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I recently noticed that wheel images in PinballX may be doubling up when they are displayed on screen. I noticed this in version 1.42, but I'm not sure if it was present in previous versions. If you look at the images below, I outlined and pointed out areas where the wheel image appears to be overlayed over a copy of itself, but slightly off center.

In the ToTAN logo, you can see how the bottom and right edges are doubled, as if another copy of the logo is below, but offset by a few pixel.


In my Twilight Zone wheel image, the streaks below the text are doubled up. In the original image, each streak is a single line, not doubled as it appears here.


This appears with all wheel images. Again, not sure if this is new to 1.42, but I'd be curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this, and if it is indeed a bug, or just poor software scaling.


I've noticed this, and it is even more obvious in the smaller wheel images off to either side of the currently selected table. I think it's been this way since the beginning, and I always just assumed it was done on purpose as a way to make the wheel image stand out a bit from the playfield.


Didn't notice it until you mentioned it but yes, I see the issue in 1.42 and also in 1.41. It looks like a second image shifted slightly down and to the right. It's happening on all wheel images displayed, the wheel image for the table in focus and even the smaller wheel images to the left and right


Its actually a feature rather than a bug if I recall but I can remove it if its not working out.

Would it be possible to make it a toggleable option in the options dialogue? I would turn it off, but I can see many people may want to keep it on.


I run at 1920x1080. I personally think it looks really bad. It's not so bad with something like the ToTAN logo, because its bottom edge is just a line and solid color, and it sort of looks like a thick edge to the image. On stuff that has detail right on the bottom edge, or complex transparency details, the detail ends up doubling up on itself and it just looks like garbage. I really noticed it with the last wheel image I did for Indiana Jones. I made a mockup of what it looks like in PBX. If you notice at the bottom edge, and the bottom of the text, the doubling ruins the image. There are issues with the sunrays as well, as they have a transparency effect applied, hard to see below, but very noticeable when in PBX itself.


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