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In gameex i can navigate, in NES, SNES, Mame, MSX, C64 i can use both xbox controllers. when i start fusion stand alone i can use the xbox controllers. But when i start fusion from gameex it does not work. When i start fusion in a window from gameex, i see that both xbox controllers are setup. When i choose to set them up again, nothing reacts to the controller. I have setup fusion from scratch. What is going wrong. Why cant i use the xbox controller that work so fine in all other emulators?



Console Sega Master System (Meka).ini

Console Sega Master System (Fusion).ini


I personally can't help much but I don't think it is a conflict with GameEx as it would have likely come up before one way or another. I know some applications (emulators), take MAME for example can use different settings when run from the command line.


Might be a fusion thing since that's the only thing that makes sense. Seems when running fusion from command-line then control settings are not applied. Perhaps setup controller in fusion and then set fusion.ini to read-only so that settings will stay intact and then give it a testing.


Thanks for the reply's!

When i remove the -fullscreen option, and i check if the joystick is set. I see that the xbox controllers are selected. When i try to redifine the joystick, the emulator does not pickup the xbox controller keys. Maybe there is a commandline option that enables joystick?? I scraped the net, but i only could find -sms - fullscreen

Does anyone have more commandline options for fusion?


Thanks for the reply's!

When i remove the -fullscreen option, and i check if the joystick is set. I see that the xbox controllers are selected. When i try to redifine the joystick, the emulator does not pickup the xbox controller keys. Maybe there is a commandline option that enables joystick?? I scraped the net, but i only could find -sms - fullscreen

Does anyone have more commandline options for fusion?

I know of them all and none are available for joystick. Maybe a 3rd party app will be best in your situation. Something along the lines of xpadder or something similar.

Here's all command-lines available in fusion quoted from the documentation:

Command Line works as follows:

Fusion gamename.ext [console] [country] [-fullscreen]

Console options are: -sms, -gg, -gen or -md or -32x, -scd or -mcd

Country options are: -usa -jap -eur or -auto

Default console is Genesis/Megadrive.

Default country is whatever is set in the INI file, i.e. whatever was last used.

Apart from the filename, which must come first, all options can be in any order,

and are optional.

When using the -fullscreen option, the ESCAPE key will exit the emulator.

Also there maybe can be a hack to the fusion.ini that might do something. Hard to test since I don't have your exact setup and can't see exactly what's going on.


Hi, i can't really add any input to this other than let you know i have both Genesis/Megadrive and MS/GameGear running fine using Fusion through GameEx on XP-SP3.

Are you using the Official 360 Driver or a third party one? Im using the official.

Also which version of Fusion are you using? Mine is v3.64.

Can you confirm in your Fusion.ini that your settings really are sticking?

The 2 relevant lines from my Fusion.ini:



Lots of 0's here would indicate not. The only other thing i can think of - is your controller a genuine Microsoft 360 Controller? Or is it a third party one that "tricks" windows into thinking it is one? Some such controllers are known to not be detected correctly in some situations.


Now we getting answer Great and thanks again!

