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So I have encountered a problem with the Remap Keys function in the Advanced Emulator Config.

My problem is this.

lets say I need to set the letter A as an S. A->S

Now I need to set the letter S as a D. S->D

The problem is that The Remap will make every D come out as an A. A->S->D

The letter S is lost forever in the void and I still need it for a particular game.

I'm really not sure if this a bug or I'm simply missing something. If this could be fixed I'd have no limit on what games I could put into the machine.


Why would you need to do this? You're remapping a remapped key (that's a first on me anyways).

There's probably better ways of doing it, I just need a little intel.


Ok so here are the specifics of what I'm trying to do. The game is Not Tetris 2. The controls cannot be changed in program.

It requires AWSD (directionals) GH (buttons 1 and 2) for player 1 and the arrows (directionals) and numpad 1 and 2 (button 1 and 2) for player 2.

Now my setup has the arrows (directionals) and JK (buttons 1 and 2) for player 1 and CZVX (directionals) and AS (buttons 1 and 2) for player 2.

As you can see A and S overlap as I described. So whenever player 1 pushes down (S) or left (A) it rotates player 2's pieces and does not move player 1's pieces down or left.

I can't change my master or I will have to reprogram everything else. (Too much work)

The Advanced Emulator Config only lets me program 1 controller to work for the game so that is not an option as I need 2 players.

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