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Great new front end, thanks!! will donate next paycheck. I'm using an i-pac with my flipper buttons hooked up to left and right shift. Problem is repeat is not happening. I say this myself in my own frontend written in vb.net wpf for fast rendering of wheel and playfield images (I assume you are using wpf also?) I had to implement a timer for key repeat when not using a real keyboard. Are others seeing this issue as well?

Also can PnballX start on last game played?

Thanks for another front end option.


Possible your end, as mine does repeat threw the wheel when holding a flipper button and im also using an I-pac.


I figured it out, if you use a ps2 cable with an i-pac it will NOT repeat keys only a keydown and a key up state are detected. If you use a ps2 to usb cable then the repeat states are also detected. Sorry for any confusion on this issue as this was discussed years ago, I just forgot.


no problem, glad u sorting it out.

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