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now Model2... and why can't I set the controllers???


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So my zinc nightmare is over! (ok, made it run, and I'll need to check the mapping on my arcade, but that's a minor hassle)

So I decided to try also MODEL2...

What a NICE emulator compared to zinc! even has some gui that lets you configure controllers and other options... or not?

Well, not in my computer!

I can see a really clean interface, click on EMULATOR, then OPTIONS... nothing happens. weeeeird. But I guess I can change that on the ini file.

Ok, at least I'll try to set the controller mapping... I click then on GAME, configure controls... aaaaand NOTHING!

I tried loading a game BEFORE setting controls, and now the controls popup appears (yeah!) but the controller input settings are only for that game!

It's a pain in the... if I need to set every game on my arcade to play them :(

Also the full screen resolution and the autoset to fullscreen seems to be set as 640x480 and not auto fullscreen on every game, even with a modified .ini file.

is there any way to make the controller settings and video settings global so they use the same on every game?

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It's ok, I'll have to... but I always have some weird problems :D

NOW: tried model2 under gameex... emulator crashes and back to gameex.

Tried the emulator alone and it kinda works... but characters appears in black&white! it's weird, like playing with chromed characters :D

Maybe that's because my graphic card sucks, but... well, the games are playable :D

I can run it in a window. Even maximise it... as long as I keep it in a window, it works. If I try to set it in full screen... crash and back to desktop.


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It's ok, I'll have to... but I always have some weird problems :D

NOW: tried model2 under gameex... emulator crashes and back to gameex.

Tried the emulator alone and it kinda works... but characters appears in black&white! it's weird, like playing with chromed characters :D

Maybe that's because my graphic card sucks, but... well, the games are playable :D

I can run it in a window. Even maximise it... as long as I keep it in a window, it works. If I try to set it in full screen... crash and back to desktop.


Yeah this sounds like some kind of DirectX dependency not being met (or possibly missing Visual C++ libraries). It would be worthwhile to insure that you're running the most recent versions of each supported by your machine.

Running a DirectX application in full screen vs. windowed can also introduce additional strain on the system. If this is the same video card you mentioned in your Zinc thread it may simply be the case that it doesn't have the necessary horsepower to run Model2 in full screen.

Good luck helpman!

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Yeah, it's the same one, an intel xtreme graphics or intel gma 900, not sure which one right now. I don't care about it, as I've ordered an ati x1300 128mb that will help fix those problems (I hope so!)

Today I got the 4gb ddr2 ram I bought from ebay. The computer had 4 slots used with 256mb each, so 1gb... and now it has 4 slots with 1gb each :D

Gameex runs way better now :D :D :D

Now I just need the graphic card (which is on it's way to spain from england) and I'll be a really happy gamer :D

Even now, the zinc games work great with the integrated card, so I'm hoping for the best :D

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I hate to say it, but I think you're going to be upset with your choice in video card. A card with 128mb isn't going to be enough to handle much, and I don't even think it's DirectX-10. In fact, I have an EVGA GTS 250 1gb card (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5250626) and it's only just barely able to run some of the Model 2 games. Model 2/3 are (as far as I know) the latest generation arcade games and they're going to require a huge work system to be able to run. If I feel like it, I can play Star Wars Trilogy on my system, with 8gb RAM and an Intel I7, but just barely. The game runs slow, it's blockly, there's a lot of weird shapes and fields that display that shouldn't be there, the audio goes out of sync, there's lots of flashes from the graphics card failing on rendering, etc. It's not a pretty picture. But you can play it to point. Hell, even N64 emulation isn't quite there yet, let alone Atari Jaguar. But if you're really eager to get it working, it's nice to have and say you have it anyway. Just don't expect to get much playable results with it, at least not yet.

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it's ok :D model2 runs more or less on my latop with intel gma 9500hd, and it's a poor poor integrated card with 64 mb dedicated memory and only partially compatible with opengl 2.0...

games runsmore or less fine, just textures have no color, just black and white. it's a funny effect :D

the computer on my arcade is a Dell Optiplex Gx280 (pentium 4 2.8ghz with 1gb ram) and it has an intel xtreme integrated card with 8mb memory... so any card will be better than that LOL (I already upgraded the ram to 4gb too)

I'm on a budget here, and all my arcade is being built with the cheapest parts I could find, so if it even manages to run the games at full screen that'll be something LOL... after all, there're not many mame games using model 2, and even being "not very playable", model2 will get better results than mame alone :D

I want the card mainly for future pinball too :D

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Yeah I should probably look and see if any other Model 2 games I have look any good. I really only tried Star Wars Trilogy cause that was THE GAME I wanted to play. :) You're right though, if you're only using integrated graphics, an addon card that's dedicated with it's own RAM will be significantly better. You won't be hoarding your system RAM as much to being devoted to just video.

Oh and Future Pinball is awesome. But if you get the chance, you should check out Zen's Pinball Fx that's coming to Steam. I've been playing that more than anything on my Xbox.. I love it!

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I just tried some on my laptop...