Here is the fusion ini

;---------------------------------; Fusion Configuration File;---------------------------------;---------------------------------; Graphics Compatibility Options;---------------------------------ForceCompatibleGFX=0CompatibleGFXOpt=0EnhancedGFXOpt=0ForceFullScreen32=0VistaAeroIgnore=0VistaNoWndVSync=1DebugFlags=0,0,2,2;---------------------------------; Sound Compatibility Options;---------------------------------ForceSWBuffer=1;---------------------------------; SG1000/SC3000/SMS/GG Specific;---------------------------------LastSMSROM=C:\Emulators\Fusion\LastGGROM=C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMSUSABIOS=SMSJAPBIOS=SMSEURBIOS=GGBIOS=SF7000IPL=SxMFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionSMSStateFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionSMSPatchFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionGGPatchFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionSMSSpriteLimitDisable=0YM2413Disable=0SMSBIOSDisable=0SMSBorderDisable=0GameGearZoom=0GameGearFull=0;---------------------------------; MegaDrive/Genesis Specific;---------------------------------LastGenesisROM=S:\Emulator\Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis)\roms\BC Racers 32X (F) [c][!].zipSRMFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionStateFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionPatchFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionGenesisBIOS=AutoChecksums=0GenBorderDisable=0;---------------------------------; Mega CD/Sega CD Specific;---------------------------------LastSegaCDImage=C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCDUSABIOS=C:\SegaCDBIOS\us_scd1_9210.binSCDJAPBIOS=C:\SegaCDBIOS\jp_mcd1_9111.binSCDEURBIOS=C:\SegaCDBIOS\eu_mcd1_9210.binSCDStateFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionDefaultDrive=X:X:X NoneCDReadAhead=4CD+GMode=0ForceASPI=0BRMFiles=C:\Emulators\FusionBRMPerGame=1LEDEnabled=1PerfectSync=0;---------------------------------; 32X Specific;---------------------------------32XM68KBIOS=c:\32XBios\32X_G_BIOS.bin32XMSH2BIOS=c:\32XBios\32X_M_BIOS.bin32XSSH2BIOS=c:\32XBios\32X_S_BIOS.binDisable32X=0Fast32XTiming=0;---------------------------------; Expert Options [DANGER! RTFM!];---------------------------------RefreshRate60Hz=60RefreshRate50Hz=100UseExpertModes=0UseAutoSwitching=0MinSwitchDelay=100Mode256x240=640,480,60,100,640,480Mode256x480=640,480,60,100,640,480Mode320x240=640,480,60,100,640,480Mode320x480=640,480,60,100,640,480;---------------------------------; File History;---------------------------------FileHistory0=S:\Emulator\Sega Master System\roms\Dynamite Duke (UE) [!].zipFileHistory1=S:\Emulator\Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis)\roms\BC Racers 32X (F) [c][!].zipFileHistory2=S:\Emulator\Sega Master System\roms\Back to the Future 2 (UE) [!].zipFileHistory3=S:\Emulator\Sega Master System\roms\Double Dragon (UE) [!].zipFileHistory4=S:\Emulator\Sega Master System\roms\Battle Out Run (UE) [!].zipFileHistory5=S:\Emulator\Sega Master System\roms\Ace of Aces (UE) [!].zipFileHistory6=S:\Emulator\Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis)\roms\Adventures of Batman and Robin, The (E).zipFileHistory7=S:\Emulator\Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis)\roms\Back to the Future Part III (JUE) [R-USA][!].zipFileHistory8=S:\Emulator\Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis)\roms\36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples 32X (E) [!].zipFileHistory9=FileHistoryA=FileHistoryB=FileHistoryC=FileHistoryD=FileHistoryE=FileHistoryF=ShortenHistoryNames=0;---------------------------------; Netplay Settings;---------------------------------NetplayName=NetplayServer=NetplayPlayers=2NetplayLatency=6NetplayBandwidth=1;---------------------------------; General Settings;---------------------------------WAVFilesPath=C:\Emulators\Fusion\*.wavVGMFilesPath=C:\Emulators\Fusion\*.vgmAVIFilesPath=C:\Emulators\Fusion\*.aviScreenshotPath=C:\Emulators\FusionScreenshotType=0ScreenshotMode=1CurrentCountry=2CountryAutoDetect=0CountryOrder=0CurrentWaveFormat=2SoundOverdrive=0PSGNoiseBoost=0SoundSuperHQ=0SoundDisabled=0SoundFilter=0CurrentRenderMode=1FullScreen=0DWindowXPos=150,0,0,0DWindowYPos=150,0,0,0DWindowSize=224,1,128,2DResolution=0,3,80,5DRenderMode=0DFixedAspect=1DFixedZoom=0DFiltered=1DNTSCAspect=1DNearestMultiple=0DScanlines=4VSyncEnabled=0Player1Keys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player1bKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player1cKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player1dKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player2Keys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player2bKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player2cKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player2dKeys=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0Player1Buttons=50,51,48,49,0,1,2,7,4,5,36,6,8,9,10,11Player1bButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Player1cButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Player1dButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Player2Buttons=50,51,48,49,0,1,2,7,4,5,37,6,8,9,10,11Player2bButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Player2cButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Player2dButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Joystick1Type=1Joystick1bType=1Joystick1cType=1Joystick1dType=1Joystick2Type=1Joystick2bType=1Joystick2cType=1Joystick2dType=1Joystick1Using=2Joystick1bUsing=0Joystick1cUsing=0Joystick1dUsing=0Joystick2Using=3Joystick2bUsing=0Joystick2cUsing=0Joystick2dUsing=0Player1MSKeys=200,208,203,205,30,31,28,0Player2MSKeys=72,80,75,77,36,37,157,0Player1MSButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,3,0Player2MSButtons=32,33,34,35,0,1,3,0Joystick1MSType=1Joystick2MSType=1Joystick1MSUsing=0Joystick2MSUsing=0MultiTapType=0InvertMouse=0LightgunCursor=0FPSEnabled=1CurrentRenderPlugin=0AllowSleeping=0AlternateTiming=0DisableShortcuts=0ThreadPriority=0StaticDisabled=0Brighten=0CartBootEnabled=0VGM_Version=16,1MSNStatusEnabled=0

You mean like Autokey? That is an option. But what freaks me out is that when i start fusion without gameex the joysticks work fine.

A Hack for the ini file would be wonderful!


I'am using the official microsoft software version 1.2 on a 32 bit windows 7 machine.

I use a antena from china i bought for $ 20,- i will switch this one.

when iuse your parameters, it will not react under standalone fusion. i programmed it again. works standalone, but not under gameex.

also making the ini file read onle, does not work


What happens when you do the following:

  1. Start up a game with Fusion while in GameEx
  2. Exit Fusion and GameEx
  3. Go to Start Menu > Program Files > GameEx > Utilities> Run Last Game

Do you experience the same problematic controller issues? This will help to determine whether the problem is with the emulator or with GameEx.

Have you tried any alternate button mapping software? That may be just the ticket if nothing else works. Many of us here use Xpadder, but Joy2Key is another option as is PinnacleProfiler. Even GameEx supports button mapping through Advanced Emulator Cofigs (Oddly enough I've never used the native GameEx button mapping functionality as I've been an Xpadder user for a long time). It would certainly be worth a shot!


I figred it out! The problem is behind the keyboard. Seems that you have to setup a controller twice. One game uses other controls than the other.. Lesson learned, for evrybody that have games that run with controller and others dont you have to setup the controller twice.


Thankyou for all the reply's! To make it more clear i have made a screenshot!

Man, that screenshot bring's back memories for me, I had pretty much the same problem's when I made the switch from Gens to Fusion, but as null said glad you got it sorted.

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