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why does killer instinct or street fighter III roms never show up no matter what


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no matter what i do, when i load a new kinst.chd or kinst.zip into my rom folder (the correct way) and my street fighter III roms (2nd impact etc) the name, video, banner etc pops up but when i click play game it returns back to the menu again. im using Ver. 147u2. it wont come up in the emulator as well. can anyone tell me what is going on???


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I'm gonna help a brotha out :) (I had this problem before when I was first setting up my cab)

Assuming that everything is setup in the setup wizard correctly, what's going on is the version of mame you are using doesn't support the rom files you have. It will show in GameEx that you have the game, and it will try to open it through Mame, but will error out and will return to the front end.

The best way to solve this - and it will take a little bit of "elbow grease", is to download one or two "alternative" (older/different) versions of mame. The one I use for Killer Instinct is 0.103 and I'm not too sure about Street Fighter III 2nd Impact, but with 3rd strike, v0.146 works well. After downloading and setting up the games through the other versions of mame, you will have to set the other versions of mame as emulators in GameEx setup wizard and then use the Mame Mapping Magician to "tell" GameEx which rom files to open with which version of mame. It should work well after that - Oh, and if the name of the rom file is a little different....e.g. (hypothetically) if kinst.zip doesn't work through the different version of mame, but kinstua.zip does, you will have to use the setup wizard to filter out the kinst.zip, and then add in (include) the kinstua.zip and then update the list in GameEx.

Lol, it really is an easy thing to do - just can take time depending on how many games ya want working that doesn't work in the "main" version of mame you wish to use.

To help your search a little for the different versions of mame, this link should take ya where ya need to go:


Hope this helps!!


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Check this out, in the Setup Wizard under MAME setting, you can add to Don't Filter These Roms. For Killer Instict, add kinst to the list. Same for Street Fighter III (depending on if you are using a non CHD rom or the CHD) just use the zip name for each rom and make sure to use a ; between each rom.

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Pretty much. There is something I learned pretty early about mame....just becuase they come out with a new version, does not always mean its a better version - a game that works well with an older version of mame is not guarenteed to work with the most recent version of mame. That's why sometimes, if you are building a cab that will have many games, more than one version of mame is a good idea - that way, if a rom does not work with one version, you can always get GameEx to point out that rom to work with another version via the Mame Mapping Magician.

This is what I would do (and this is how I have my cab set up). Depending on the amount of games you have, I would download and use the version of mame that will support as many roms that you have stored. I would use this version as the main mame version (have GameEx point to this under "mame settings"). Then find a second version of mame that will support any rom that the first one will not support. Set it up, test any roms that wasn't working in the other version, and then have GameEx to use that version of mame as an emulator (under emulator settings). Then, after using the Mame Mapping Magician, it should automatically work - unless a clone (e.g. for "killer instinct" - kinstua, kinsteu) is the only one that will work, then ya gotta use the filter (as celly stated above :) )


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It looks like your chd file is invalid (it’s either corrupt or it’s not a match to the corresponding rom and/or MAME version you're running). You’ll want to be sure that both the rom and the chd match up with the version of MAME you’re running (CHDs don’t get updated all that often, so 90% percent of the time you’re good to go even if the chd is not a strict match to your version of MAME. It looks like this time it’s the other 10% :()

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Are ya talking about Killer Instinct in the MAME menu? ....if so, as long as the rom file "kinst.zip" is playable through .103, then after ya use the Mame Mapping Magician, it should work in the regular mame menu. What Mame Mapping Magician does is "tells" GameEx open the rom using whichever version of mame you tell it to. In other words, if you set up "kinst" to use v.103 - When you go into your MAME menu and start up Killer Instinct, GameEx will use v.103 instead of v.146 to run the game.

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Holy Batman, this whole thread has blown my mind. I have mainly been content to just have some roms not work. I have the .144 version of MAME. I have pretty much everything working, thanks to a wonderful item called 'romcenter.' Which basically fixes your roms. www.romcenter.com.

However, I have tried multiple times to get KI2 and above, soul calibur 2 and above, MK4 among others to work without success. I also have not been able to get NFL Blitz to work without it basically looking like I am trying to play counterstrike via dialup in the 90's. As far as most go, I get the error that says sound and video are not 100% emulated for these games. They do not work and there is nothing you can do. I just took that as gold and stopped. You mean to tell me I can get NFL Blitz and MK4 working flawlessly somehow? I thought I was done with my cab!! haha. I ended up downloading the PS1 emulator to play those two.

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You mean to tell me I can get NFL Blitz and MK4 working flawlessly somehow? I thought I was done with my cab!! haha. I ended up downloading the PS1 emulator to play those two.

NFL Blitz is just one of those games that's notoriously difficult to emulate through MAME. I don't know that I've ever heard of someone getting it to emulate perfectly in MAME. The PS1 is probably a fairly solid alternative, although I believe the Dreamcast version has better graphics and sound (Not entirely sure, but I think the DC version is actually a bit closer to the arcade version).

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Lol one thing I learned about building my cab - the work and fun never really ends :). There is always something to add, etc to it.

As for KI2, I have it running flawlessly in (i think) v103 - I'm not 100% sure if that's the right version, but I'll let ya know in a few hours or so when I get home :).

The MK4, like the reason why NFL Blitz doesn't work correctly as nullPointer explained, is a game that hasn't been fully emulated through mame yet. I'm sure though that in due time, these games will be more than likely working 100% in future releases of mame. :)

It's good though to use a couple versions of mame if you have quite a number of games. One example is mwalk (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker)...in the main version of mame I have in my cab, mwalk looks grainy, discolored, and a little choppy. I have the mapping magician "telling" GameEx to open mwalk through the newer version of mame, where the game looks much, much better lol

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The MAME team has update the format for CHD's at least a couple times in the last few years. I don't recall what MAME versions the switches occured at, but I know that my 0.99 set would certainly fail if I tried to run it under the latest MAME. I don't know that there is any improvement in gameplay when going from one CHD format to another so I don't know if upgrading is worth it. For at least one of these upgrades, it was possible to use the CHD tool that comes with MAME to "fix" your files. I believe I just obtained a new set instead, but fixing may be easier depending on your connection.

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