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[APPLICATION] History Reader


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Not a big deal (not even enough to make a glamorous page for it), but I wrote an app for snagging History.dat info while I was practicing writing my own parser. It's simple to use and quick as hell, and it was fun to make (what's a couple hours on a Saturday anyhow?) So...

For the console app (historysearcher.exe):

Example CL: "History Reader.exe" -rom punchout -history "C:\History Reader\DATs\history.dat" -mameinfo "C:\History Reader\DATs\mameinfo.dat"




The name of the rom to get the info for.




The location of your History.dat file. (If you don't specify a path the app will look in the application's root folder).




The location of your MameInfo.dat file. (If you don't specify a path the app will look in the application's root folder).

You can just code your program to redirect the standard output if one was so inclined to do so. ;)

Otherwise this is probably useless to ya unless you wanted to look around at your MAME game history...

I also made a GUI for this little bugger and I thought it turned out kinda sexy! (History Searcher GUI.exe):


The GUI has a file browsing option and can save the output to a text file as well.

Not sure what else I can really say about it. Maybe someone might find it useful. I mean, ya just never know! :)

*UPDATED 9/22/12*

  • (Console) Updates to code as per Ben's suggestions
  • (GUI) Likewise. ;)

*UPDATED 9/16/12*

  • (Console) Added MAMEINFO.DAT parsing
  • (GUI) Added options for MAMEINFO.DAT
  • (GUI) Cosmetic updates

History Reader.rar

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Nice work Adultery. Just a few suggestions (you can take them or leave them).

- Don't use Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() because the current directory isn't necessarily the executable's folder. Use Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().Assembly.Location) instead.

- Rather than creating a folder by appending strings use Path.Combine. Eg. Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().Assembly.Location, "history.dat"). If you ever run your code using Mono the folder separator for Windows is different on Linux based machines.

- For the same reason use Environment.NewLine instead of "\r\n".

- Rather than use StreamReader consider the helper class File. Eg. File.ReadAllLines().

- Rather than using "goto" you can use "break" to break out of a loop or "continue" to continue a loop (VB.NET equivalents would be Exit For/Exit While/Exit Do and Continue)

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I do love suggestions! Its the only way to learn! In RE:

I actually use Application.StartupPath most times unless its for a process Working Directory, in which case I use Path.GetDirectoryName

Most of the time I do use Path.Combine, but not always. I will now though as you make a great point there.

I usually use vbcrlf for a new line. :)

I used StramReader.ReadLine since I thought it may be faster than parsing the whole file after loading it.

On that note I was using Exit While (Do While SR.Peek() <> -1) to break the loop. :)

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I took most of your suggestions Ben, thanks, :)

*UPDATED 9/22/12*

  • (Console) Updates to code as per Ben's suggestions
  • (GUI) Likewise. ;)

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I do love suggestions! Its the only way to learn! In RE:

I'm glad to hear that, It certainly helps to get into good habits :)

I actually use Application.StartupPath most times unless its for a process Working Directory, in which case I use Path.GetDirectoryName

Yes Application.StartupPath is definately the way to go for a Form based application. For dll's (GX plugins) and console apps the one I mentioned works well.

Most of the time I do use Path.Combine, but not always. I will now though as you make a great point there.

It's a good habit to get into.

I usually use vbcrlf for a new line. :)

That is defined as "\r\n" but on some systems it will be "\n" or "\r". Environment.NewLine maintains compatibily for these systems.

I used StramReader.ReadLine since I thought it may be faster than parsing the whole file after loading it.

It's quicker to read everything into memory and then processing the data. I just like how the File class makes it nice and easy. For creating a text file I use a List<string> textList then textList.Add() to it. You don't even need to add the newline characters. Then just call File.WriteAllLines(textList.ToArray()).

On that note I was using Exit While (Do While SR.Peek() <> -1) to break the loop. :)

That's interesting as .NET Reflector (which I used to peek at your code) converts it to a goto statement. But the Exit While is definately the preferred way despite what it compiles to.

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I think the reason for that is it's implied. I don't use any continue for or goto code at all, maybe the VB environment adds this for me?

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