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Current version: 1.0.1






Some of you know this, but I like to mix records in my spare time. I record a lot so I can give stuff away too. Needless to say, if I'm spinning my laptop is near by recording. Sometimes though, I may be playing out of the studio and want to record the live set. Rather than have to worry about keeping my records in order or trying to remember them later, I can input them on the fly since my laptop is right there anyways. This also makes it possible for me to archive all my set lists should I need to see what tracks I played at wherever, maybe for future reference (I can pull up any track list at any time essentially). I can also make notes as to what works and what doesn't for future gigs. I realize no one here will probably use this, but I made my landing thread here anyways since I'm here more often than some of the places I'll probably release this. Features include:

  • Auto update checking thanks to the DracLabs Software Updater

  • Create new set lists or edit existing ones

  • Import set lists or directories to your current one to access all your mixes at once

  • Print track lists for a quick hard copy

  • Save tracklists somewhere besides the default directory

In the future I want to add search across all set lists, and will probably allow export to an MDB file (I can use that feature to categorize my vinyl collection which is so huge it's ridiculously hard to keep track of all of them). This may or may not end up tagging mp3s too (my mixes are hand cut using Sound Forge and goes right to CD, and full mixes are single mp3 files to avoid gaps between tracks) but if I do expand this to categorize my vinyl I might need this someday. It's a small project though... Not sure if I'll hit these marks or not.

As is the case with most of my projects, the track lists are XML-based. All the tools to create one are built in, but if you'd rather make your own, here's an example of one:

<mix name="A Sample Of Tracks">
<track number="1">
<name>I Love Your Stuff</name>
<artist>Honey Paw Project</artist>
<album>In These Times Of Rain</album>
<label>Happy Box Records</label>
<notes>Yeah, I made this shit up!</notes>
<track number="2">
<name>Boom Boom Room</name>
<artist>The Fahkerz</artist>
<album>Before I Leave</album>
<label>Banged Out</label>
<notes>I dedicate this song to you!</notes>
<track number="3">
<name>Found You! (The Hide n Seek Sessions)</name>
<label>Red Lighter</label>
<track number="4">
<name>Jizzy Nizzy</name>
<artist>Banger Crew</artist>
<album>I Had Sperm EP (12)</album>
<label>Sloppy Hole Records</label>
<track number="5">
<name>Get Off (The Dick)</name>
<album>...And I Ate Sushi</album>
<label>Epic Shit Ltd.</label>
<notes>Fade Out</notes>
<track number="6">
<name>Promise Me (Youll Wipe Ya Ass)</name>
<artist>Your Mothers Lovers</artist>
<album>Remixes Sanch Doesnt Know About</album>
<label>Goat Ranch Records</label>
<notes>Best song evar!!1!!!eleventy!!</notes>
<track number="7">
<name>Please Dont Mind The Music</name>
<artist>The Wrapper</artist>
<album>Wrapped Up</album>
<label>Funk Ewe Records</label>
<notes>Skips at 35 sec</notes>

Any questions or comments? Feel free to ask 'em. I also like feature requests. :) Download it here: http://draclabs.hfc-essentials.com/mixlister/MixLister.rar'>draclabs.hfc-essentials.com :REQUIREMENTS:

  • Windows XP or greater
  • .NET Framework 2.0


  • Added auto updater
  • Added print option
  • Edit tracklist now jumps to track displaying
  • Set lists are now displayed in alphabetical order
  • Fixed bug where printing and set list was out of order
  • Code tweaks

  • Initial release

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Actually it was a three day project. In and out real quick. :)

There's a ton more I wanna learn, this stuff is pretty basic. First time using a printer object though! :)

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I always wanted to learn how to program. Seems way to complicated to me though. WAAAAY back in the day I learned BASIC via my Atari 800. Dad had a few books that I went though and just copied lines of code word for word of premade stuff just to get a feel. Then my own day came when I got an TI-85 graphic calculator and I spent my whole high school time programming TI-BASIC games. Very rudementary stuff, you can't have more than one thing happening at a time for animations and stuff, so the games really sucked. Then something came around that you uploaded to your calc to allow you to run Assembly language games. The benefit to that was the games were in binary and took up a LOT less space, plus you could have animations and other things all happening at once. I never did anything with it though because I got the zShell mod from somebody else who got it from somebody else, etc. Nobody had the PC->Calc wire required to transfer new games to it. So we all shared the same stuff. I spent some time reading up on Assembly because I was going to just rig my own custom cable, but I graduated before anything ever happend about it.

Since that time though, I did spend a little time learning a programming language similar to C# that was used to program MUD rooms. I joined a MUD that was in production and was given the oppertunity to be an admin and create my own 'area'. So I spent a lot of time building rooms that the player would experience, like InfoCom typing adventures. I had to make descriptions and details of actions, etc. It was all in a language similar to what C# looks like. You had to have .includes and what not. But aside from that, I really have no other experience. I always wanted to get back into it, and know there's lots of stuff out there. Trouble is, I don't have the patience to sit and read a book that explains it to you. I seem to learn more by disecting already made code and making my own tweaks. Thats how I learned basic HTML. Now theres PHP that I'd like to learn too, but it just looks so complicated. On the PC side of things, theres Visual Basic, C##, PASCAL, etc etc, way to much to get involved with.

Anywho, keep it up Adultery! Master it.

Edited by Draco1962
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