did that version above get put into Tom's recent update? Just that started having similar probs again after GE update and wondering if because Quicklaunch had returned to previous version?

Sorry Adultery feel like I'm always posting on yer plugins at the moment. It's coz they're so damn good and NEED to get them all running on my system!


Ahh shoot, I bet the old version got installed over top. Please download and install this:

That will fix the earlier discussed issue too. ;)

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

Whaaaa!!!! Had headache today of the problem of the "cannot run process" happening all over again. Looking into it - I think a GameEx update reverted it to the buggy version.

Downloaded the above (1.0.6) + it works great again.

Adultery - is there any way you can speak with Tom to make sure updates don't revert plugins to buggy versions? I'll drop Tom a line too

Other thing is - the download on the initial post is still 1.0. (which gives same errors) - might it be worth changing this to the new one?



I can confirm this after work if no one else does. Off the top of my nugget I'm not sure.


Great thanks!.

Although its no rush really - have no real time myself.

One more question, is quicklaunch parsing listinfo.xml for this and will it work for HBmame set as another emulator?.

Sorry that was two more questions was it not? (and that makes three :unsure: ).


Quick Launch is dependent on GameEx variables so if GameEx passes the data from HBMame then yes. That's more of a question for Tom.

And I don't think he reads MAME as a separate emulator in the same way it does natively so I would say no.

  On 4/18/2014 at 8:03 PM, Adultery said:

Quick Launch is dependent on GameEx variables so if GameEx passes the data from HBMame then yes. That's more of a question for Tom. And I don't think he reads MAME as a separate emulator in the same way it does natively so I would say no.

Had a look at the log and quicklaunch passes V and H for orientation in mame and should be perfect for my needs.

I am wanting to clean up my method of screen rotation as at the moment I split my romsets into two emus, then fire off an Ahk to start the motor for the Vert emu.

Then both those emulators are combined back into one within a group.

For HBmame I guess that Quicklaunch could pass the romname to an Ahk that parses a text file containing the vert game names?

EDIT, that works perfectly and cleans up my method considerably - quicklaunch does it again!.

  • Like 1
  • 6 months later...

New version 1.0.7 is out with some massive changes:

  • Added support for several new variables, including
    • Video file
    • Video path
    • Title file
    • Snap file
    • Rom extension
    • Publisher
    • System bio
  • Much more accurate variable replacement
  • Added support for "Roms in Folders"
  • Added support for "Zip/7zip/Rar"
  • Added new launcher options
    • Launch your process and wait for it to complete
    • Disable the process in Attract Mode
    • Launch your process on a thread
  • Added some new info to the GUI form
  • Added "Debug Mode" for much more robust logging should it be needed
  • Added a new feature to attempt to build a Command Line if GameEx doesn't pass one
  • Added a new feature to strip out GameEx variables when setting CmdLine variable from GameEx
  • Added lots of new interface triggers you can launch commands for
    • GameEx Attract Mode
    • MAME List Updater
    • Add/Remove Favorites
  • Lots of code tweaks, updates and fixes
  • Rewrote a lot of the backend code (including my own GameEx worker classes) to be faster, stronger, and more efficient
There's so much happening here I don't know where to start. Basically it's 1000x better. :)

The most important thing is that I added Attract Mode support for your launches for rockyrocket so his screen can now rotate during Attract Mode. :)

Get it from the usual places.

Enjoy! :)

  • Like 3

To my mind this is the most powerful of all the plugins, with many uses we have not even thought of yet :) .

And you have to commend anyone who is prepared to add features that may well only have a user base of one - thanks Adultery :cheers: .


  • Like 4
  On 11/15/2014 at 5:47 PM, rockyrocket said:

And you have to commend anyone who is prepared to add features that may well only have a user base of one - thanks Adultery :cheers: .

Indeed! A true star of the scene.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

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