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Hi, so i have noticed a lot of people here are having problems with VP so thought i would highlight this install video...


This is not my work but is very clear and should get anyone up and running with the latest scripts and vp version.

The only one thing that i do differntly is once the new vpinmame .dll (cabinet build) is put in the pinmame folder i then run the setup.exe again and press the install buttton to register the new DLL.

Hope this helps as this guy did a great job.

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Yeah I seen this, but the combination of this and other posts on this forum, truly helped me complete mine to run in Gameex. I am thankful for all the info and polite people on here and I will be purchasing the full version of Gameex when I get my next student loans/scholarships. :)

VPinball for me was the hardest for me to figure out, but I am glad I kept tinkering with it. Now of to future pinball. :)

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