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Mame SNAPS and GameEx Icons (two topics in one)


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Once again, i come with questions!

1. I have taken some snapshots of in-game experience from my roms. How can I get them to show up in the GameEx game select menu? I have them in the right Mame/snaps folder (they show up using mameUI), but not in gameex.

2. I reallllly hate the various icons that come up when I am moving around the gameex menus (like the DVD, and game system icons). Is there a way to shut those off? If not, can I just delete all the image assets safely?

Thank you!

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Hi Damon

Always great to see enthusiasm from our new members! Keep those questions coming

1. I have taken some snapshots of in-game experience from my roms. How can I get them to show up in the GameEx game select menu? I have them in the right Mame/snaps folder (they show up using mameUI), but not in gameex.

So you'll want to make sure a few things are in order. First you'll want to make sure that GameEx knows where to find your snaps. If you're using the Mame\snaps\ directory to house your artwork, you'll want to use that as your Snap Path on the MAME Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. Next you'll want to be sure that the name of your snaps match the name of the ROMs they represent. After that you should be good to go.

2. I reallllly hate the various icons that come up when I am moving around the gameex menus (like the DVD, and game system icons). Is there a way to shut those off? If not, can I just delete all the image assets safely?

These images are related to your theme settings. I'm away from my GameEx rig at the moment, but you should be able to root through the directory containing your applicable theme, and find/replace the images that are causing you to rage. One of our theme wizards will likely be able to provide more explicit details. If you're looking for more aesthetically pleasing replacements, several of four members have applied their formidable artistic talents towards the creation of all manner of suitable rep[placements for the default icons. KRC and Draco1962 are two extremely accomplished stalwarts in this regard.

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So do the snaps need the same file name? Like if its Game1.zip (for the rom) the snap needs to be Game1.png?

Yes pretty much. I believe GameEx allows for some degree of file names that are "close enough," but especially where you're in a position of manually renaming your artwork it only makes sense to make an exact match.

If you're looking at a fairly sizable task of renaming a lot of artwork, there are tools available to assist you in the endeavor. Perfect Match written by our very own Tempest is one of the best.

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