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[RESOLVED] Problems on Turbografx 16 cd with daemon tools


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@Adultery: Godspeed my good man! :)

Nullpointer, yes that is exactly the problem. When I place the quotes in the directory structure, it FINALLY works! What has me boggled still, is that JCGamer has his working on Oatake and he currently has spaces in his directory structure AND no quotes?

So glad to hear you got it working z-man! It can be very hard to spot the difference of one character when you’re troubleshooting issues like these, particularly when you’re already fried. I think that particular issue has come back to bite us all a time or two! The main thing is that it seems to be working well now.

I’m also glad to hear that JCGamer has experienced some success with Ootake. I’ve never used Ootake, but I’ve heard good things. I’d have to take a look at his config to see what’s happening with his command, but if he’s passing the ROM name and path directly to Ootake it might be parsing the command differently and thus “allowing” spaces in the directory path.

On the native DT support, I thought that MagicEngine does not support DT & requires SCSI?

I have tried the following commands as well, to much avail. I could NOT even get the image mounted manually via DT, unless there is something that I am missing. Now that we have invested this much time, it would be awesome to fully understand this.

pce.exe "syscard3.pce"[-VIRTUALDRIVE-]
pce.exe "syscard3.pce" [VIRTUALDRIVE]:\

Sorry, now we’re getting our wires crossed. MagicEngine does require the use of a SCSI drive. Adultery and I were talking about native support in GameEx for DaemonTools. GameEx defaults to a virtual DT drive when you run the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command, thus the potential need for a plugin. Clear as mud?

Happy gaming guys!

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Hi JCGamer,

You might try changing your Advanced Config setting. I'd try [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) first to see if that takes care of the issue. [Mapping Off] Exit (Alt+F4) is another possibility, but it will depend on whether MagicEngine has an in-built key combination that allows you to immediately exit the emulator.

I'm currently away from my emulation rig so I can't remember all of the default Advanced Config choices, but don't be afraid to experiment . If nothing works, I'll be home later at which point I may be able to provide a bit more feedback.

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I would consider this BETA right now...

Pretty self explanatory really. It's working on my machine (but I can't test the scsi command without a restart). As a matter of fact, you should be able to use it this way for any kind of Virtual Drive software that supports command line input. Let me know if it hits the spot. :)



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Hi JCGamer,

You might try changing your Advanced Config setting. I'd try [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) first to see if that takes care of the issue. [Mapping Off] Exit (Alt+F4) is another possibility, but it will depend on whether MagicEngine has an in-built key combination that allows you to immediately exit the emulator.

I'm currently away from my emulation rig so I can't remember all of the default Advanced Config choices, but don't be afraid to experiment . If nothing works, I'll be home later at which point I may be able to provide a bit more feedback.

yup that did the trick with the [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) even the main menu for Magic Engine show up like a split few 3 second after the emulator did close that okay cause that what I wanted anyways :D

but like for a example for the Zsnes emulator you can go to the zsnesw.ini I can scroll down to the GUIoff= set to number 1 that right there make the hole menu go away. I wonder if Magic Engine have that setup but not sure where to look with in the pce.ini to make the GUI complete not show up. but that something I can just go to there main forum ask them directly. I hoping if u know about it but are main goal was Resolved

:D THANK YOU SO MUSH NullPointer for everything you have done for us

RIGHT NOW Me and Z-man are going work on NullDC tomorrow after we are fully rested after long long Journey ^_^

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Glad it all worked out in the end! I'm really not sure if there's anything that can be done about the MagicEngine menu flashing briefly upon exit. It's not an emulator I use so I'm not overly familiar with the intricacies. It would certainly be worth asking about over on the MagicEngine forums. If it turns out there's some trick to it, please report your findings back here. That way the whole community here can benefit from your research. Thanks man!

I bet you guys will find that this is all getting easier as you go along. You're accumulating some good knowledge! nullDC will be a breeze! :D

I would consider this BETA right now...

Pretty self explanatory really. It's working on my machine (but I can't test the scsi command without a restart). As a matter of fact, you should be able to use it this way for any kind of Virtual Drive software that supports command line input. Let me know if it hits the spot. :)

I gotta say I'm pretty pumped about this one Adultery! One of the few times I've made a feature request is to request this exact functionality! And you ... all calm and collected ... you just straight up waltz in and take care of business. B) ... And that, ladies and gentlemen is exactly how Adultery rolls. :)

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I just made the plugin look in a specific spot for the exe and launch the command you specify. Tom's support isn't detecting DT properly all the time I hear, especially with SCSI. I'm probably not right about this, but I think Tom is using the manufacturer name of the drive and hooking it in somehow.

Headless support only works if you tell config where the EXE is. The plugin is just more for universal image mounting I suppose (minus headless mode).

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I'll short hand this one ... :D

What command are you adding to this plugin that makes it different than what GameEx already does?

@JCGamer and z-man: Please refer to what I posted here, as I think it will help you to overcome your current set of obstacles

Why are you not using native DT support?
Maybe I need to re-read this thread? :huh:

It's the virtual SCSI factor at play again. If you have a virtual DT drive installed the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command will default to that one rather then using the SCSI drive. Some emulators (such as ePSXe and MagicEngine to my knowledge) require the use of a SCSI drive which has something to do with the way they read sub-channel data. All of this leads to discussions like this one.

Various users have reported successfully mounting images to SCSI drives using the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command if they only have one DaemonTools drive installed and it's a virtual SCSI ... but even then an equal number have reported that this doesn't work for them (FWIW I'm in the group that this has worked for). Not sure what the determining factor for success is there, but it seems to be something of a pattern. I suppose it might also work if you had multiple DaemonTools drives all of which were virtual SCSI but I've not tested out that particular scenario.

What complicates matters is that DaemonTools is installed as a virtual DT drive by default. So you need to remove the default DT drive(s) and add a virtual SCSI drive for the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command to even have a shot of working on those emulators requiring a SCSI drive. So this typically leads to an ... interesting ... troubleshooting discussion. I typically just go for the "Launch Before / Launch After discussion" rather than have the users start mucking about with their DaemonTools drives.

Hmm ... out of curiosity is there any way a plugin could intercept the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command and inject the "mount scsi" flag as necessary? Just a thought.

So Adultery's plugin will let you explicitly specify a virtual SCSI drive rather than monkeying with your DaemonTools drives in an attempt to trick GameEx into to mounting to a virtual SCSI

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What I don't get is.....why not just setup that particular drive as a SCSI drive in DT and then it will mount that type all the time? This will set it up so that having to add a switch wouldn't be required.

Steps would be to remove the DT drive that DT installs by default and install a SCSI drive and there ya go. Then when standard command-line is used, it uses SCSI by default.

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Several users have reported success using that method (it certainly worked for me), but even then there are a few reports that reconfiguring DaemonTools so that only SCSI drives are available has not been a successful strategy.

SCSI vs DT Virtual Drive

sega cd issues

It could certainly be the case that those users did something wrong, but it's hard to say for sure. I guess I'm of the opinion that a plugin like this gives those users a backup plan.

I dunno, at the end of the day I think the ability to exercise a greater degree of control over mounting to virtual drives is a good thing. I mean no one is required to use the plugin, but at least it's there for those users that need to mount to a SCSI drive, and have struggled to make it happen thus far.

(It certainly would have shortened this thread considerably :lol:)

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Its not like it was a massive effort. Just seemed like a quick easy project to knock out an afternoon by. :D

Idk... why go through all that surgery when you can just throw on a bandaid? ;)

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Well glad you didn't put too much effort then. LOL. :P

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