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I have several CD based systems setup in GameEx, but I can never get the GameEx virtualdrive to work. Instead I use either Damon Tools lite or Alcohol 120%, by using the before/after launch entires in the GameEx wizard.

These are the CD systems in question:

NEX PC-FX (MagicFX):

Launch Before - ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\AxCmd.exe" F: /M:"[RomPath]\[RomFile]""
Launch After - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\AxCmd.exe" F: /U

FM Towns Marty (UNZ) & Saturn (SSF)

Launch Before - ""C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount 0,"[rompath]\[romfile]""
Lauch After - "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount 0


What have you tried already? Any errors? Are the games simply not mounting? What were the command-lines you tried for these systems? Please give more info!


It was some time ago since I set these up, so I cannot remember the exact details for why I couldn't get them to work with virtualdrive. I'll try using the virtualdrive in the command line again and report back.


Sounds good. I'm usually around so we can always meet in the chat room for real-time support as well. Keep us posted.


Actually, after trying virtualdrive out with both UNZ and SSF emualtors, I found it's mainly a mounting issue with certain cd image formats. CUE/BINs usually mount, but ccd/cue/img/sub and cue/bin's that have multiple bins (redump format) do not mount. I check the log each time, and I can see that the single cue/bin images are mounting, but the others types do not. I guess this was already known?

Anyway, for UNZ, both [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] and [VIRTUALDRIVE]:\ work. For SSF, as all my images are redump format, I couldn't get any to mount.

With MagicFX I sometimes cannot get it to see the mounted images (this is outside of GameEx), so that one I'll have to investigate some more to find out why that is.

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