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Ive been a big fan of gameex from the beginning, I used version 2 on a previous arcade machine. Im thrilled to see it come as far as it has, but now im trying understand some of the current options.

Im planning to use gameex in my arcade cabinet. The controls will be interfaced to a gp-wiz32, which is essentially a gamepad. (Ive got a cheapo gamepad hooked to my computer for testing purposes.)

Anyway, I read that gameex supports exiting from emulators using a gamepad alone, but I cant figure out how. It says button 4,5,6 +left+up, but in game that doesnt do anything. Is there an option im missing?

Thanks alot for the help.

Ive been a big fan of gameex from the beginning, I used version 2 on a previous arcade machine.  Im thrilled to see it come as far as it has, but now im trying understand some of the current options.

Im planning to use gameex in my arcade cabinet.  The controls will be interfaced to a gp-wiz32, which is essentially a gamepad. (Ive got a cheapo gamepad hooked to my computer for testing purposes.)

Anyway, I read that gameex supports exiting from emulators using a gamepad alone, but I cant figure out how. It says button 4,5,6 +left+up, but in game that doesnt do anything.  Is there an option im missing?

Thanks alot for the help.

It should work. I know you have to hold them down sometimes though, are you trying to do it with MAME or another emulator? For other emulators you need to set an advanced config file up.


The software was mame32plus 104u3, just the regular version. I had it installed to "E:\mame roms\versions\mameplus_bin_gcc-0.104u3a-20060228" with the roms located in "E:\mame roms\roms".

However I just downloaded regular mame32 and unzipped it C: and installed one game (puckman) into its rom dir. I reset GameEx to use this mame, and now the exit with game controller works just fine. WTF.

Ill do some more testing and see if I if it was the location that made it malfunction, or if it was my particular mame version.......

Another question though, supposed I was mame to exit with a different button combo, whats the proper way to set that up?


UPDATE: I moved the mame32plus folder to C drive and shortened the folder name, and used the included rom folder as the rom path, so C:\mame32plus\mamep.exe for the executable and C:\mame32plus\roms as the games dir. Now the exiting works!

I still would like to know how to change the button combo so I can exit with different buttons........


ANOTHER UPDATE: I left my mame folder on C drive and changed the rom dir back to "E:\mame roms\roms", exiting is broken again..........


I shouldnt be posting this because its soo sloppy, but it works for me.

if JoystickNumber <= 0
Loop 32 ; Query each joystick number to find out which ones exist.
 GetKeyState, JoyName, %A_Index%JoyName
 if JoyName <>
 JoystickNumber = %A_Index%
if JoystickNumber <= 0
 MsgBox The system does not appear to have any joysticks.

SetFormat, float, 03 ; Omit decimal point from axis position percentages.
GetKeyState, joy_buttons, %JoystickNumber%JoyButtons
GetKeyState, joy_name, %JoystickNumber%JoyName
GetKeyState, joy_info, %JoystickNumber%JoyInfo

key = %joyp%
If key =18000
test = 0
 Send, {DOWN}
If key = 9000
test = 0
 Send, {RIGHT}
If key = 0
test = 0
 Send, {UP}
If key = 27000
test = 0
 Send, {LEFT}
buttons_down =
Loop, %joy_buttons%
 GetKeyState, joy%a_index%, %JoystickNumber%joy%a_index%
 if joy%a_index% = D
 buttons_down = %buttons_down%%a_space%%a_index%
if buttons_down = 1
if test = gameex1
Run, C:\program files\gameex\gameex.exe
test = 0
test = gameex1
if buttons_down = 3
 Send, {PGUP}
test = 0
if buttons_down = 7
if test = 2
;for atari emu reset
Run, E:\Games\[gameexprograms]\sendctrl.mxe
test = 3

if buttons_down = 6
 Send, {PGDN}
test = 0
if buttons_down = 10
 Send, {ESC}
;exits gameex
test = 0
if buttons_down = 9
if test = 2
Sleep, 500
Send, {F5}
test = 0
test = 1
if buttons_down = 11
Send, {ENTER}
test = 0
if buttons_down = 12
if test = 1
Send, {F7}
Send, {F8}9
test = 0
if test = 3
Run, E:\Games\[gameexprograms]\sendalt.mxe
test = 0
test = 2

GetKeyState, joyx, %JoystickNumber%JoyX
axis_info = X%joyx%
GetKeyState, joyy, %JoystickNumber%JoyY
axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%Y%joyy%

IfInString, joy_info, Z
 GetKeyState, joyz, %JoystickNumber%JoyZ
 axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%Z%joyz%
IfInString, joy_info, R
 GetKeyState, joyr, %JoystickNumber%JoyR
 axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%R%joyr%
IfInString, joy_info, U
 GetKeyState, joyu, %JoystickNumber%JoyU
 axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%U%joyu%
IfInString, joy_info, V
 GetKeyState, joyv, %JoystickNumber%JoyV
 axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%V%joyv%

IfInString, joy_info, P
 GetKeyState, joyp, %JoystickNumber%JoyPOV
 axis_info = %axis_info%%a_space%%a_space%POV%joyp%

Sleep, 25

This is a modified version of the controller ahk file found on auto hot keys site. Its really sloppy but the basic premise is that I can start gameex via pressing the same button twice, I can also save or load a state of any emu by pressing a key combination as well as EXIT the emu by pressing one button.

Some other nice things about it is the fact that my page downs and scrolls are soo damn fast. Definitely if you know how to program, you can easily do something like this too.


I use my Joystick Button # 10 to exit MAME and all other Emulators including GameEx if I need to.

In MAME you need to setup your controller file for your joystick - I can upload mine one here if you wish as it controls my XArcade controller, Keyboard and Joypad all in one file. Then you just select the file as a default controller file within Mame32 and voila!!! all is well!!!!

For the other emulators I have done similar stuff to allow (Black button) on my xbox controller to exit the game. Although in theory you could select any button or any numerous buttons. I know START and SELECT also exit from Mame games on my controller by default also!!

Hope this helps.,


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