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2nd path to art, icons, etc

Olivio Moura

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is it possible to add a 2nd path to mame art, icons, flyers, etc.. If not found at first path then search 2nd path

verify gives me this..

Verifying MAME Settings...

Cabinet Image Path: "C:\Assets\MAME\cabinet;C:\Assets\MAME\EXTRAs\cabinets" does not exist.

Cabinet Image Path (*.*): No files found in "C:\Assets\MAME\cabinet;C:\Assets\MAME\EXTRAs\cabinets".


ICON path: "C:\Assets\MAME\Icon;C:\Assets\MAME\EXTRAs\icons" does not exist.

ICON path (*.*): No files found in "C:\Assets\MAME\Icon;C:\Assets\MAME\EXTRAs\icons".

Can this be add to next version?


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Hi Olivio and welcome to the forums! :D

The trouble with this request is that it’s a very slippery slope. Assuming we added a second path, someone would almost certainly have a use case in which three paths were necessary. Hey, we’ve got three why not four? Etc.

Having said that, I'm a bit curious as to why this might be necessary? Seems like you either have all the artwork or you don't. Either way, I'm not sure what the advantage would be of storing the same type of artwork in multiple directories?

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Sorry for the double post, I figured I’d provide a bit of information regarding one possible workaround for this issue.

Hi all!

I was just wondering if it is possible to have multiple folders for the startup videos?

I tried to change my Gameex.ini like this:


But in this case, no startup movie was shown.

Thanks & Best regards,


Not at this time. Only a single file or directory is supported. Sorry. There are alternatives though. You can add all the video files to one folder. Or better yet, create symbolic links that will link to your current files but in one folder using the MKLink command from command prompt. That way will save on space and still give same effect. Can also make a request in the designated forum in hopes that it will be added to a future release.

Here’s a bit more information regarding symbolic links:

… I figured I'd clarify a bit regarding symbolic links. Basically they're like windows shortcuts on steroids. The symbolic link sort of funnels everything into the directory it points at. You can also think of it as a redirect.

You can treat a symbolic link as its own directory (i.e. it shows up separately in Windows Explorer), but it simply points at its target directory. You end up with two 'logical' directories, but only one 'physical' directory. In short you still have only one directory that contains both videos and snaps, but you have two directories that point at it:

E:\Emulation\Assets\System\Snaps >>>> Same physical directory with Snaps and Vids

E:\Emulation\Assets\System\Videos >>> Same physical directory with Snaps and Vids

This solution doesn't help keep everything organized by type, but it does save some overhead so that when the Emumovies Download service looks for its default directory names it will automatically download content into the correct GameEx friendly directory (via the symbolic link).

Wow, that was sort of a long winded response.

tl;dr: If you're into Windows geekery and don't mind using the command line, symbolic links provide a temporary workaround for a minor problem that may or may not go away in the near future.

Here’s a great introductory article on symbolic links.

Complete Guide to Symbolic Links (symlinks) on Windows or Linux

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Hi Olivio and welcome to the forums! :D

Having said that, I'm a bit curious as to why this might be necessary? Seems like you either have all the artwork or you don't. Either way, I'm not sure what the advantage would be of storing the same type of artwork in multiple directories?

Hi and thank you for the welcome :)

The advantage is that I have emumovies stuff and I have too

artwork: Mr. Do's Arcade

bkground: MameUI

ctrlr: Pierre Kutec's

cabinets, flyers, marquees, manuals, pcb, snap, titles: AntoPISA's progetto-SNAPS

icons: Mamu's Icons

samples: Twisty's MAME SAMPLES

cheat.zip: Pugsy's Cheats

command.dat: Procyon command.dat

hiscore.dat: Unofficial Hiscore.dat

history.dat: Arcade History

mameinfo.dat: MASH's MAMEINFO

and do not want to merge both.

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Ah yes I see. At this time the symbolic link method described above would probably be the best way to accomplish this, although admittedly, you'd definitely have your work cut out for you. Even then, GameEx will only display the first matching artwork it discovers, meaning that you won't really be able to enjoy 'alternate' copies of artwork within the system (i.e. if there are two matching marquees in the file system GameEx will only display one of them).

Having said all of that, I certainly wouldn't discourage you from making an enhancement request if you wish to do so.

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