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Using Gamebase CPC with GameEx


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Hi, I am trying to set up Gamebase CPC with GameEx, but I have a problem: I am unable to launch games (I have no problem whatsoever launching the game via Gamebase). Am I missing something ?

Also, is it possible to play a video snap the same way it plays for MAME games ?

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Do you have any other GameBases running in GameEX and are they working okay?

I also have some GameBases in GameEX, but not for CPC.

As for videos... this is not currently supported for GameBase, so I'm not sure if it would be possible as a feature in GameEx or not.

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Yes, I have tried Gamebase Amiga & it's working fine. Did you ever run into some troubles to run games in other Gamebases ? If so, how did you fix it ?

Having the ability to autoplay videos while in Gamebase mode would be a great addition. There are many videos available for Amiga & that would make the whole interface & bit more fun.


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I'll look into that. In the mean time, if you have questions on how I set up Gamebase CPC, let me know. I was planning on creating videos for each game & that would be awesome if I could get them to show in GameEX.

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I have Gamebase CPC v23... is that what you are using? (I see that there is also a AmstradMania gamebase)

Anyway, I tried it in GamEX and indeed it would not launch the games. The GameEx log showed this error:

Running: cmd.exe /c R: GBLAUNCHER.exe db="Amstrad CPC" id=1692 wait=1
Shutting down display
21 Consecutive Exceptions Occured
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Direct2D.Direct2d.Device.BeginScene(Boolean Clear, Color ClearColour)
at GameEx.GameEx.mainform.c(Boolean A_0)
at GameEx.GameEx.mainform.dw()
Trying reinitialising the display after sleeping for 4 seconds
Exception count will be dropped to 15

I noticed that the CPCE emulator was the default emulator in Gamebase, so I made WinAPE the first emulator under "Manage Emulators". GameEX now launches the game when I select it. (so this might be an issue with CPCE and the way it displays in fullscreen. Just a guess, I really don't know)

Another thing I've found within this Gamebase CPC is that some games do not work with WinApe, while they do work with CPCE and vice versa. In the GameBase program you can right-click the "Play Game" button to choose which emulator to use for that game. I don't know how this could be replicated within GameEX.

This Gamebase also has the emulators - Caprice32, JavaCPC and wincpc. I am not at all familiar with CPC so no idea which ones should be used.

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Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try.

I am indeed the one making GBCPC, which could explain my interest in getting it to run on GameEx :) If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

As for the emulator used, CPCE is by far the most flexible & compatible CPC emulator (the only downside is CPC+ emulation).

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Thanks for acting so quickly on this, it is much appreciated.

I have already purchased a lifetime license, so consider it a donation. I am glad to support your project :)

I just tried the new exe & it works wonders. This most definitely makes GBCPC a lot nicer.

As a sidenote, is it possible to play video snap with Gamebase under GameEx ? If not could I request such a feature ?

At any rate, thanks a lot & keep up the great work,


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Extract the attached to the gameex folder and it will play the YM music :)

Its not currently possible to play videos and I dont think there any video snaps available for gamebase systems. It has been requested before. If there were video snaps available with the correct naming formats I would add the feature.




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Thanks for the YM update, that was my next request :)

I'm planning to create videos for every CPC software & upload them to Emumovies. I would also like to use videos there for other systems (C64, Amiga,...) & link them to their respective Gamebases.

What do you mean by naming format ?

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You know, such as No-Intro, TOSEC, GoodName, etc. ;)

Edited by Adultery
: I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that pesky Tom and his damn dog! LOL!
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It does not necesarily need to follow any convention it just must match either the game image filename or name of the game. In addition GameEx needs to know where to look for the videos (the folder they are in). This could be stored in paths.ini even though not supported by Gamebase itself or in a hardcoded folder name if the value does not exist. If this could be done I would love to implement the feature.

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I was planning on using the same naming convention I use for GBCPC, so it's none of these.

I have modified the file paths.ini to add a section & gamebase does not erase it, so it could work. Would GameEx look into subfolders as I would keep all videos organised by letter.



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I was planning on using the same naming convention I use for GBCPC, so it's none of these.

I have modified the file paths.ini to add a section & gamebase does not erase it, so it could work. Would GameEx look into subfolders as I would keep all videos organised by letter.



Like I said, it does not matter as long as they match. Following standards can be a good thing though. No, GameEx won't look in subfolders.

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all right, I looked into the database, the most convenient would be to include the videos as extras & create a new column to mark them specifically. This way they can easily be spotted & used in both GBCPC & GameEx.

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