Intel dual pentium 2,16ghz, 3gb ram, intel gma 4500hd with 64 dedicated ram...

dead or alive works great, full speed at 60 fps

battle arena toshinden, full speed 60 fps

daytona rally, also full speed 60 fps

wave race full speed, 60 fps...

all of them with no problem on textures or geometry.

I don't have the star wars trilogy to try it, but I hope with the new video card I'll be able to play the same games on the arcade too :D

edited: just curious... the star wars trilogy rom, I placed it on the roms folder... but it doesn't show on the mode2 emulator rom list? a quick google about it, and I get several results about star wars trilogy to be a model 3 rom ?

Edited by nullPointer
Please refrain from discussion of how ROMs are obtained
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I just tried some on my laptop...

Intel dual pentium 2,16ghz, 3gb ram, intel gma 4500hd with 64 dedicated ram...

dead or alive works great, full speed at 60 fps

battle arena toshinden, full speed 60 fps

daytona rally, also full speed 60 fps

wave race full speed, 60 fps...

all of them with no problem on textures or geometry.

I don't have the star wars trilogy to try it, but I hope with the new video card I'll be able to play the same games on the arcade too :D

edited: just curious... the star wars trilogy rom, placed it on the roms folder... but it doesn't show on the mode2 emulator rom list? a quick google about it, and I get several results about star wars trilogy to be a model 3 rom ?

Please refrain from saying how roms are obtained. It is against forum rules.

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on Please refrain from saying how roms are obtained. It is against forum rules.

sorry frequency! I didn't say how I got the rom, I just googled for the game title to know if it was model2 and why it wasn't supported in model2... wikipedia was where I found out it's model3, nothing to do with roms :D In fact I already had it, I just though it was model 2 and as it didn't show in model2 I though I didn't have it :D

I didn't know about supermodel, will give it a try. I guess the reason for being unplayable is supermodel itself, veing version 0.2 I'm pretty sure it still has a long way to improve the emulation and system requirements... model2 emulator is already on version 1.0 and works really well :D

EDITED: tried star wars trilogy on my laptop with intel gma4500hd... choppy wouldbe great ROFL... looks like a slideshow, but I know why hansolo77 wants it (not mentioning his nick LOL), the graphics and sound are gorgeous :D reminds me of those old days playing Tie Fighter on my old computer :D

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Actually you did which is why your post was modified by a mod. But won't get into details about that since it's said and done. :blink:

A good way to know which games are supported is to get ahold of the dat file for that system and use a rom manager to verify the roms. You will have a listing of the games supported for that system within that dat file.

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oh well, sorry again, I didn't noticed :D

about rom managers... last time I tried clrmame it messed my roms badly :D now I prefer looking in the wikipedia... it's less intrusive :D

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Yeah it does have a learning curve but is very powerful once learned. May want to check out Rom Center as it's a little more user friendly. Wiki is a way to go. Another would be to check out the emulator itself. Sometimes a list can be generated or usually already exists.

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Wow I didn't know Star Wars Trilogy was a model 3. I wonder, does Supermodel play Model 2 games, or is there another emulator that I need to get? I've never actually tried to play any other games besides that one, so I'm curious if I'm good to go on others.

The way I have my system setup is with the map file somebody made that identified the names based off the ROMs in the specified folder. I actually have all my ROMs in the MAME folder, and just have Supermodel pointing to that folder, then GameEx identified which ones were for it through the map.

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Wow cool, I didn't know all these games were Model 2. I have it all setup now, getting the snaps and whatnot from EmuMovies as I type. I see what you mean about the controls though. It looks like you have to configure them manually for each game you play. Kinda lame in that respect. But you're right, most games I tried to play run really good on my system. It must be the Model 3 stuff I'm having trouble with.

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Cool, did you build that yourself or is it a repurposed find? I'm not unemployed but I can't afford to just buy the stuff I need to build my own cabinet. I thought about going to a junk yard and seeing if there's one just laying around, but you probably still have to pay somebody to either let you in and look around, or to take stuff out of it. The best ways are if you KNOW somebody who deals in those things and can get it for you dirt cheap or free. I wish I knew somebody like that. :)

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It's an old arcade cabinet. The label on its side shows it was made in 1986.

I though on building an upright cabinet myself with scrap parts, but found this one for 55 (cabinet, no controls, control panel with holes for 1 joystick and 3 buttons per player, holes for 1/2 player button on the front and some damages on a couple places.

Hollowed it all, removed the inner coin parts and left the front of them as decoration.

Painted it all, got a new glass (28), made a new control panel to get 6 buttons per player, added 4 more front buttons and 2 on each side for pinballs.

Bought a usb to arcade controller with 2 joysticks, 2 player buttons and 20 colored buttons (60), a 17'' screen (7), the old dell optiplex gx280 (45), 4gb ddr2 ram (27), ati x1300 128mb video card (17), scrapped some old compuer speakers I had around, an old 320gb hard drive I had somewhere, some black paint spray cans and ready to go :D

Overall, the total cost was around 250

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