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Pass Windows Resolution as a command line variable


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Is there something available like [resx] [resy] that can be specified as a command line option for an emulator? My htpc travels between rooms and they are all a different resolution (1080, 720, 1920x1200). Windows 7 is good about setting the correct resolution after it is booted, but the Emulators are hard set for a specific resolution. Most of them can be set to specify the resolution on the command line.


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Hi llarsw and welcome to the GameEx forums!

I honestly think it just depends on the emulator. Several emulators also let you set the desired resolution as part of the configuration too, so you wouldn't need to worry about command variables. It really just depends. Is there a particular emulator you're attempting to configure in this way?

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Maybe I am not describing what I want to do well. When I set up gameex, I did it on my 1920x1200 monitor. All emulators are working well with native resolution.

When I run the system on my 1080p television, the emulators either launch in a window or don't run at all because it is configured with an unsupported resolution.

So that leaves me with two options, manually change the emulator config files any time I change rooms which kills the point of having a keyboard less system, or pass the current resolution to the emulator. Looking at documentation for various emulators most support setting the resolution via command line.

So what I want to do in the gameex config I want to do something like "emulator.exe [rompath]\[romfile] -fullres [resx]x[resy]" and gameex translates [resx] to 1920 and [resy] to 1080 by looking at the current windows resolution.

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Ah ha I see what you mean now. Currently GameEx doesn't have 'placeholder values' for the resolution for the active monitor. I suppose it's within the realm of possibility though. It certainly couldn't hurt to make a feature request! It's also likely that this functionality could be supported through a plug-in (and it might actually be better as a plug-in since it seems like it might serve a small core of users). We also have several talented plug-in authors lurking about, so who knows someone may pick this up and run with it. If you're coding chops are up to par I think the plug-in system is relatively easy to pick up (I'm not speaking from personal experience though), and we have a core of experts who would likely be willing to provide advice where necessary.

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